First Grow Soil - Big Bud Bubble GUM


Well-Known Member
Don't be afraid to clone the ladies that are in flower. Folks say it takes a while but I have roots in less than a week and veg growth starts up pretty quick. It's amazing what the MH will do to leaf production.


Active Member
I flipped the switch on April 1 so its just over 2 weeks into flower mode.
All the plants are sexed. I did pretty well . I had 12 un- sexed and only had 3 males out of 12 plants. Some of the Northern Lights that I thought I had seen males sex parts growing on , turned out female. The moral of the story is be patient.

My cloning procedure continues at 100% success rate. I have been restraining myself from doing anymore, to maintain the plant limit for my State.

Here is my veg/clone chamber . IMAG0396.jpg

I cut a 2 liter coke bottle in half . cut a clone and slide it in the rapid rooters inside the clear coke bottle and put under the lights.
You will have roots in 7 to 10 days.

A picture of the flower room I put up a screen , and will be trying to maximize the harvest.
I have one Northern Lights #1 that just wants to grow. It hits growth spurts and shoots up a couple inches over night. This little girl has been Fim-ed and has 4 cola sprouts. IMAG0393.jpgIMAG0392.jpg

It is way ahead of the others. So I took and ZST ( Zero - Stressed Training its a new term) the clone. Even the clone wants to grow. ( and I have been trying to keeps clones slow because I have over did it. ) . You turn a plant on its side and the main shoot turns and grow straight up . I will up right , and shoots will grow to the light , off the main stalk which I will cut as clones. I have a feeling that this plant with be a good producer so I will be getting the clones ready for round 2 .

Pic of ZST IMAG0397.jpg

A couple of pictures of some of my girls .P6241775.jpgIMAG0395.jpgIMAG0382.jpg

Hey what can i say I like girls


Active Member
Shagster i have a question...can u show me which the big bud strain is.....i have a pack from females seeds (x-line) White Widow X Big Bud.......i dont know a whole lot bout it but perhaps u might......looking awsome....everything is thriving.....well done sir....