For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users


Well-Known Member
Yea, and it's all roots. I THINK he found bucket lids that actually fit his E&G buckets. You'd have to check to verify that. As a guy who works with hydroton all the time, it's tempting to try out. I might try a mother or two in that rig.

EDIT: One concern that hit me is with the bucket being largely empty, you might find plants get pretty top heavy and want to fall over during late flower. What a problem to have, lol.


Rebel From The North
looks like the roots are not having any issue with that water thats left behind during a drain cycle, almost like they love it wierd.
im going to get with my hydro store buddy and find out if there are form fitted lids for the CAP buckets. not sure I would use stg
flock style medium but I would probibly use hydrotron just in the baskets if this setup end up working.


Well-Known Member
Someone can correct me if im wrong but i wanted to use the same net pots with hydroton in the begining.

They dont make a net pot bucket top that fits the cap buckets, but they do make em to fit the 3 and 5 gallon buckets. They make the net pots in 6" and 8''. The only draw backs to a big bucket is ur rez needs to be as big as a swimming pool, and u still need hydroton.

Im telling you guys that RW works really well and the 6x6 fits perfect into a stock EG bucket and it takes up so much space that a 55 gall rez can run approx. 75 plants.


Rebel From The North
Someone can correct me if im wrong but i wanted to use the same net pots with hydroton in the begining.

They dont make a net pot bucket top that fits the cap buckets, but they do make em to fit the 3 and 5 gallon buckets. They make the net pots in 6" and 8''. The only draw backs to a big bucket is ur rez needs to be as big as a swimming pool, and u still need hydroton.

Im telling you guys that RW works really well and the 6x6 fits perfect into a stock EG bucket and it takes up so much space that a 55 gall rez can run approx. 75 plants.
ok a 6x6 RW cube fits in a circle bucket, I understand that BUT there should be a gap on all 4 sides of the cube? or is the 6x6 cube fits so tight that it fills the
gap? also you say the density if it fill the bucket in such a way that you could run 70+ bucket of a single 55gal res?

can you please post some pics of this?


Well-Known Member
Yes there is a little air space on all four sides, but it doesnt matter cuz the roots grow in the rw and down out of the bucket like normal.

As far as the rez size goes... I actually run a 90 gallon rez for 75 plants and at the end of a water cycle the rez is a little more than half full. I have never measured the amount of water but im real close with those guestamations. Also now thatv i think about it i have all my buckets up an inch and a half on a 2x8... so that will make it take a little less water.

I wont bug you guys no more with it, but if u got questions im here.


Rebel From The North
Im very interested in your method and the basket one and will be running experements on both to see and understand what one is a better
and less labor way of doing it. hydrotrons a bitch but it works well but if theres better Im into that 100%


Rebel From The North
Im going to bump this cus I love this system/topic and dont want it to get lost!!
so anybody with some ideas are very welcome!!


Well-Known Member
I just saw a great tip in another thread for cleaning hydroton; zip it in a mesh bag and throw it in the washing machine. It cleans it and also washes out all the small particles that break off the pellets.


Active Member
How much chlorine gas is liberated from 25ml of 5% sodium hypochlorite?

How much chloramine is produced from a reaction between 25ml 5% sodium hypochlorite and ammonia?

How much trichloromethanes are produced etc, etc.

I don't use bleach for maintenance so I'm not building up sodium in my solution.

25ml/250L. Again, the scale of the reactions you describe above are minimal.

I'm tired of bleach as a topic. Obviously there are lots of strong opinions. I'll be happy to continue discussing it in private, but let's let it rest in this thread, okay? Plus, your tone is a little too combative with the "complete and total lack of chemistry knowledge' comment. Leave the insults alone.
True. My main concern would be sodium/chlorine accumulation though. But if it works, it works. Wasn't trying to be insulting, just observing. Moving on.


Rebel From The North
been working for me and it keeping the bleach build up if there was going to be one down although i dont think it would build up.
my roots are as whit as ive ever seen them and starting to see alot of small hairs off the large main roots


Active Member
yes thats the only bad thing about it.
I can understand why people would want beneficials in soil, but not in a hydro least not a hydro system with skinny tubes and dark buckets with lots of crevices for shit to grow in. If you are THAT concerned with a microherd, then this system is probably not for you.


Active Member
What kind of water use rates is everyone seeing with this system? I am having to add damn near 5 gallons of H2O per day for a 16 bucket grow that was flipped to 12/12 a week ago. If you follow the Lucas rule of draining and refilling your res once you have added back 50% of your starting volume of fresh water, I would have to drain, clean and refill every 4 days (only filling the res to 40 gallons)!! That seems excessive. The other Lucas method requires the topping fraction to be full strengh nute solution, and you can get by with this method without draining the res for a few weeks. My issue is with the nutrient ratios being all over the place with both of these methods. I dont want to have to deal with synergism/antagonism that can cause false deficiency/false toxicity symptoms.

What is everyone else doing/seeing?


Rebel From The North
What kind of water use rates is everyone seeing with this system? I am having to add damn near 5 gallons of H2O per day for a 16 bucket grow that was flipped to 12/12 a week ago. If you follow the Lucas rule of draining and refilling your res once you have added back 50% of your starting volume of fresh water, I would have to drain, clean and refill every 4 days (only filling the res to 40 gallons)!! That seems excessive. The other Lucas method requires the topping fraction to be full strengh nute solution, and you can get by with this method without draining the res for a few weeks. My issue is with the nutrient ratios being all over the place with both of these methods. I dont want to have to deal with synergism/antagonism that can cause false deficiency/false toxicity symptoms.

What is everyone else doing/seeing?
dude im running 29 on my system and there taking 15 gal a day!! fing crazy