First indoor grow

i really dont care if people talk shit about my teaching skills or grammer....i dont need any of those skills i like being the hard worker i dont like being the boss or manager that shit is wak the dude above me saying being professional is literally for bosses already i bet if i was a millionaire and i talk the way i do and write people will still work with me cause i got money(hard workers like me is the reason why bosses and mangers get to sit on their ass while at work if the workers fail their is no buisness) guys can still understand what iam saying and just bitching the way i want me to get a teaching degree now so u can read it right and understand what iam saying? i perfer to make an anthill instead of burying it....btw u need strech cause most bugs come from the soil...and they jump to other plants with the leaves (thrips,gnats) i seen it with my own eyes already but watever handle and grow how ever u want and the end of the day its your own preference...u can have ur fantasy ass words and grammer....but ur advice is garbage if u have no hands on experience with soil...( being sarcastic btw) your slowing down the growth when u bury to have the top side stem for roots to grow out while ur getting a root structure in the bottom already but handle and do u...and ill do me cause iam happy the way i grow and read n write
If you can't afford your medications Astra Zeneca can help.
Definitely no more water lol, and okay thank you for the advice. Once I get off work and get my supplies I need I think they will be happier haha
dont forget to add drainage/aeration to your soil when you transplant...get some air to those roots whatever is happening in your soil u will see the results in your plant....other guy is correct if u have 200 true watts....odds are your light is to far away since their streching for light....grow lights are nowhere near like the sun they dont have to be that far, u go by how powerful each light is and distant from their and how much your strain can handle....u just have a shitload of research to do i grew organic based for a while before i barley switch to true organics (no till living soil).....sorry for giving u more of a informative and more sentences lmao even thou i give garbage advice lmao
What do you mean by that?
if u have a 600 true watt light....u keep distant from it so it wont burn the shit out of your plants and u have a higher ppfd square footage as in a 100-200watt light u can literally have it close as fuck during mid flower without a burn and its almost the same as having a 600true watt light if u distant it right from the plant....and distant it later on in late flower so u wont have white pistils keep poping up.....thats why i been saying 100-200watt per plant...unless your planing to grow monster plants u need the 600 watt to cover the entire canopy....i dont know if u understand what iam saying
if u have a 600 true watt light....u keep distant from it so it wont burn the shit out of your plants and u have a higher ppfd square footage as in a 100-200watt light u can literally have it close as fuck during mid flower without a burn and its almost the same as having a 600true watt light if u distant it right from the plant....and distant it later on in late flower so u wont have white pistils keep poping up.....thats why i been saying 100-200watt per plant...unless your planing to grow monster plants u need the 600 watt to cover the entire canopy....i dont know if u understand what iam saying
The strains part
@Wild_peachyy , For light download Photone to your phone and follow the directions. You'll probably have to buy a light profile to match your lights (they're like $5.99 per profile), then you can meter you lights at will.

Young seedlings are good for roughly 100-300umol (ramping up across the week).
For Vegetative stage, try 400-600umol
and for flower you're looking at 700-1000+

While you're at it, check out the Photone website's calculator. It will help you figure out where you should be in terms of DLI (Daily Light Integral) so you're not providing too little or too much across a given day.

@Wild_peachyy , For light download Photone to your phone and follow the directions. You'll probably have to buy a light profile to match your lights (they're like $5.99 per profile), then you can meter you lights at will.

Young seedlings are good for roughly 100-300umol (ramping up across the week).
For Vegetative stage, try 400-600umol
and for flower you're looking at 700-1000+

While you're at it, check out the Photone website's calculator. It will help you figure out where you should be in terms of DLI (Daily Light Integral) so you're not providing too little or too much across a given day.

