first time journal


Well-Known Member
nice, i don't think i've seen that before. usually the in vitro fruit is behind the glass.

must have been a pleasant surprise. the first time i found in vitro shrooms, i ate them on the spot.


Well-Known Member
nice stash, sacrifice a colonized cake or two to spawn your grain jars.

i pressure cooked 26 jars, 16qt grain and 10pint PFTEK. it's been years since i did a PFTEK jar, i had BRF and vermiculite so i figured i should use it.


Well-Known Member
oh man, in your fruiting chamber, is that perlite floating in water? are your cakes floating?

drain all that water out, just damp perlite in the bottom. i put 2inches of perlite for 1in of water.


Well-Known Member
it will be done i had a few question about wbs i cant use my pressure cooker( too small) any advice besides buy a bigger one. can i steam them?


Active Member
looks great I just inoculated 12 jars with P.C. Malibar India strain we'r talking dinner plate size caps or so they say we will see. next experiment I will be trying is the straw laundry basket TEK I have heard reports of 10Lb first flushes this way. I will be putting a journal up on mine soon hopefully.


Well-Known Member
skip straw, it contaminates very easily and is difficult to handle.

go for horse manure...

when you get some Malibar India, post some pics. they won't be the size of a dinner plate nor will they look any different from every other cubensis.


Well-Known Member
omfg.........:mrgreen: ok so at 3:00 this morning I pulled the big one cut the cap and now have spores...ill wait till friday and shoot up my jars. 1/2 that cap its going to LIG he needs spores too...Im noteven going to remember friday night........ its going to be great

