First Grow - Hydro/Organic/Stealth Hydro--> FEM "Snow White" & FEM "Venus"


Well-Known Member
closet the link in ur sig doesnt work im trying to get to ur grow to throw some advice ur way possibly if ur having problems...

chack out my grow buddy , almost the same as this guy cept im day 3 of flushing = D

Yeah I tried the link too and it's not redirecting properly.

Dude you really got me going on the foliar spray, that seems essential, yet they're doing well now.
Yours look great, I was just there.

I couldn't believe how murky my water was with all those organic nutrients. They're drinking it up. At least 1/2 gallon in the 3 gallon, possibly a gallon in the other 6's.

This is a question for everybody who does 'the bubbler' type system.
Do you generally follow the seed guidelines for harvesting ?

Or is it shorter due to the accelerated growth ?

Thank you for stopping by.


Well-Known Member
whats the seeds guidelines to harvesting ?

and yeah buddy u should do the foliar spray, and get additives for sure bud blood and big bud, and yeah theyl turn ya all murky colors man, watch ur air stones tho man! ul get root rot if they dont getair, and dont let those roots tangle

and to harvest, you need to know what you want ... and to buy a 60x magnifier scope and check the trichs ... if u want a head up energetic trippy high you want to harvest when there cloudy, if u want a narcotic stoned on the couch fucked sleepy high, let them over develope and get amber and theyl be bigger buds...


Well-Known Member
whats the seeds guidelines to harvesting ?

and yeah buddy u should do the foliar spray, and get additives for sure bud blood and big bud, and yeah theyl turn ya all murky colors man, watch ur air stones tho man! ul get root rot if they dont getair, and dont let those roots tangle

and to harvest, you need to know what you want ... and to buy a 60x magnifier scope and check the trichs ... if u want a head up energetic trippy high you want to harvest when there cloudy, if u want a narcotic stoned on the couch fucked sleepy high, let them over develope and get amber and theyl be bigger buds...
The VENUS Fem seeds say:

  • Plant type: Best suitable for indoor growing.
  • Plant height: Medium- Indica/Sativa mix
  • Stoned or high?: Sativa High- Cereberal Buzz
  • THC level: Medium 8-15%
  • Flowering Weeks: 8/10
  • Yield (Sea of Green on one m2) : 450-550
  • Harvest Month: 9/10
  • Grow difficulty: Experienced

And the SNOW WHITE Fem seeds say:

  • Plant type: Best suitable for indoor growing.
  • Plant height: Medium- Indica/Sativa mix
  • Stoned or high?: Stoned- Indica Body Buzz
  • THC level: Strong 15-20%
  • Flowering Weeks: 8/10
  • Yield (Sea of Green on one m2) : 350-450
  • Harvest Month: 9/10
  • Grow difficulty: Moderate

Still not exactly sure how to read the charts for hydro... or does it matter ?

I think I'm going to look into those foliar sprays you mentioned... and Diamond Nectar too.



Well-Known Member
so what do you need to know about the charts, do you have one online i could see or a pic of urs u couold break it down for ya buddy
ec= electrical conductivity
ppm = parts per million
you can read the amount of nutriants with either of these

and ph you need to watch hardcore... a good number to stick by is 5.8 alwase

the best way to make sure youdont over fert is to use 1/3 strength of the reccomended doses the manufacturer says, then next week go to 3/4 reccomended for 2 weeks, and york your up a point on the ec or ppm scale each week till about 1.8 1.9 ..... if you have a good ph at this point keep raising it if theyre not burning, and about 3 weeks before harvest lower it to 1500, 2nd week til , lower to 1300 ppm, and then water for up to like 2 weeks or until its done

but you can have too little of nutes too and get deficiancys...which is hard to tell the difference sometimes , but this is how i do it....

if its slow onsetting, starts on the older leaves and bigger ones on the tips and it will develope slowly its not enough and if its lighter green because lack of nutes they get light colored

if its fast onsetting ur like fuck fuck its burning to shit fast all over the plant and new growth, its too much , but the best way is to check the ppm, and if ur waters low in the buckets it can raise ur ppm and in flowering ur nutes can lower ph....

you cant go exactly by the chart cuz everyone splants , and methods, and grows are different.
Huh ? We were discussing the approximate harvest month and my inability to decipher the correct time from the chart.