I'd recommend caution when using light meter apps. I've used the one you linked and it performs very well, but the sensors on some cell phones have a hard ceiling to how high they will measure. my last phone topped out at something like 38,000 lumens and that is not terribly uncommon if you have a mid tier or lower cell phone. luckily I realized the problem pretty quickly. Just something to keep in mind when recommending that method to people.
The strains part
lmao why u have me teaching u werent u complaining and talking shit now u asking me for my opinion and advice lmao..... but here different strains take different amount of light...thats why its recommended to grow 1 strain instead of mulitple as in for feed will be different as well......u can adjust if u have small lights but if u have a 600 true watt u cant divide the wattage for different plants...they will all get equal amount of light on the canopy.....get it now?
unless u get crates or someshit lol...but thats not adjustable like light hangers ive used boxes before and other shit its just harder to adjust trying to tetris that shit
just learn how to read your plants and know it wants and needs......i have left over organic based nutes (has salts).....if u want it for free its like 60-70 bucks worth of nutes with ph up and down....i have hangers, scrog and microscope, ph/moisture meter...u can have it for free i dont need that shit ill just use a dummy address and ill mail it to a random friend u have that isnt doing anything illegal at their pad lol...i just dont use it anymore and i dont wanna toss it and i dont know growers in person i even have a extra small tent if u wanna veg lmao. but i think thats gonna cost me to much to mail but i dont care about all the other small shit probably 15bucks in shipping....let me know if u want it completly free just want someone to have it whos actually gonna use it lol...if anyone wants it...its up for grabs i should have a raffle for it cause i dont want it anymore lol
just learn how to read your plants and know it wants and needs......i have left over organic based nutes (has salts).....if u want it for free its like 60-70 bucks worth of nutes with ph up and down....i have hangers, scrog and microscope, ph/moisture meter...u can have it for free i dont need that shit ill just use a dummy address and ill mail it to a random friend u have that isnt doing anything illegal at their pad lol...i just dont use it anymore and i dont wanna toss it and i dont know growers in person i even have a extra small tent if u wanna veg lmao. but i think thats gonna cost me to much to mail but i dont care about all the other small shit probably 15bucks in shipping....let me know if u want it completly free just want someone to have it whos actually gonna use it lol...if anyone wants it...its up for grabs i should have a raffle for it cause i dont want it anymore lol

Will you space shit out, or just stop?

Seriously i dont think anyone is reading it anymore.
Will you space shit out, or just stop?

Seriously i dont think anyone is reading it anymore.
Reading what....I don't see what you're talking about....Is there something I'm supposed to be seeing.....if you're looking for information on growing fire weed lmk....I can break it down day by day and dollar by dollar.....let me charge.....I just don't know any humans in real life to give my secret recipe....
nah lmao...u dont have to be here nor reply...this message aint directed to u its for the first time grower...u want everything in baby steps like a child or what...

1. step one dont be a dick to people who help u

2. can u read this now u child

3. is this easier for u to read u child

4. get an education farther than kidergarden than needing everything step by step lmao with spaces and returns...

5. iam offering free shit to the first time grower whos on a budget what are u doing besides being a dick.

6. iam out of here now ill stop because children like this dude dont want people to learn and want things in 1 or 2 sentences lmao.

7. i can write like u guys but i choose to write like this i aint gonna change who iam for ur convenience

Reading what....I don't see what you're talking about....Is there something I'm supposed to be seeing.....if you're looking for information on growing fire weed lmk....I can break it down day by day and dollar by dollar.....let me charge.....I just don't know any humans in real life to give my secret recipe....
I'd recommend caution when using light meter apps. I've used the one you linked and it performs very well, but the sensors on some cell phones have a hard ceiling to how high they will measure. my last phone topped out at something like 38,000 lumens and that is not terribly uncommon if you have a mid tier or lower cell phone. luckily I realized the problem pretty quickly. Just something to keep in mind when recommending that method to people.

Photone does work better with some sensors. With the last few versions of the iPhone its reportedly as accurate as many stand-alone light meters. I think when you use one that has a brightness ceiling like that, it becomes pretty apparent though in use.