first time ever / experimenting


Active Member
hey guys i am new to the site an i am new to growing
for my first grow i have been experimenting with low voltage lights
and very odd kind of growing set up please come post ur advice and
comments will post pics in about 10 mins along with setup


Active Member
ok my set up is just a plastic propagro from a local store which is pretty much a plastic like incubation box i have 2 small 60 watt side table lamps pictures of both below and there is a picture of my plants at 5 days old sorry condom wrapper was all i had to compare to


Active Member
they are just little desk lamps they are 60 watts each there like little helgon bulbs but only bout 3 cm long bulb


Well-Known Member
ok heres what u do go to a hardware store the home depot buy some Florescent tubes for now because helgon lights suck they will burn your babies put the florescent tubes 2 inches from the top of the babies and watch em grow bro


Active Member
ok cool thank you !
couple of quick questions when will they start to bush out and not look so weak and flimsy like how many days roughly
and when should they be moved from there 3x3cm punnet planter things to bigger pots?


Active Member
if i put my lights on my plants for 24hours 7 days a week will my plants just get really big ? i dont really have a due date of when i need them to bud ..
as u can proble tell i am very very new to this i have never grown before and i hardly smoke it .. i got the seeds in from the last 50bag my cousin got


Well-Known Member
Theres no problem with 24hr, they should grow a little faster, just go buy a hand full of cool spectrum CFL's from home depot, buy the little sockets that hold 2 bulbs and the other end just plugs into an extension cord, there should be plenty of examples on here, i like my T5s and HPS, but for a tight budget that will get you started.


Active Member
oh and for co2 i have just bout some sparkling water ... and i get girlfriend to sing to them but i not sure if her singing is helping them or make them die lol i bought earplugs any way


Well-Known Member
Cheap and easy Co2

Use 5 or 6 cups of sugar in a 1 gallon container,
make sure the container has a fitted lid.
Add half a gallon of water to the sugar along with a couple of tablespoons of active yeast.
Poke a small, pencil-like hole in the lid and place it on top of the container.

As often as possible shake the container to blend the mixture thoroughly.
In one or two days the yeast will grow and co2 will be a by-product in the container.
Now, every time you shake it a burst of co2 will be released into the grow room.
Also it will continue to be released through the hole in the lid while you are away.
You'll have to change the mixture once every 2-3 weeks

Soil, peat free, perlite and gravel

50% soil 35% perlite 15% gravel

Soil and soilless mixes should aim for pH of 6.
Hydro growers should go slightly lower which
helps prevent pythium and other root rots--
5.5 to 5.7 is ideal


Active Member
i need to know how to make them bush out cos they just keep growing upwards and they look really stalky