Fresh newbie, 400W/1 Plant, indoor soil.


Well-Known Member
Hell yea! anything that has a chart is good in my opinion, this way i have a somewhat fail-proof thing to go by. even though i've read on here it doesn't matter how much you chart or how much you plan things your plant will chew everything you got up and spit it out, cause the plant wants what they want lol.

I'm going to look into neem oil too, but i'm sure that it's probably just damage from when they took it from the mom, cause it's not getting any worse.
yea, i'm not working atm cause of this economy shit, and up here in the high desert it's even worse...
So i'm hoping this will be some sort of way to come up with some extra cash for things we want or just to live a little bit more comfortable..
Especially with my old lady working at a clinic, i'm sure they'd be more than happy to take my crop off my hands, cause their weed is SHIT. it's sad when you work at a clinic and don't even smoke their weed lol.

anyways, thank you all for the love and putting a little piece of yourself out there to better me. appreciate it.
i'll try not to let you all down!!!


Well-Known Member
Should I LST my plants? seems pretty simple, just bring it down to the edge and secure... Any of them I shouldn't lst, i'm guessing the northern lights is fine on it's own cause it's going to grow bush-like, i've been just rearranging all of its bracnhes/leaves to allow sunlight to ones who havent gotten sunlight.

But I thought about all of this after I posted last night, and I figured i'd wait till I trasnfer them out of solo's into the 5GAL pot this way they are completely healthy enough to withstand it.

I also watered early on the clones, I figured i'd water every 3 days like I do for the desert dream, but the Hindu Kush was lookin kindof iffy and I figured since they are in rockwool it woulnd't hurt them too much to get a feeding.

will post pictures later :]


Well-Known Member
Ended up not waiting, and going ahead and started some LST on the hindu, master bubba, and desert.

Used String + Thumb tack, tied the string around the tack, around the stem of the plant, then back onto the tack, this way i can just spin the tack to release or put more pressure on my plant.

We'll see how this goes :]


Well-Known Member
sounds good bro... my alien dog i started lsting is taking off.. first time ive tried it and I am loving it.. cant wait till it will fit in flower lol


Well-Known Member
Check it out this was like 3 days ago when i first started trying to lst one of my older mama's..

And she is growing tons of tops now.. this is today

You can see the middle growth is taking off and staying with the mains I pulled to the side.. I cant wait till all my clones root so i can train em while they are young.. ima flower this one in the pictures prob starting next week


Well-Known Member
I've noticed that with this type of hobby you just need to grow some balls and just do it. Most people are scared to kill their plant and damage it that they never succeed.

I've got this down, it's pretty much just like exposing every important part of the plant to light, instead of half the plant growing in the rest of its shadow.

Damn, that shit looks good man I don't think my clones will be that big when I start their flower, maybe a little smaller.
little worried about the whole:
Indica = up to 3x their size after flower
Sativa = up to 6x their size after flower.

kindof got me worried a little bit, due to my lack of headroom, i mean I have a 6FT tent but a good majority of that is lights...

How old is that plant exactly?


Well-Known Member
that plant is pretty old .. but I cut alot of it down taking clones.. but those figures are wrong.. sativa will be 2-3 times the starting height.. indicas will hardly double. My laughing Buddha are almost pure sativa .. take 14 weeks to mature.. and they still hardly triple.. i put em in at 18 inches.. they stretch to about 5 ft. just put em in under 2 ft and you will be fine in your tent imo. Ur exactly right about hurting or killing the plants.. i was so scared when i first started to cut anything.. but now i have taken clones.. topped.. supercropped .. lst'd .. its crazy how you can manipulate these plants.... but like they say .. they are weeds.. and grow like it too!


Well-Known Member
Heres how I lst'd o_O... I kindof just tied down the top of the plant to allow a greater surface area to be hit by light... plants seem to be a lot happier, specially the desert dream and hindu kush.

But the thing thats bothering me, is the master bubba is my most anticipated plant, and it hasn't done anything special yet :[

Time, the worst part of everything.
anywho, heres some pics!



Well-Known Member
Also, some new plants in the old ladies shop, Bullrider X Hindu and Bullrider X White Rhino... 250$ for both, i think it's kind of dumb just for the simple fact you're turning in someone elses report and taking the grade for it.

But it would be fun flowering these mamas :O



Well-Known Member
wow and I thought when I sold some extra teens that i had no room for that were 3 ft tall for 25 bucks i was charging too much lol.. guess not. Anyhow your lst looks good imo.. just keep pulling down the shoots as they grow to let the smaller ones catch up and create a even canopy.. you will be amazed how in 1 that top you bent over will completely rotate and face back up at your light.. they adapt QUICK.


