First time Qwiso or BHO run, please help

Yes the second wash was a little greener than the first, I assume it would continue to decrease with more washes?

I may do 3rd washes tho when I'm ready for edibles , trying to get this oil thing down first lol

Baby steps lol
You ever get pics diggs?
That would def work. I’m about to make some and just heat purge really well today
how hot do you purge at and for how long? I use a outdoor electrical element to heat mine usually on medium for a minute or two until it just starts to bubble but not hiss seems too work, my ideal extraction would be a soxhlet extraction with ethanol it's always tickled my fancy but never got round to buying the setup pipe dreams Aye lol
how hot do you purge at and for how long? I use a outdoor electrical element to heat mine usually on medium for a minute or two until it just starts to bubble but not hiss seems too work, my ideal extraction would be a soxhlet extraction with ethanol it's always tickled my fancy but never got round to buying the setup pipe dreams Aye lol
I always start with a hot water purge. Pour some hot water into a Pyrex dish or something bigger than your container you extracted into. Place smaller pan in hot water until it stops bubbling, this is enough to keep the majority of the butane evaporating. After that I normally do I purge on a candle warmer temp was 210 when I checked it. Just whipped up over that heat until the consistency changes
[QUOTE=" then usually about half a quart each for the b and c washes.

Do evaporate these batches separately?[/QUOTE]

Yes as far as i know, each wash done separately , i think he uses his last wash for edibles , first runs for his oil/shatter/whatever else he got cooking up lol
Do evaporate these batches separately?

Yes as far as i know, each wash done separately , i think he uses his last wash for edibles , first runs for his oil/shatter/whatever else he got cooking up lol[/QUOTE]
gotchya. i find it a bit time consuming so sometimes i jus do 2 washes and mix them. i set my heat resistance glass container on top of my rice cooker filled with water and set to "cook". i leave it there to evap for almost 2 hours. im not very sure at up to wat temperature it gets tho. can someone give me some insight on how long to cook it, and also a homemade decarb method. or shoud i just decarb in my vaporizer??
I use the water bath method to cook as well, your time frame seems in range with mine.

Last run i did 2 washes and 2 cooks, was done everything in under 3 hours. longest part for me was coffee filter straining and the last stages of cooking off the final iso very slowly.

I cant help you with the decarbing as i havent ventured into edibles yet, i do remember reading or watching a youtube video tho, that claims if using heat to evap, your decarbing during the cook....i am not sure how accurate that is, but remember seeing it somewhere.
Diggs you nailed all those answers for me :) thanks.

As for the decarb, If you are heating to evap then it should be mostly decarbed I would think but I don't have test results to confirm that. I stopped using heat to evap years ago at this point. I greatly prefer the flavors I get with a room temp evap. I will usually heat my concentrates to dissolve them when I make edibles and then cook the edibles so it always ends up decarbe in the end.
Diggs you nailed all those answers for me :) thanks.

As for the decarb, If you are heating to evap then it should be mostly decarbed I would think but I don't have test results to confirm that. I stopped using heat to evap years ago at this point. I greatly prefer the flavors I get with a room temp evap. I will usually heat my concentrates to dissolve them when I make edibles and then cook the edibles so it always ends up decarbe in the end.

Ya ive memorized that tutorial lol

Always glad to help in anyway i can.
Just had a little more fun with some popcorn/leaf and sugar leaf

40 grams
2 washes
Sow heat evap

Yield 6.8 grams

This stuff is the best I've done yet, tastes great and smokes very smooth

I'm getting better lol

Ps: sorry about dirt on bottom of glass jar, it won't come off, makes it not look clear but it is


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