First indoor grow

Okay good to know, I won’t be buying it lol. Thank you!
Dont buy that light it’s a ripoff.
85W. Not 1000w. It’s criminal they can advertise it that way.
Honestly you’re better off with LED bulbs from Home Depot than this junk.
It all depends on your budget and your goals.
But no matter what they are I would not buy this light.
Great start, but this soil still looks too wet, even 4 days later. Maybe it's a trick of the camera, but seedling overwatering is a super common problem. Seems like your soil is fairly dense, so definitely be cautious in watering. Do those solo's have lots of holes in the bottom?
Great start, but this soil still looks too wet, even 4 days later. Maybe it's a trick of the camera, but seedling overwatering is a super common problem. Seems like your soil is fairly dense, so definitely be cautious in watering. Do those solo's have lots of holes in the bottom?
Yes they do have lots of holes in the bottom, I’ll definitely be cautious. Thank you!
do not heat up a nail...and melt the plastic....ur going to burn black smoke into ur soil and roots and contaminate your organic soil lol.....dollar tree get a spray bottle for a $1 mist like 3 sprays.....2 week draw a ring around the seedling....and pour water so roots can find the water....u can go to homedepo and get a nursey 1 gallon pot for $1 instead of the solo...transplants on week 3(day 15) to a 5 gallon smart pot or bigger(fabric not plastic) while ur their get vigoro perlite $15-20 big bag will last u a while and wash it with water throughly and add to the 5 gallon pot and mix with the soil...get a decent grow light that was my biggest mistake when i started like the people above said they false advetise the wattage u have to read the descritpion where it says actual draw wattage.....if u get 100 watts thats not enough for flower....invest at least on a 200true watt $200bucks.....basically u have to invest at least $250....if u want fire...u will get at least 2-4oz with this method for soil.. per plant...$250 investment for like $800 dollars worth of quality bud in 4 months...iam in cali and i pay 200 an oz...street not dispensary... so u have an idea...u might get a higher yield depending on the seed/gentics u a week after transplant....when u have 4-6 nodes.....a week after that lollipop....and trim....and dont lolipop again until flower...2-3week in flower.....theirs your basics for a successful soil grow.....dont forget nutes for flower...goodluck happy growing....
its the truth lol....alot of people get into growing thinking their going to get pounds lmao just giving the basic needs before they waste 3-4months of their life like i did being false advetised lmao for soil thou lol wasnt a complete waste cause i know what not to do lol
i was just trying to help out lmao....should i have kept it simple or what.....2 week seedling 2 month veg 1-2week transition.....8-10week flower? 7-14day dry....?lol i dont really cure for that long lol. 2 weeks max and i always have flavor doing this....i just been lacking yield but i always get fire. 100-200 watt per plant? thats just what i a soil grower.