
Do You believe in the "New World Order"

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Well-Known Member
The NWO or Globilization is very real & is basically kicking into high gear these days in my opinion. If you look around at what's going on in the world you can easily see what is happening. Check out your next president's agenda for globilization - it's very real. I'm referring to Barack Obama by the way. No need to worry about being slaves we've got plently of practice already. I could tell you what's is coming, but that would spoil the surprises:)


Well-Known Member
i liked Zietgiest very informitive, i agreee with about 90% of what mr. joseph says. but what r u gonna do when they came to put you on the bus and send you to the camps.


Well-Known Member
i liked Zietgiest very informitive, i agreee with about 90% of what mr. joseph says. but what r u gonna do when they came to put you on the bus and send you to the camps.
I'm not getting on any bus bro . . . . I'll be long gone before that:-P


Well-Known Member
Where? running wont save you.
They are going to round me up if I choose to live in the woods?:o
Who is "they"? Anyway? Who is going to participate in rounding up and killing their own citizens? The US military, thats funny the public is armed to the teeth and the military is small. Genocide requires a little more "social conditioning" to be possible.


Well-Known Member
When they come for me, I'm not going peacefully. That's for damn sure.

Perhaps we can achieve critical mass before it's too late.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
When they come for me, I'm not going peacefully. That's for damn sure.

Perhaps we can achieve critical mass before it's too late.


Roughly there are 1.4 million active duty military (many of which are not here on US Soil)

1.2 million reserve duty military

US Populatin....... OVER 300 million people..... most of us armed

I think you can take off that tin foil hat..... no one's going anywhere ;)


Well-Known Member


Roughly there are 1.4 million active duty military (many of which are not here on US Soil)

1.2 million reserve duty military

US Populatin....... OVER 300 million people..... most of us armed

I think you can take off that tin foil hat..... no one's going anywhere ;)
Most of us are armed for now. Read about the military disarming the citizens of New Orleans...illegally. I would post a link but you probably just think its made up as well. They are deploying US combat forces from IRAQ to the US to quell dissent in case martial law is declared.

It is not that hard to take peoples guns. All they have to do is outlaw guns ..they already are outlawing unpopular speech, especially speech against the government and that is supposed to be protected by the Constitution. So what makes you think that they give two fucks that you have the right to bear arms?


Well-Known Member
I think everyone is misunderstanding the NWO/Globilization. It's not all bad news, but there are some disturbing things. It's not the end of the world, they are not going to flat kill mass amounts of people or put everyone in camps(this isn't Nazi Germany ya know), things will change quite a bit, but things need to change. If anyone wants my opinion on something in particular please ask.


Well-Known Member
dfunk...i'm interested in your opinion.

I think that nwo is evil...but I think it is all a part of our evolution. If the plan for a one world government goes through...then people may evolve to have a global consciousnes (everyone is one).

Isn't it funny how you go to prison for killing someone that lives in the same country as you do, but killing someone in war is fine and dandy?! Well if the whole world is run by one government then murder is murder.


Well-Known Member
NWO is...good/evil-light/'s duality in my opinion. There will be positives, but there will also be negatives. I agree that is essential to advancement of human beings as a species. The plan for a one world government is currently in action has been for years & is beginning to take it's first real steps lately. They are right now I bullshit you not figuring out how to merge financial systems & create one world currency - mark my words. They wanted to do it through debit cards at first, but met very stiff opposition so now they are on plan B. The global consciousness is in my opinion already being established through internet,networking, & many other systems. In war people lose their status as human beings & become numbers. Murders are the reason we have soldiers come home with mental problems. When you think about it if humanity had evolved to be civilized we wouldn't even need soldiers...sad but true.


Well-Known Member
Some people don't realize that a private bank runs the US it is not a stretch to imagine that a group of people want to have a one world monetary system. The NWO is real, people either have not studied it or are completely ignorant.