I used to have one of those. I didn't know any better and put an Iguana with it. The Iguana killed him after about 2 months. I had a sweet ass setup I had made myself out of a 55g tank, some pvc pipe, some screen material, and a bunch of wood I got from GA. I ended up selling that shit years ago...DAMN I wish I still had that.SWEEET I miss my chinese water dragon
he is awesome looking !!! i cant wait for mine to get that big.Rufus is about a year old and pushing 14". That's from head to tip of tail. He would be longer but his tail was busted off when I got him. I pretty much rescued him from the pet store. They had him back in the corner, no light whatsoever, and he was all gimped up. I had to get him outta there.
I have been keeping fish for about 18 years now. I used to keep 2 oscars and red tail cat fish in a 75 gallon tank and they outgrew even that tank. One of the oscars was wild caught in the amazon and only had one eye. It was cool to see the oscars eat mice though. I ended up donating them to a petstore that had a huge tank. Now I keep 2 37 gallon tanks with african cichlids. Both tanks have filtration that would be good for a 100 gallon+ tank. You cannot have too much filtration.You need to get a larger tank for that man. It should be in a minimun of 50g. It really should have a better filter as well pushing more oxygen into the tank.
You need to get a larger tank for that man. It should be in a minimun of 50g. It really should have a better filter as well pushing more oxygen into the tank.
craigslist bro!
dont understand that one mate?
How much do the water lizards come in at? I doubt i will be able to get them over here!
It's not that I can't afford it....it's that I have nowhere to put it!!!! My apartment already looks like a zoo!!!craigslist bro!
I got a 55 gal with stand and cover for $100 and I just got a 30 for my girls
turtlefor $15
Big Mike just linked me to this thread. If you know people in the trade, then we may have crossed paths (depending on who you know and when it was).Thanks for the compliments everyone ... I'm one of those people that goes all out I had all high end equip(and some ghetto mixed in) and was always ont he cutting edge of everything in that hobby I am friends with all the big names in the business also so I always knews what was the best shit =)...