First indoor grow

YEA BRO I DONT CARE IT HAS SALTS IN IT IDC....what did u do with your old growing shit u didnt use anymore? i dont wanna toss it in the trash....sombody's trash is somone else treasure btw i know your listening to me i aint stupid dude i can sense that shit anywho iam done now u killing my buzz probably not even old enough to drink since ur in kinder still learning ur abc and baby steps

Those are some serious drugs your on man, maybe too much sauce in the gut. Idk

You literally just said you know how to spell and use punctuation correctly, but you choose not to because your not changing who you are? So then your saying your type of person who just makes up the rules of grammar? And because we prefer to use correct grammar and proper punctuation, WERE THE ASSHOLES. Wow.
I think you need to re read your own posts when you sober up. I’ll accept your apology in the morning
I never read one word of the asshole's posts.
Or any post that doesn't have capitals, punctuation, and paragraphs for that matter.
because u dont deal with assholes bro i been trolling for a while....u keep your sentence short and repeat the same shit like u have it saved already...u just leave....i have respect for the people on here who are stubborn as shit and dont give up on a fight like goodshit97, drog and unleasted expected....not like u bro...u just comment and bounce -____-.....u constantly show off ur coco plants with soil growers...when its a whole another medium and different style when u have years of experience dude and false advertising soil growers dude what is it u do heres 3 weeks for comparison ...only 2 years and i know better to show off my soil plants to coco when their on a different level how iam the asshole exactly cause i dont space shit out for your guys lmao plus if me being a asshole and being straight up and honest fuck it ill be an assholes instead of lieing and bullshiting people how u do with ur coco grows to soil grow what u got to say about that fake ass nigga
Photone does work better with some sensors. With the last few versions of the iPhone its reportedly as accurate as many stand-alone light meters. I think when you use one that has a brightness ceiling like that, it becomes pretty apparent though in use.
I does if you know what you should be looking for. Just throwing it out there so somebody doesn't end up with 2500 ppfd at the canopy because of an app. lol.
because u dont deal with assholes bro i been trolling for a while....u keep your sentence short and repeat the same shit like u have it saved already...u just leave....i have respect for the people on here who are stubborn as shit and dont give up on a fight like goodshit97, drog and unleasted expected....not like u bro...u just comment and bounce -____-.....u constantly show off ur coco plants with soil growers...when its a whole another medium and different style when u have years of experience dude and false advertising soil growers dude what is it u do heres 3 weeks for comparison ...only 2 years and i know better to show off my soil plants to coco when their on a different level how iam the asshole exactly cause i dont space shit out for your guys lmao plus if me being a asshole and being straight up and honest fuck it ill be an assholes instead of lieing and bullshiting people how u do with ur coco grows to soil grow what u got to say about that fake ass nigga
Wow. We're already down to throwing out the n-word. Gangsta.
Wow. We're already down to throwing out the n-word. Gangsta.
lmao bro u make me laugh ur funny dude i saw another thread u were in were someone thought weight was 4 pounds and u were like his elbow to hahahah ur hilarious bro its why i keep coming back plus iam stubborn as hell and wont give up on a fight lmao....not even being like a dick about it...iam enjoying this thread lmao (my 7th sense feels it)
i been laughing my ass off to the point where i cant stop lol...and i dont wanna wake up the neighbors so i stop reading lol i think it was yesturday i believe i was laughing for an hour straight tha fire from my taxin homies lmao hahahahah
lmao bro u make me laugh ur funny dude i saw another thread u were in were someone thought weight was 4 pounds and u were like his elbow to hahahah ur hilarious bro its why i keep coming back plus iam stubborn as hell and wont give up on a fight lmao....not even being like a dick about it...iam enjoying this thread lmao (my 7th sense feels it)
Could you please translate this to English?
yea bro....come on dud
I don't think ghetto boy knows English brother..........he's quite the literary genius.
yea an literaly genius whos going to become a millionaire somday with no english skill being a drop out and straight from the ghetto north side long beach my boy not in a fantasy rich area wa sup well not fantasy cause it exsist for people lol.....hey bro why are u answering why u false advertise soil grows thinking they will get the same results as coco....ur basically the same as people who sell grow light saying its 600 watts when its really 100? years of experience and ur bullshiting people i get that u take the time to help and everything but why lie and bullshit that somthing thats not true for soil? post ur soil for soil...and coco for coco....stop bullshiting with people and keep it real
yea bro....come on dud

yea an literaly genius whos going to become a millionaire somday with no english skill being a drop out and straight from the ghetto north side long beach my boy not in a fantasy rich area wa sup well not fantasy cause it exsist for people lol.....hey bro why are u answering why u false advertise soil grows thinking they will get the same results as coco....ur basically the same as people who sell grow light saying its 600 watts when its really 100? years of experience and ur bullshiting people i get that u take the time to help and everything but why lie and bullshit that somthing thats not true for soil? post ur soil for soil...and coco for coco....stop bullshiting with people and keep it real
Lay off the crack. Mick grows in coco. What's your plan for becoming a millionaire?
lmao so
Thanks man, but not necessary.
I don't to explain or justify myself to ghetto assholes.
lmao cause u know ur in the wrong bro for teaching soil growers and comparing when u grow in coco....ur almost like these marketing corporate fucks bro....and ur mad i called u out on ur shit...u dont have to explain to me bro i dont care...u never helped me out like that on growing ....u have explaining to do to the people u hustled and false advertisted from ur coco to soil growers...u do realize most people are poor and ghetto and trying to learn how to grow right to save some cash....with a budget....a rich person will buy badass equipment on the spot-_____-.......not alot of people who were raised in the ghetto becomes these fantasy genius people ur trying to teach with language and shit ....stop being selective on the people u help and help everyone who needs it cause the majority of us in the world are poor and ghetto ....the ones who are home growing at least....its why people do extera....and iam to ghetto for u hahahahah u just cant except the truth bro....u hustle people and false advertise
I does if you know what you should be looking for. Just throwing it out there so somebody doesn't end up with 2500 ppfd at the canopy because of an app. lol.

True, I admit that I'm assuming (wildly) that @Wild_peachyy is just starting off and given the initial stretch isn't working with true 1000W+ lights or whatever. The key being that if you meter and your numbers are pinned and won't go any've reached the sensitivity ceiling of your phone's sensor.

Either way, at this case, if you're using Photone and taking PPFD readings, it should be easy enough to find 100-300umol give or take.
lmao bro u make me laugh ur funny dude i saw another thread u were in were someone thought weight was 4 pounds and u were like his elbow to hahahah ur hilarious bro its why i keep coming back plus iam stubborn as hell and wont give up on a fight lmao....not even being like a dick about it...iam enjoying this thread lmao (my 7th sense feels it)

Let's not credit @twentyeight.threefive with my smooth buttoned-down mediocre comedy stylings.