First Grow Log - Problems already


Well-Known Member
I think there is one like 15 miles from me, I'll go check it out. Will get mono N and P, already ordered the other nutes cause I needed new, good soil as soon as possible.
Alright don't forget to read the text on the bottles so u don't overfeed them


Here are two pictures from this morning. Have 2 CFL's switched to 43w 6500k and the other 2 are still 23w 5000k. In my opinion, she is looking much better than before, new growth coming in, greener, leaves are starting to get their plush texture back and the leaves aren't drooping as much. Some discoloring still, but I think it is starting to reverse itself. Have not gotten my new soil/nutes yet so hopefully that will help even more. Also the other day the lowest leaf had died off again, so it looks even more stretched.



I think I am growing some sort of fungus/mold in my soil.. hopefully it doesn't get too bad and it will be solved when I swap out for my ffof coming in mid next week.


One more day and my ffof should be here. Will be transplanting my girl into some nice, healthy soil, going to add 1/4 ff grow big into her first watering in almost a week, and watch her explode! She has been growing nicely it seems lately, just appears to be lacking nitrogen. Her top leaves are looking a healthy green, except the very tips of them have a brown 'burnt' look. Going to upload a new picture in a moment.



Watching her grow day to day is really exciting. I'm sure you experienced growers lose this feeling as you continue to grow, but I am just so proud right now haha.

Soil should be here sometime this afternoon, going to transplant her as soon as I can, and water her with 1/4 grow big. Hopefully this will solve the nitrogen problem.

Also, woke up to a stink bug flying out of her box lol


No one likes my thread :(

Minor update, couldn't transplant her today, but plan on swapping her into a 5g tomorrow night.


Ughh.. transplanted my girl into a new pot with ffof soil and I think I fucked her roots up. Hoping she is able to recuperate like she has this past week.


Moved my box out of my room and into my garage. Was getting a few stink bugs flying around the box and decided I'd nip that problem in the butt asap.

Should work out much better out there anyway. Have a fan on now helping circulate air far better, and also have 6 CFL's in the box now. 4 5000k 23w and 2 6500k 43w. Hoping my girl will start growing much faster now, although her growth the past week and a half has been quite impressive imo.


I think my girl is going to like her new spot better. Have nice little breeze going through her box now and looks like she is starting to spread out.


Thank you very much. I'll keep posting updates whenever I feel necessary. Will probably add 1-2 pictures a week.


Hoping the weather around me starts to warm up some. Little cool in my garage right now, don't have an actual thermometer to use, but its probably just under 70 in there and I'd like it to be closer to 75. Probably another week and it should be good to go.


I think my girl is loving her new location and soil. She has been growing very nicely, looking quite healthy imo.



Every four? I watered when I transplanted, which was about 5 days ago, didn't plan on watering until tomorrow morning either.


Had three new seedlings come up, one of which was around three years old lol. No pictures cause its rather uneventful but I plan on planting these three wildly and seeing how they do.


Here's two more pictures from yesterday morning. Feel like she is looking pretty healthy, new growth coming in everywhere. So exciting to see her grow day to day. Watered yesterday, plan on watering again saturday or sunday night, and will do another 1/4 nute feed. Gonna be switching her to flowering soon so I can harvest her before I leave for bct.



My plant is way too big for my box lol. Switching to 12/12 tonight or tomorrow. I am going to have to get creative and see what I can do about her size.