~ ~ Fish Tanks ~ ~


Master of Mayhem
In the third pic you can see the 10G tank that used to be my guppie farm. I turned it into the cricket tank...lol.


Master of Mayhem
SWEEET I miss my chinese water dragon
I used to have one of those. I didn't know any better and put an Iguana with it. The Iguana killed him after about 2 months. I had a sweet ass setup I had made myself out of a 55g tank, some pvc pipe, some screen material, and a bunch of wood I got from GA. I ended up selling that shit years ago...DAMN I wish I still had that.:evil:

Bamm Bamm

Well-Known Member
yeah I hear that I had a Albino Burmese Python in college, a Ball Python and a Igunana and that water dragon..


Well-Known Member
Rufus is about a year old and pushing 14". That's from head to tip of tail. He would be longer but his tail was busted off when I got him. I pretty much rescued him from the pet store. They had him back in the corner, no light whatsoever, and he was all gimped up. I had to get him outta there.:blsmoke:
he is awesome looking !!! i cant wait for mine to get that big.


Well-Known Member
You need to get a larger tank for that man. It should be in a minimun of 50g. It really should have a better filter as well pushing more oxygen into the tank. :hump:
I have been keeping fish for about 18 years now. I used to keep 2 oscars and red tail cat fish in a 75 gallon tank and they outgrew even that tank. One of the oscars was wild caught in the amazon and only had one eye. It was cool to see the oscars eat mice though. I ended up donating them to a petstore that had a huge tank. Now I keep 2 37 gallon tanks with african cichlids. Both tanks have filtration that would be good for a 100 gallon+ tank. You cannot have too much filtration.


Mr. Limpet

Well-Known Member
You need to get a larger tank for that man. It should be in a minimun of 50g. It really should have a better filter as well pushing more oxygen into the tank. :hump:

craigslist bro!

I got a 55 gal with stand and cover for $100 and I just got a 30 for my girls

turtle:mrgreen:for $15


Well-Known Member
The only tanks I have running now are 2 tiny ones, a 5gal and a 1.5gal
The 5 is planted with 3 scissortail rasboras, and 2 male swordtails, and some ghostshrimp. The bioload is fine but I'm gonna need a 20 or 30 in the next year for when those guys grow. After that the 5'll be home to a dwarf puffer.

The 1.5 is all planted, no filter, no heater, no nothing. Except live plants some shrimp and a zebra danio.

Bamm Bamm

Well-Known Member
you can pickup a 55g kit at Walmart for like $100.. =)

I've got a Acrylic 117gallon sitting in my storage along with a , 25tall, 18tall, 20g, 20g acrylic, auto topoff units, metal halides.. I have soo much equipments its rediculous and the scray thing is I sold like 10 of the tanks I had and the other half of the equipment...

Bamm Bamm

Well-Known Member
LOL>..LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL you could get a 65.. they have a 36"long model..LOL Yeah Im going to wait to setup one also.. I Might do a small like 18g nano reef tank for now but I don't want to fucking move a big tank full of coral its a major PITA


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the compliments everyone ... I'm one of those people that goes all out I had all high end equip(and some ghetto mixed in) and was always ont he cutting edge of everything in that hobby I am friends with all the big names in the business also so I always knews what was the best shit =)...
Big Mike just linked me to this thread. If you know people in the trade, then we may have crossed paths (depending on who you know and when it was).


Active Member
Nice to see that other stooners also have fish :D
I have two oscars, Melvin and Mike. They are awesome fish, if you have the time and space for them to live.

Bamm Bamm

Well-Known Member
LOL..I think Im going to go and look at more fishtanks today while Im high Im feeling froggy and might buy one of the complete 28g nano setups...

Bamm Bamm

Well-Known Member
they creat alot of stress once you get into slatwater though....they can anyways if something goes wrong...I've lost $1000's and $1000s of dollars in corals due to power outages, etc...etc..etc..


Well-Known Member
yea...but im talking about once its set up.....

they say fish tanks are the best stress reliever.....so relaxing, peacful and fun to look at.

i've been thinking about dropping 300 on this big ass aquarium i seen in petsmart the other day.....