free seeds from the attitude


Well-Known Member
Well for testers they sure give good results.I will be germing my blue widow this week along with the cali hash,white widow and blue hash.I will do a grow journal for them and hopefully we can all see what good results come from the freebies.
Sounds like a good deal to me.
well i just took the tai super skunk out of darkness abit ago and my god i tried putting it back in my tent and now it wont fit. im royaly f ed i have no where to put it. in 2 days it has grown to 42 inch. i dont know how tht is possible i mesured it about 5 days ago at 22inch and it isnt stretched at all. its bushy, big and thick and even the weight of the buds aint toppling it. i think i will get 4 ounce dry of it if i can keep it alive now. my tent is 160cm in height and 90cm wide and long but the light dangles of the rails. any ideas on what to do with it. i have no money but defo ant to keep it alive. the plant is nearly the size of me (im only 150cm) lol. by far that tai super skunk has passed all results and defo worth buying if you have the room becoz i think this could grow 6 foot indoors if you let it. i started budding hen she was like 3 foot now i think she approaching 5 foot and the buds aint even that big :o
okay then sorry i aint been on for a while but internet got cut off till i cud pay for it lol. anyways my plants are doin somewhat okay. the largest of my plants is about 4ft and a bit seeing as it is nearly as tall as me and im only 5ft 5 . it has been budding for a few week but the buds are not tht big. i will put pictures up later. another one of my plants i have put into 12/12 for a week and is barely showing signs of bud its just getting white littles hairs now. my roadrunner is budding and doing quite well but im wondering weather or not i should take off the fan leaves so the other buds can get light, can you even do that on a autoflowering plant? and the other plant i have well thats nearly the size of my big plant thats flowering but i havent put that on 12/12 it isnt strethed but it is big and female. should i put that into flowering? will update soon with pictures :D
need to know if these are looking good. the one with loads of bud has taken 3 weeks to get like that i pulled off nearly all fan leaves so light could get to the lower buds. the roadrunner i need to know if i can pull off the fan leaves because its an autoflower plant. that has 15 days left before harvest :D need loads of help here guys and alot of advice plz. oh and i appologize for my room being a mess. i will be cleaning it soon lol and i also appologize for 1 of the pictures being blurray



New Member
i ordered 10 bubblelicious from Nirvana n i asked Alice if they sent free seeds n she mailed me back saying they normally dont but she said she would for me.. sure enough when my beaners came i had 10 freebies, dont know what they are but i will grow them eventally..SCORE....


Well-Known Member
i ordered 10 bubblelicious from Nirvana n i asked Alice if they sent free seeds n she mailed me back saying they normally dont but she said she would for me.. sure enough when my beaners came i had 10 freebies, dont know what they are but i will grow them eventally..SCORE....

Alice ?....who the f*ck is Alice !:D
my next grow is great white sharks. it takes 55 days for the plant to be fully done and that includes grow, veg and flowering. doesnt include drying though :( its an autoflowering strain and it looks the dogs bolloks only 2 oz per plant so that why im growing 10 lol im really interested in this bubblelicious though and ice any1 have any profile on these strain. and i know this is a long shot but does any1 have a profile on armageden or tree of life these seeds are approahing £500 for a few so im wondering is it worth paying the money as i will have it p.s i only smoke and dont sell :D


Well-Known Member
this will start a debate im sure.. but removing the fan leaves is a bad idea... you cant think of light as a physical force that stops when it hits an object.. depending on the surface the light is in, it may penetrate through it, such as leaves... think of a big thick tree with leaves in the middle of it... the light is able to penetrate through the leaves to reach lower foliage, and foliage inside the plant as well...

now the kind of light and the intensity of the light will change the amount of penetration the light can do... but trust me when i say your plants getting enough light...

removing the leaves will set you back... the fan leaves are like power generators for the plant.. they absorb the most light.. and turn out the most energy for the plant.... removing them just takes power away from the plant all together... or at least takes more available energy away..

imagine it like this... the fan leaves are all power plants and the smaller leaves are like little mini generators they are fed by the power plant.. now the generators will run without the power plant, but they have to work harder, and more than likely can't do the job the power plant was doing at supplying energy...

its not at all a needed thing to remove foliage.. as you can tell its one practice i am against.. if you really think you need to move foliage to allow light to penetrate you should try to tie the branches in a way that allows light through, or even try to tie the fan leaf away so that it lets light past it... but leaves shouldnt be removed unless they are 50% of more damaged or if you are lollipopping.. some argue even about removing them when they are damaged.. but most agree that removing anything from the plant that the plant doesnt want to drop itself is a bad idea...
cheers simpson i will keep that in mind i am a newbie but yes i see your point very clearly and i will not be removing any fan leaves that dont need removing thanks for clearing that up :D yes you prob right that it might start a debate


Well-Known Member
it doesnt look ready... maybe a couple weeks still... maybe 2ish... not long tho!! looks good and tasty for sure bro!!

i figured i would report on the dinafem freebies i got... all of them ended up sucking excpet one... the white widow died... the power kush died... the roadrunner seed wasnt even ripe (it collapsed when i put pressure on it... and very little pressure at that)... the only one that has made it so far is the bluehash.. which if i had to choose one to survive would have been that one...


Well-Known Member
Here is a couple pics of my G13 Labs Pure Gold at 32 days flower. It doesn't look like it will be a great yielder, but it is whiter then my white widows :)


smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
Here is a couple pics of my G13 Labs Pure Gold at 32 days flower. It doesn't look like it will be a great yielder, but it is whiter then my white widows :)
that looks pretty good. i may have to germ my pure gold next year.

my free g13 labs white widow was a decent plant from seed, but the clone from it, is much nicer and has fatter buds.

Mr. Limpet

Well-Known Member
Just harvested a free g-13 super skunk. got about 1.7oz in 2 gallon pot, all organic. I am also waiting on the power plant and skunk #1 also free Those 2 are into there 9th week now and still not done. But they look like 2oz or better on each. So all together not bad for free I guess


Active Member
i just recieved my order from the tude today i ordered
10x big buddha blue cheeses
5x green house coloured indica mix
and they gave me 1 dinafem white widow 1 dinafem 1 road runner 1 hash plant
and i also already had 5x greenhouse white widows
guna start them all this week apart from the road runner
as just finished my last lot just upgrading the grow room a bit then im ready to go