First time ever grow!! Need help!


Hey guys, I'm new to growing and what not.. I started growing about 2 weeks ago. I'm using a 4ft long 2 bulb fluorescent shop light, the bulbs are each 40w and are cool white. I have 2 other bulbs which are for plants/aquariums and also 40w, which I will use when I begin flowering them. Other things to know is that they are being grown in my closet and the light is about 2 inches away from the plants.

I just have a few questions, which I was hoping the knowledgeable community here would be able to answer.

1. Should I use the plant/aquarium bulbs to grow the whole time, or stick to my plan?

2. I have 4 plants growing under it, they are all 2-4 inches tall now, the first set of fan leaves that came after the very first set of leaves are now turning yellow and starting to turn brown on most of them, is this bad or is it normal?

3. What nutes should i use when i start flowering them, I was told to wait until after veg stage is over to give them nutes?

Thank you!
Those lights will be good to veg, but you need a lot more light to flower.

What soil or medium did you use? You could have used a medium that has a dose of fert in it already and not thought about it. That would account for the dead first leaves.

You will want to get them used to nutes before they go in to flower. If your plants are strong they will need it.


yea, I'm using miracle grow moisture control, they already have fert in it. Can't I still flower with these lights? I was told I was.
You can do whatever you want. You just won't get shit for bud with those lights. Try to flush the fert out of the miracle grow soil. These plants will likley suck there whole lives so grow them out till you can take a clone or two. Look at someones cloning thread to learn that. Then start with pro mix that has no ferts or just a light feeding. Ask the guy at your hydro shop about that. Most big square bails of promix are ok. Then when those clones show 4 sets of leaves, give them a 1/4 dose of veg fert. Then slowly raise it up week by week. There are so many ferts that work well. Just pick one. Don't go full strength right away. And don't fert the week you transplant.


Well-Known Member
doesn't sound like a good light set up for flowering. personally though i love mg moisture control soil i've had great plants from using it. you could maybe add some soft white cfl's bulbs for better flowering. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Your floros will be ok as long as you are willing to deal with a small yield and beware overwatering as the floros don't make your plant suck moisture as much..... You have to learn the game somewhere..........