First Time Grow: 2 white widow autos outdoor



First time growing - my gf smokes for medical reasons so we want to grow clean weed for personal consumption.

We will be growing two white widow autos bought from crop king seeds outside on our patio which receives direct sunlight from 2pm-8pm. We are hoping with enough care and attention we can get a couple of buds out of this!

Follow along on our adventure - feedback is always welcomed and appreciated!


We soaked the seeds for 15 hours in spring water and then left them to germinate in moist paper towel in a dark room for about 36 hours.

The taproot can be seen in the photo. We then soaked two peat/coco pucks in 1/4 strength water and food (pictured) and inserted the germinated seeds root down into the pucks, covered with 2mm of soil and planted the pucks in a small amount of soil in bottle bottoms. They are now in a dome to keep the moisture level up and we have them a mist of spring water.

Hoping we will see some sprouts in the next couple of days!!25CA2DAE-A03D-4ED2-AE68-F8A86072EA69.jpeg68FBC3F0-EA82-444C-9575-25212405AAE5.jpeg55AEF2E7-2C5B-4548-B2F3-114B852B66D8.jpegA5A45939-8D5C-4832-8E75-221E46FBEA53.jpegDE3A7339-C6DC-42AF-AFDB-F1C3CEC2617B.jpeg


I have a white widow auto that i just put into a root riot cube along with a Skywalker x Fruity Pebbles auto... Im starting them directly outside... Happy growing!!! Ill be watching!!!
Awesome! Thanks a ton!! I took your advice and put the light on a timer. One popped over night last night so I opened the vents. Humidity is hanging out in the mid 70’s now and temp around 27. I am hoping the other one joins soon! Let me know how your white widow goes; I have no idea what to expect with only 6 hours of direct sun.


Frank Nitty

Well-Known Member
A word of advice: If u take it outside don't bring it back inside if u r growing indoors as well cause u will bring every pest from outside inside and u will have hell on your hands getting it pest free again...


New Member
A word of advice: If u take it outside don't bring it back inside if u r growing indoors as well cause u will bring every pest from outside inside and u will have hell on your hands getting it pest free again...
Yes, iv'e been guilty of taking the plant in and out, because i have NO grow equipment, no nutrients, nothing to grow with, except what i do have. I am broke, spent thousands from buying brown shit from the streets, i have nothing, been ripped off, so i had 2 seeds, that i decided to grow. I do what i can with, things like eggshell tea (for calcium) magnesium from Epson salts, and a little bit, very tiny bit of miracle grow (tomato plant food) because it shows (some) of the things the plant needs, that i don't have.

Frank Nitty

Well-Known Member
Yes, iv'e been guilty of taking the plant in and out, because i have NO grow equipment, no nutrients, nothing to grow with, except what i do have. I am broke, spent thousands from buying brown shit from the streets, i have nothing, been ripped off, so i had 2 seeds, that i decided to grow. I do what i can with, things like eggshell tea (for calcium) magnesium from Epson salts, and a little bit, very tiny bit of miracle grow (tomato plant food) because it shows (some) of the things the plant needs, that i don't have.
Gotta do what u gotta do to make it... I ain't mad at you!!!


7 days from dropping the seeds in a cup of water and here is how they are looking. I’m a little sad one grew straight up so fast without growing much foliage and is almost too tall for the dome! I thought I’d get a couple weeks out of the dome before going outside.



Active Member
You want to put autos in there final container first by the way. They don’t do well with potting up


You want to put autos in there final container first by the way. They don’t do well with potting up
I unfortunately have to chance it with this grow. I am planning an indoor grow in the winter but just did this as a last minute thing so I could see how plants grow before putting in a ton of time. I had to start them inside and no room under the little lights for a big pot :(

Here is how they look as of today....11 days in. I will repot on the weekend. I planted them in clear containers so I could watch the roots.D20DC8FC-7D42-4C89-8D41-FF263BA94268.jpeg


Update: moved them outside 12 days ago. Have been giving them nutes every second watering and watering them about every second day when they dry out. There’s been a TON of wind lately so they have had a bit of a rough time. They are only getting about 5.5 hours of direct sunlight per day but this will improve as they get taller. They are a few days shy of 4 weeks. F2083847-B4C2-479E-A800-D1B65616FB62.jpeg C9EAB784-5AC0-4E70-A5FC-9FE93D8470D5.jpeg
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