I didn't need a lesson on PPM or pH. Thanks though.

It seems that I post a question and then you go over your basic 'how-to' each time. Again, I appreciate the attention but not needed.

Also, I do not check pH or PPM. I am changing the res out every 5-7 days. Now, about 5 because I'm using the old nutrients outside in the ground. So, although I have repeated this numerous times, I shall again.


No news, haven't really been able to check them when the lights are off, and I was busy yesterday with other tasks so I'll see if there are any changes. I do know that they've drank a LOT and have to go replenish this afternoon.



Well-Known Member
sorry dude , i smoke a bowl and rant up a storm lol, but i did the same eh , ph was great form the start so i never cheked it untiol day 35 of flowr and had bad nute lock

and props if ur not checking tds the plants look awsome, do you just tell if theres too much or too litttle by how the plants looking ?

your not chekcing ph cuz ur all organic right? it shouldnt raise or lower it in thaught...

good work :P im new to organic... i tried it turned all my equipment brown and stuck to the sides of the tank so i gave up but looks like ur doing really good buddy

sorry about all the random info bud 7 estimated days left!!!!!! woooooo


Well-Known Member
sorry dude , i smoke a bowl and rant up a storm lol, but i did the same eh , ph was great form the start so i never cheked it untiol day 35 of flowr and had bad nute lock

and props if ur not checking tds the plants look awsome, do you just tell if theres too much or too litttle by how the plants looking ?

your not chekcing ph cuz ur all organic right? it shouldnt raise or lower it in thaught...

good work :P im new to organic... i tried it turned all my equipment brown and stuck to the sides of the tank so i gave up but looks like ur doing really good buddy

sorry about all the random info bud 7 estimated days left!!!!!! woooooo

It's cool man...

I just switch the res out with new nutes... I just follow the directions on 'how much to add per gallon'... then keep a separate jug with fresh gallon of water with recommended nutes & top off.

The nutes don't stay in the tub long enough for them to cause a pH or PPM problem. In & out, nobody gets hurt.



Well-Known Member
my dro guy said to only change res once a week, and water as needed inbetween? he sais by topping up with ntues the plants could have a buildup cuz they only want certain things at certain times and could have more of one thing then the other , then ya top up and its way too much y'know iuno , thats how i do it. im going to go back and read more...

ok so i read back and ur doin it like me but more per container...

what do you mean there in and out no time to hurt lol arent they in there at least a few days at a time ?

and ive never seen a strain chart because every plant has many factors that effect its intake
ex. if the ph is too low you can add the whole bottle of nutes and it wont take them up cuz of nute lockout, if u got bigger lights its going to take more water and nutes cuz mroe vigerous growth

iuno but at the least i would get a ph test kit for flowering man.

ur like me irght.... plants in buckets with nute solution and air rocks lol


Well-Known Member
my dro guy said to only change res once a week, and water as needed inbetween? he sais by topping up with ntues the plants could have a buildup cuz they only want certain things at certain times and could have more of one thing then the other , then ya top up and its way too much y'know iuno , thats how i do it. im going to go back and read more...

ok so i read back and ur doin it like me but more per container...

what do you mean there in and out no time to hurt lol arent they in there at least a few days at a time ?

and ive never seen a strain chart because every plant has many factors that effect its intake
ex. if the ph is too low you can add the whole bottle of nutes and it wont take them up cuz of nute lockout, if u got bigger lights its going to take more water and nutes cuz mroe vigerous growth

iuno but at the least i would get a ph test kit for flowering man.

ur like me irght.... plants in buckets with nute solution and air rocks lol

I can see your 'dro guy saying that you should only change out the res once a week for practical purposes, but I have a fucking jungle out here with all kinds of plants and what not so I'm reusing the nutes.
If I were rich, I would change the nutes out everyday.

How else could you get a more 'accurate' solution...

As far as straight water goes... I only had to do the flush & straight water thing ONCE, and I left the straight H2O in there for about 48 hours. Ever since then they've been drinking like made.

