First grow, bagseed, 400hps, growbox - PICS!!



my box stays nice and cool, with one bathroom extraction fan, the 400w is nice, doesnt put out toooo much heat. Have the ballast outiside the box.

Plants doing great, might do a pic update today sometime. bit busy lately lol


Well-Known Member
protastic! i miss you! how goes trippy? haven't seen the young lady in awhile.

dropping in to plug my new grow starting soon, using an aerogarden, check the link in my sig


protastic! i miss you! how goes trippy? haven't seen the young lady in awhile.

dropping in to plug my new grow starting soon, using an aerogarden, check the link in my sig
Shack! Trippy is good, as her new sets of leaves grow they look like spiders crawling out lol.

Missy is crazy bushy now...USed to be some leaves at the top with a few tiny ones underneath, now shes basically a solid bush of leaves...if i blow on one side of her the air barely makes it out the other side.

Im thinking about putting her further from the light, dunno yet though. so far all her leaves are finding light.

This friday new pics of everything, that way i can trim some of missys old leaves that were messed up, her new ones are fine so far...looks like she sorted herself out.



Heres a small update for you guys, showing how dense missy has gotten!

The rest are droopy as its watering day, so they will skip pics today lol.





Trippy was looking all yellow and curly...i havent gone near her with nutes.....jus realised today shes been due for nutes for a while now! so i gave her a one quarter recomended dosage today, and next feed too, then flush and water as normal.

missy and surprisingly a seedling with only 2 sets of leaves are stinkyif i touch them they release a strong smell, the seedling stronger than missy

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Yea man I was gonna say the leaves look a bit yellowish in the pics but I thought maybe it was the lighting. 1/4 stength should be fine. It's not really a seedling anymore. I forget, what kind of nutes are you using?


a locally made set called isn nutes, lol ill take pics tomorrow for ya :D


Well today i went out to the shed, missy has pistils..tiny white hairs coming out of her nodes..looks kind of like spider web. Ill take pics later when i take the pics of the nutes and additives i use.

So now missy is pretty much ready to go for flowering, im i veg her out for longer with the others in the cabinet...or switch out the smaller ones to the veg box that im not using, and start flowering her out?

Or maybe put a few into the veg box, and flower the rest out small..I mean the other plants wont even show sex for a few weeks...the harvest should be staggered. And by the time the harvest is finished I should be able to add more to the 12/12 box...or maybe even add them and stay perpetual now.

Anyways, im in no rush to finish at the moment, bought another oz the other day..that will last the missus and i a month, happy to buy another oz in a month too and wait 2 months for the plants to the moment im playing it by ear, although it seems missy has decided shes a girl, and she wants pubic hair so shes gonna grow it anyways lol..


We are moving house in 2 weeks, so a few interesting things will happen at that time...first i will be switching the whole room to 12/12 except one chosen mother.

I will be building a new full sized room in a cellar at the new house. Still only the 400w and the same amount of plants, but less cramped for me to get to.


Active Member
Great thread man, more pics of your trip; are you using your light for both veg and bloom? gonna start a 4000w hps grow with afgani kush seeds


4000w nice :P, (Im guessing you meant 400 :P)

Trippy is currently recovering from major N def, shes pushing out new growth so ill update pics once i move, that way everything will be green... Shes looking good now lol.

I noticed missy has roots pouring out the bottom of her pot again. I warned her not to outgrow that pot cuz she wasnt getting a bigger one...she didnt listen.

I also noticed the roots are trying to grow into a small i made a weak nute mix and sat her pot in it...see what she looks like tomorrow. Its only half a cm deep, so her upper roots have plenty of air. anyways see how they look tomorrow morning.


Well-Known Member
4000w nice :P, (Im guessing you meant 400 :P)

Trippy is currently recovering from major N def, shes pushing out new growth so ill update pics once i move, that way everything will be green... Shes looking good now lol.

I noticed missy has roots pouring out the bottom of her pot again. I warned her not to outgrow that pot cuz she wasnt getting a bigger one...she didnt listen.

I also noticed the roots are trying to grow into a small i made a weak nute mix and sat her pot in it...see what she looks like tomorrow. Its only half a cm deep, so her upper roots have plenty of air. anyways see how they look tomorrow morning.
PLEASE tell me Trippy remained insane and grows those three crazy leaves!


PLEASE tell me Trippy remained insane and grows those three crazy leaves!
Shack, trippy is still weird, but im unsure whats going on with her leaves haha..

i hink ss orted herself out back to 2 sets of leaves, but now she seems to be randomly growing leaves. I cant explain so ill take a pic once i finish moving house.

By the way guys, i have no internet access for a few days whil we move...we begin moving midday tomorrow so id say you will have an update by friday.

missy is getting stinky im gonna have to think baout that for the new house
That's exactly how I am I can't stop fucking looking at it especially now because at first white or grey shit gets on the new leaves kinda looks like a slugs slime and then they'll get yellow and dry idk what the fuck to do cuz I just got a new fluorescent light for it and I'm not sure if this shits gna die or not so I'm pretty much stressing off it if u guys think u know what would help please respond back I just want my own home grown herb.


well back and all moved.

The plants are all kicking ass now...I think the heater i had in there was stunting them or something, no heater here and when i find the camera lol...i said we have moved, not unpacked!


Well-Known Member
well back and all moved.

The plants are all kicking ass now...I think the heater i had in there was stunting them or something, no heater here and when i find the camera lol...i said we have moved, not unpacked!
i can you see now "alright, drop that box of dishes and help me get the plants situated" haha. be the first shit i'd check too. cant wait to see some pics, been a while my friend. my one lady finally went into flower in the waterfarm, should be a few weeks now to harvest. check it out homie!!

:peace: and :hump:

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Yea prot let's see dem plants. LOL, Shackleford I like your avy. I have a Prof Frink avy I use from time to time.



Thanks man,

I'm sure things will go fine here! Still...better safe than sorry right!

I get pissed off at myself..I cant stop looking at the plant and shit..I wish I could just leave it alone...I don't fiddle with anything, just like to look...I guess its the whole pride/new hobby thing...It will wear off an as long as I'm not touching its not hurting anyone...(I never open the box during lights out.)

I find that it is in fact very beneficial to spend any time when your not doing something else, with your plant. Even just sitting and gazing at them, if your the kind of person that have trouble talking to plants, is good for your mental health and even more so the for the plant overall. A good daily dose of loving thoughts and vibrations are just as effective as good music(i.e. Classical, Opera, Funk and I find old folk songs are also very effective, even more so if you can carry the tune too!