first tme grow with 250WCFL


Well-Known Member
Looking beautiful man. Thats a high quality harvest from CFLs!
thanks for all the comments, I just can't wait for this one to finish and start the next grow knowing what i do now :D

Speaking of what i know do peeps agree that the claw tip is prob due to over nutes?


Well-Known Member
well it's been another week (ok a week +1 day but it's been Christmas:)) so must be time for some more photos.

Things are starting to come together now, some of the pistils have started to change and buds seem to be forming nicely. After my over fert worries I pure H2o'd her for a feed and have been 1/2 strength since then everything looks ok to me:) Starting to think about when to start flushing (I'm thinking another 2 weeks or so before starting but what do you guys and gals think?) so in tonights feed I put a teaspoon of molasses (well unrefined sugar cane molases - Billington's was the nearest i could find), I'll keep it to that but will up it when I cut the ferts fully out.

So what do we all think?:weed::peace:
PS the first shot with lighter is of the main bud but i stupidly took it from above so you can't see bottom of the bud doh! It's about another lighter length below what you can see, the second photo with lighter is of one of the side buds.

PPS This is 40 daays from 12/12

PPPS I better score some bud soon or I'm afraid I is going to have to chop some popcorn!



Well-Known Member
maybe cut down on fert or stop the last week, to be honest i dont fully believe you need to flush.................


Well-Known Member
maybe cut down on fert or stop the last week, to be honest i dont fully believe you need to flush.................
ok thanks for the advice Del, think half of me is only doing it to see what the molasses does (if anything!) to the plant and taste!!:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
ok thanks for the advice Del, think half of me is only doing it to see what the molasses does (if anything!) to the plant and taste!!:eyesmoke:
ha thanks, no worries it looks like most of the peeps that have looked have as well ;)

If a mod reads this is there any chance of changing title to read 190W instead of 250W - thanks :peace:


Well-Known Member
hi tam, thanks for the comment - here's hoping so wissh it was now though, I is gasping for some smoke! :(

I have been keeping an eye on your grow as well - looking good and without that other 250W as well, props:) :peace:


Well-Known Member
Cheers mog, when I get paid again on the 7th I will be getting a 150w maybe 250w hps to finish them off.

I'm gettin excited about my next grow now, from what I have learnt from this grow is gonna make the next one alot better.

Have u been watchin mature smokers mazari grow? Plus by the time my next grow is on the way my loft should be a lt warmer then it is now

talk soon mate


Well-Known Member
Cheers mog, when I get paid again on the 7th I will be getting a 150w maybe 250w hps to finish them off.

I'm gettin excited about my next grow now, from what I have learnt from this grow is gonna make the next one alot better.

Have u been watchin mature smokers mazari grow? Plus by the time my next grow is on the way my loft should be a lt warmer then it is now

talk soon mate
sounds like a plan my man.

I'm looking at moving this year and depending on where/what i end up in I may look at hps, but at te mo due to ventilation restrictions (ground floor apartment!) I'm stciking with the cfl's - may get another one for next grow.

Know what you mean though about learning, because of me possibly moving and peep coming round I may just try 3 or so autoflowers (I got about 50 LR#2 seeds) just to get something up and down as quickly as possible.

I'll check that grow out now cheers :peace:

edit - and cheers who'sdat


Well-Known Member
wow man.. these plants are lookin GREAT!! deff wanna keep up with this journal. keep up the good work..


Well-Known Member
wow man.. these plants are lookin GREAT!! deff wanna keep up with this journal. keep up the good work..
cheers chb :D

well another week another set of pics, not much to report just upped the molases in the mix slightly last feed, reckon one more fert feed and then water and molasses for 2 weeks,, what do we all think?