Today I went in which is like DAY 3 of FLOWER... and out of a total of 15 gallons in the 3 reservoirs... I added exactly 3 gallons, so they are drinking a good amount. Luckily I have a 3 gallon jug that we bought during the last hurricane down here, so it was easy. I also put a hose in there so aside from everything getting crowded... it's getting fairly maintenance free. Now, if they STOPPED drinking, that's when I would first add some straight H2O and THEN see what happened and THEN flush out and do the DWC 8-step recovery program. Works like a charm, every time.

Like I said... the nutes aren't in there long enough to 'turn' or 'damage' the plants. Plus, when you use high-end organics, you can't go wrong.

I can see the plight of the 'closet' grower; and how I wished I had done it years ago... Oh how much more money I'd have just from not having to spend all that money. But back to the closet grower... It must be a pain in the ass moving the res here and there, spilling nutes everywhere... JEEEEZ... :wall:
I would go FUCKING NUTS.
My hat is off to them !!
Trudge on lads... trudge on...


So, back to the program.

The Overcrowding is getting out of hand.
I need to make some adjustments quick.
I used to have a run, but now he's as tall as the others and thickening out.
BUT, I have to think about light coverage as my 400w HPS may or may not be able to squeeze me out a couple of fat sista BUDS.
Don't have the coin right now to dump on it right now. I'll probably just end up going with a couple of 5 gallon buckets, but I don't know where they'll go.

More research...


Well-Known Member
oh maybe i worded it weird, or i read urs weird, but every friday i empty my buckets, add the nutes+additives, then adjust ph and check tds to see if its where i like

then put the plants in the buckets, when the solution gets low i just add ph'd water into the bucket to bring the level back up , so i reuse nutes all week too if that what u mean lol

yeah if space is bad now give it 3 -4 weeks :P


Well-Known Member
oh maybe i worded it weird, or i read urs weird, but every friday i empty my buckets, add the nutes+additives, then adjust ph and check tds to see if its where i like

then put the plants in the buckets, when the solution gets low i just add ph'd water into the bucket to bring the level back up , so i reuse nutes all week too if that what u mean lol

yeah if space is bad now give it 3 -4 weeks :P
Yeah, I'm afraid of the 3-4 week size...

They're all at about 2 feet. I put another 3 gallons in to make it a total of 15 gallons in 3 reservoirs.

Growing like champs and drinking enough I think.

I just started them on General Hydroponics DIAMOND-NECTAR.
Good stuff, so I hear. The dude at the hydro store doesn't use it but he said a lot of people swear by it. I have to say it was nice opening up a bottle of Organic nutrient/catalyst and not having it smell like an old gym bag... haha. I'm using it as a foliar spray. I sprayed them a couple of hours before lights out, and checked on them right before lights out and all was well.

So concludes... DAY 4 of the FLOWERING Phase...

Nothing else to report. PEACE. :weed:


Well-Known Member
yeah you do ti every 2 weeks , i do it half hour before lights on, and just drench em lol and put a fine mist on harvest day
so ive been told.. lol


Active Member
looks good too me, i check the PH once a week and adjust if needed and refill resevoir every three days with full bloom rightr now and everything is moving right along, but every strain is different, keep it up, hopefully i'll be able to find some of that some day... :)


Well-Known Member
I check my PH once to twice a day myself. And empty my Res about once a week. I'm on day 5 of flowering, so tomorrow I will change over to Flower and bloom Nutrients.
I'll be sticking with Ionic.

Nasd90 any new pics?


Well-Known Member
I check my PH once to twice a day myself. And empty my Res about once a week. I'm on day 5 of flowering, so tomorrow I will change over to Flower and bloom Nutrients.
I'll be sticking with Ionic.

Nasd90 any new pics?

Not at the moment... I had to do a little rearranging of the grow area. I am going to switch out the nutes tomorrow, got too busy today and I'll grab some pics.

The strains are still drinking pretty heavily, so hopefully all is well.

Thank you for stopping by!!


Well-Known Member
I'm just back from the hydro shop with Ionic boost and bloom. Just changed my Res from the grow to 4 parts Bloom 1 part boost. EC is at 1.1 for today.

