first tme grow with 250WCFL


Well-Known Member
ez peeps well what can i say, desperate times = desperate measures, just ha to take a lower bud from a side shoot off the main cola - quick drying at mo :(


Well-Known Member
ta for that shack, well best way I can put it is that it was better than a £10 for a gram bag I get sometimes but not as good as the £25 for an eighth of white rhino!! Was happy enough though for the effects from 2 weeks early quick dried :)

Having said that I let her go one day over for her last watering (before starting on just water and molasses) and a load of the fan leaves in the main buds turned yellow that night maybe 2 weeks is a bit long (although all still no signbs of amber lots and lots of cloudy mind:))


Well-Known Member
well folks it's that time of the week again! :)

you can see from the pics how much yellowing occured - I was amazed that it happened overnight, as I said before the only thing I had changed was the fact that I left it another day before watering and this is how I found her in the morning! Not too worried things still ticking along still not really any amber trichs so will wait out although have to admit to have relieved her of around 6-7g as I haven't been able to score for over a week now, only taking from little off shoot buds further down but can't bring myself to do it anymore so have purchased bottle of cognac for tonight!!

Let me know what y'all think :peace:



Well-Known Member
cool just curious. i have the same cfl so its cool to see what i produced. my next grow should be good.
ok dude no worries, good luck I'll look in. I'm going to get another 250W red and throw 3 or 4 LR#2 in next - just to get a quick turnaround (I Hope!) :peace:


Well-Known Member
Ez all, just been messing around with cam and seems to take better macro images (closer) in the cupboard - must be due to light, and hence the odd colour!

this is now 65 days at 12/12, 2 weeks on just water (and molasses), lots of cloudy trichs and leaves all dying off now but still hardly any amber:cuss:Does anyone have an idea how long the change from predom cloudy to amber takes??

proper Monday post of pics tomorrow :peace:



Well-Known Member
Hey mog have you cut that bitch down yet?? It was Monday yesterday! Where's the update?:bigjoint: :leaf:
lol ez tam :) as you can see from the pics I haven't chopped her yet, finally got signs of amber :D so i'm leaving her to the week-end and will then chop. You can see the yellowing is starting to take over and also where I've been collecting :( Also last pic is a lovely bit of smoke i finally got which means I can leave her alone for a bit lol! :peace:



Well-Known Member
i'm having trouble checking mine, just picked up my scope yesterday. they're still young, but i think i see cloudy. when you see cloudy do you know FOR SURE that its cloudy? or is the difference more subtle?



Well-Known Member
i'm having trouble checking mine, just picked up my scope yesterday. they're still young, but i think i see cloudy. when you see cloudy do you know FOR SURE that its cloudy? or is the difference more subtle?

what magnification is your scope? They are pretty easy to spot the difference, they go from being crystal clear to milky, think blowing a bubble after taking a massive draw on a spliff!! lol


Well-Known Member
haven't posted for a while and have some pics of the chop (30/01/10) etc so will have to be over 2 posts :D

pics 1-3 = pre chop
pic 4 = mid chop, you can really see how much she grew from where topped!
pic 5 = chopped :( un trimmed
pic 6 - 10 trimmed and lined up, the pop corn bits were quick dried by box and radiator and have been seeing me thorugh the week since chop :)
pic 11 = roots :)



Well-Known Member
next bunch of pics are from tonight, so she's been hanging for 4nights and days and is crunchy on the outside and chewy on the inside (armadillo!! (for those that know!)) I was going to paper bag for a couple of days but she's crispy enough so have gone straight to jar. Weight at the mo comes in at 52.5 not including the pop corn bits and the bits i robbed (lets underestimate that as 10g cough cough). All in pretty happy with results so far, going to refurb closet in next day or to and get on with some autoflowers to get perpetual and then can really have fun :) (and hopefully will know what I'm doing by then!)

pics 1-3 = 4 day nights drying, pre jar chop
pics 4-7 = post jar chop
pics 8-10 = me with my warez :)

now to try and leave her alone for a couple of weeks :):peace:

PS if you can make it out on the lid of the jar is a tiny piece of gumby hash i made from the off cuts, would have been a damn site more if i hadn't knocked the dish over whilst it was evaporating - damn me for geeting :eyesmoke:That was all i could get from the crystals that were stuck to the dish!

PPS coins in pic are 10p piece.