Well-Known Member
Found a spider mite, only one... something has been eating at the hindu kush plant since I got it, i knew what was up.... but now I finally found one and saw it... all the other plants look completely fine no spots or anything, but i'm going to get neem oil in the morning to give all my plants a good bath. will that rid me of these pests if i rinse and repeat once a week?... i've only seen one and i've searched all over.

and should I water before or after I use the neem oil? Cause my desert dream needs her feeding tomorrow. :X


Well-Known Member
I am not really sure when it comes to neem .. I have mostly been using rasta bobs death mite for preventive.. Im sure someone else can fill you in on the proper way to use it... One thing about spider mites is no matter what your using to kill em .. you have to be persistent... and you have to keep your dates.. ill explain .. in warm temperatures.. mites can reproduce every 3 days.. most treatments only kill the live mites.. so you have to break their life cycle.. normally that means treating every 3-5 days for 3-4 treatments.. that way you can kill the newly hatched ones.. lots of people treat once or twice.. then think they are gone.. a month later in flower those couple eggs have hatched and made millions of mites and start tearing your beauty up... then you cant use any chemicals because they are toxic in flower.. most of the stuff fucks up your taste.. its a nasty thing.. so make sure your persistent.. and youll be good bro. Ok im rambling.. smoked to much :)


Well-Known Member
Shit you could ramble for 3 pages on here and I wouldn't mind hahaha.

I'm about to head out to the hydro store, and i'll look into both types, but if you think rasta bobs death mite is going to work... then i'm going to use it. I just want to get this problem out of the way.

I heard you can actually dip the whole plant into a bucket of neem oil to be sure you got every single fucking part of the spidermites. Went across my mind doing that :P

Should I feed before or after I give them a completely spray?


Well-Known Member
I would use the neem oil.. its more versitile when it comes to preventing and treating then the rasta bobs.. I had sucess with the rasta bobs and could tolerate the smell better then neem.. but i thnk neem is probably better .. im just not real familiar with the details on how to use it.. i have read about using a wetting agent ect.. so you would have to get that info from someone else.. im sure someone here or at the hydro store can fill ya in on the nitty gritty... just make sure you keep to your treatment schedule... and you will be ok.. dont let the little hickups like this bother ya either.. it will be worth it in the end!


Well-Known Member
Spread to all my plants this morning except my master bubba, i wrote my clinic where I got these plants a nice little message aswell, cause obviously IT WAS FROM THEM, if I had damage already on the plants when I first got them.

but yea, i'm going to get neem oil right now and im going to fucking drench these bitches for the next two weeks.


Well-Known Member
steez I have another way to get rid of em if that doesnt work.. just let me know.. its not organic .. but it can be done in veg only.. I know lots of people that use chemicals in flower.. im highly opposed to that.. but i will nuke the bugs in veg is they set in too hard.. so let me know your results.. but be assured I have a plan B for ya :). Good luck my friend !


Well-Known Member
Alright I got the small bottle of neem oil, waiting for the old lady to get out of the shower so I can go bring the plants in there and do the spraying.

But I've been doing reading the past 20 minutes and it says to spray the plants before lights off... should I wait this whole day and let them fuck up my plants till lights off tonight to spray them? Or should I just kick my lights off for an hour and turn them back on afterwards to finish their cycle..

Or should I just leave my lights on, take my plants out.. spray them, wait for them to dry.. then put them back in?


Well-Known Member
Also the hydro-store man told me that when you get clones from clinics that it's actually bad and nothing will work on them cause they are immune from years and years of spraying and whatnot.

Fucking figure i'm going to buy neem oil if I plan on growing anyways, so mineaswell give this a shot, but yea i'll let you know in the next week if this shit fucking explodes so you can help me with that Plan B, but I better not be taking any pill :P

Worst comes to worse, CUT THESE FUCKERS. get clones from you instead. or just grow them from seeds myself.


Well-Known Member
I just mixed 2 Cups Water, 3/4 tsp of neem, 1/3 tsp of soap, mixture looked fine. BUT YOU NEVER TOLD ME THIS SHIT SMELT THIS BAD. I almost threw up just so I had something to mask the smell god damn.

But I got a 360 degree nozzle on my spray bottle, so I can shoot all over the plants, initially it was a bad idea to turn it around upsidedown to get the bottom of the leaves cause the first shot was directly in my eyes, but it worked.
Took them out of their tent, they are in my shower now drying before I put them back in. I literally drenched these bitches for a good 2 minutes after I thought they were good, I figure if they can survive being completely dropped into neem oil it wouldnt matter how much I spray on them.