I'm look forward to your next update.

Roll on 8 weeks from now. I'm sick of smoking shite!!! ;-)


Well-Known Member
I'm just back from the hydro shop with Ionic boost and bloom. Just changed my Res from the grow to 4 parts Bloom 1 part boost. EC is at 1.1 for today.

I'm look forward to your next update.

Roll on 8 weeks from now. I'm sick of smoking shite!!! ;-)

Yo' Rocco...

Yes, smoking shite is the pits. Luckily I can get some decent stuff but I haven't been hitting it hard because it's so expensive. Decent, (not great) kryp (what they call it here) is about four hunge an OZ. So, I hit the one-hitter bat a few times a day, no more. I'm trying to not have to buy any till I grow and I have about 1/2 OZ at the moment. We'll see.

In any case, I will come say hello on your end. I like the fact that you're technical and staying on top of it. I'm right there with you but I don't check anything with any type of meters. But one day... haha. Do you have city/tap water ? What's its normal pH ??

So... back to the gggrrrrrrrooooowwwwww...

DAY 6 of FLOWERING (Total days, something like 6 weeks...)

I was going to go in there and change out the res but these SNOW WHITE & VENUS plants are really drinking. They really haven't slowed down... With a total of 15 gallons they are drinking 3 gallong strong every 2 days.

I had to trim some lower leaves and branches because it was just too freaking bushy and there was absolutely no light getting there... EVEN with a couple of OTT-LITE CFL's for good measure. I also had to put all of the 3 reservoirs on the FLOOR because I was running out of room and the light can penetrate a bit better now without it being on top of that AMP crate I had them on. (see earlier pics).

But, on day 7, tomorrow I will switch everything out and again check no pH/PPM or anything.

My tallest plant is a good 30 inches right now... the widest is ridiculous and completely encompasses, and then some, the 10gallon res.

The 4 in the 6-seat bubbler are all going strong, except for the RUNT, which was almost there... as tall as the others... BUT... The OTHERS GREW and the runt is suffering. Oh well...

I attached an overview shot... I couldn't take any I was too dirty.

I'm starting a thread in the GARDENING section of this site, which will have my 35-40 foot banana tree... Organic Big Max Pumpkins, Organic Beefsteak Tomatoes, and some organic Genovese Basil.

Thanks to everyone for stopping by and PLEASE FEEL FREE TO COMMENT. :-P




Active Member
Looking on track man. I'm looking forward to seeing that Snow White bud. I'm thinking I might try organics for my next run. I'm going to have to wait to see how these end up tasting first.

My city water is around 300-400 ppm and around 7.0 ph. I'm running R/O water that I add CalMag to. The R/O comes out around 20-30ppm at 5.3-5.4 ph. I like being able to start my nutes from a "clean slate".

Hey, how do you count your days? Do you start your flowering count from the day you go 12/12, or once you see buddage?


Well-Known Member
Looking on track man. I'm looking forward to seeing that Snow White bud. I'm thinking I might try organics for my next run. I'm going to have to wait to see how these end up tasting first.

My city water is around 300-400 ppm and around 7.0 ph. I'm running R/O water that I add CalMag to. The R/O comes out around 20-30ppm at 5.3-5.4 ph. I like being able to start my nutes from a "clean slate".

Hey, how do you count your days? Do you start your flowering count from the day you go 12/12, or once you see buddage?

We must have hit reply at the same time because I hit mine and then saw yours there... Oh well, thank you for stopping by.

Yeah, I can't wait for the buds... I start my count the day I start 12/12. Most of the time, I check my own journal to figure out what day I'm on. Too many things on my plate, not a big enough stomach!

The plants are growing out of hand... I never thought I'd say too big, but... I need more ROOM... Or more LIGHT ... ah---haha.....:fire:


Active Member
Hey I was just checking out your grow because I'm growing Snow White as well. I was just gonna say it looks like you vegged the living shit out of those plants! But you knew that already lol. You should get some ridiculous yields for sure. I am planning on vegging mine out for maybe 3-3 1/2 weeks before flowering. Good job though, keep up the good work!