first tme grow with 250WCFL


Well-Known Member
cheers chb :D

well another week another set of pics, not much to report just upped the molases in the mix slightly last feed, reckon one more fert feed and then water and molasses for 2 weeks,, what do we all think?

Yeah mog your plant looks lush mate, what's the date that u plan on harvesting her?

As for the mollases is that just black treacle??? I havnt used any on my grow, it's not to late now is it?


Well-Known Member
Yeah mog your plant looks lush mate, what's the date that u plan on harvesting her?

As for the mollases is that just black treacle???
cheers fella, i is looking at the 20th (ish) me thinks.

Proper molases is hard to find over here (well in supermarkets i looked in), I'm using
it was the closest i could get and am just dissolving a teaspoon per litre H20 at the mo, hasn't caused any harm anyway!! (yet)

I have seen peeps using black treacle, same product different stage of refiniment i guess (better or worse I've no idea i'm afraid), not sure what additives are in each or if any either.


Well-Known Member
hmm latest development (literally) is that the largest bud has started to grow again from the top!!Looks a bit strange as the rest of the bud is aging with almost a mini bud with bright white pistils at the top now. Only reason I can think for it is that I must have moved the bulb slightly too far away and so it's stretched slightly trying to reach it although at this stage I though vertical growth would have stopped, if i remember I'll try to put a pic up when lights are on later.


Well-Known Member
hmm latest development (literally) is that the largest bud has started to grow again from the top!!Looks a bit strange as the rest of the bud is aging with almost a mini bud with bright white pistils at the top now. Only reason I can think for it is that I must have moved the bulb slightly too far away and so it's stretched slightly trying to reach it although at this stage I thought vertical growth would have stopped, if i remember I'll try to put a pic up when lights are on later.
well here's the pics, noot much I can do now anyway, guess I'm just going to have ignore the new bit and go by the main bud, i.e. I'm not waiting for the new bit to mature at the expense of the old - everyone agree?



Well-Known Member
well here's the pics, noot much I can do now anyway, guess I'm just going to have ignore the new bit and go by the main bud, i.e. I'm not waiting for the new bit to mature at the expense of the old - everyone agree?
don't worry I had a new bit pop out of mine a few weeks ago but has now blended in with the rest, any way more bud equals more smoke it's all gravy baby!!!!


Well-Known Member
hey plants are looking good man im using the 250w version of your bulb for veg and flower its going great i start flowering tomorrow cheers
probably pay you to repot, give the roots room now that she is going to flower, looks healthy though, yeah topping will make it bush out more. i use 250 and 200 watt enviros and they do a good job if you keep them close.
What size grow space are you guys using? I am thinking of getting 2 of the 250w hydrofarm for a 42Lx28Wx70H. I am currently doing 10 plants with 20 CFL's and it's a pain in the ass and would like to switch over to the larger. think that would be enough to light that space?


Well-Known Member
cheers fella, i is looking at the 20th (ish) me thinks.

Proper molases is hard to find over here (well in supermarkets i looked in),
molasses can be found at holland and barret health food stores, about 1.65 a jar..........................


Well-Known Member
if you're using molasses make sure it unsulphured molasses. that or just go to a garden center and pick some "Horticultural Molasses" same thing... soil microbes eat that shit up!! It's amazing what a little molasses will do.



Well-Known Member
how often are you adding the molasses?? I've been thinking about using it myself and I wasn't sure how much to use? Most of my plants are in 1 to 2 gallon pots. what would you recommend?


Well-Known Member
i use about 2 tablespoons of molasses per gallon of water. i mix it in with my seaweed superthrive and floralicious micronutrients. so basically i use it every time i fertilize. but if you're just looking to kick start the microbes in the soil use it as often as you like. if you're using primarily non-organic or salt/mineral based nutrients, it won't do as much for you. molasses works hand in hand with organics in that it feeds the microbes and beneficial bacteria in the soil, causing them to multiply and in turn produce more "microherds" ready to digest and excrete nutrients for root uptake.

look at molasses as a soil food, not a plant food per se.



Well-Known Member
i use about 2 tablespoons of molasses per gallon of water. i mix it in with my seaweed superthrive and floralicious micronutrients. so basically i use it every time i fertilize. but if you're just looking to kick start the microbes in the soil use it as often as you like. if you're using primarily non-organic or salt/mineral based nutrients, it won't do as much for you. molasses works hand in hand with organics in that it feeds the microbes and beneficial bacteria in the soil, causing them to multiply and in turn produce more "microherds" ready to digest and excrete nutrients for root uptake.

look at molasses as a soil food, not a plant food per se.


excellent explaination thank you



Well-Known Member
well it's Monday so it must be photo time, pic of buds apart from first 2 are all of diff buds, apologies for out of focus ones was in a rush!

still think i got another couple of weeks, what do we all think?




Well-Known Member
well it's Monday so it must be photo time, pic of buds apart from first 2 are all of diff buds, apologies for out of focus ones was in a rush!

still think i got another couple of weeks, what do we all think?

looking very nice mate, I havnt looked in here for a few days. I would say yours looked about the same as mine when they were chopped.

How much longer are you planning on waiting?


Well-Known Member
had a quick squiz over them earleir mate and the main buds are still clear or cloudy, couldn't see any ambers, a few on the smaller buds but none on bigger ones - weird or not ?!?! When I can see about every other trich is either cloudy or amber then i'll chop :)


Well-Known Member
so you presently have a 150W CFL in your hood and two 20W CFL hanging on the side?

trying to figure out what i can expect over the next few days. my buds just showed last wednesday. check it out if you got the time. link in signature marked (current)



Well-Known Member
so you presently have a 150W CFL in your hood and two 20W CFL hanging on the side?

trying to figure out what i can expect over the next few days. my buds just showed last wednesday. check it out if you got the time. link in signature marked (current)

Easy Shackleford, yeah that's it, well I changed the 20W up to 26Ws (woohoo) and a 150W in the hood (red all the way through) so what with me having slightly higher wattage but no blue I guess they should be fairly similar (below 1inch most of the time from top of plant).

watch them buds go :)