first time grower


New Member
okay first time my plants have survived this long and gotten this tall, not sure what sex they are need help please


Well-Known Member
Hmmm by the looks of them??? Lol yes a pic would help. But if they havent started to flower then it may be hard to tell. Have you turned them to 12 or are they auto's?


Well-Known Member
Post some pics of the inter-nodes, between the fan leafs and main stalk, then we can help you out


Well-Known Member
No offense man, but that looks terrible, what the hell are you feeding it, if anything?


the best way to help these plants is pull them and start over.. even if they do live to finish and you have a female!! they look like they have been stressed and you may end up with hermie plants...what are you using for soil.....what are you using for water,,,,....

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
I hate to say this (and no offence intended) but we always thought bmeat had the worlds worst pot plant, but have now taken that a step forward

there is no sense flogging a dead horse...kill them and start over again with normal soil (no built in nutes)