Fresh newbie, 400W/1 Plant, indoor soil.


Well-Known Member
I've been seeing a few spider mites here and there, well atleast I think they are mites... i just rub my finger over them and take them off the plant, but they all got a good soak and their leaves look a lot crisper since I sprayed them, just gonna follow up every 3 days.

if i follow up on this can i get rid of them or is it just going to get worse and worse until I do something drastic?


Well-Known Member
only time will tell bro.. it will prob knock em back .. mite even wipe em out since your plants are sooo small still it should be easier to take care of em and inspect.. its really tough when you get a jungle going cus the little bastards hide everywhere!!


Well-Known Member
Alright, here are some pictures of the ladies, it's roughly 7PM so they are about halfway through their light cycle. All the plants are looking good, i've only seen three spidermite lookin dots on only one of the leaves on the northern lights, and only one dot on the desert dream, so i think they are fine... for now.. The hindu kush seems to be doing well aswell, no further damage since the neem bath. I figure i'm going to actually wash them with neem every OTHER day, rather every 3 days. Not only did I spray every single inch of the plants four times over but I got a saucer filled with the mixture and dipped my fingers in it and went over LEAF by LEAF to make sure I got every fucking inch of this thing, and I coated the stems with some aswell. Hell, I even dipped my fingers in the mixture and threw it at the plants yelling the power of christ compels you. I don't want to take any fuckin chances with these bastards and i'd rather my crop die from too many baths and too much neem then to a fucking pest like spidermites, i'd rather kill with love, than kill from neglect :P can't say I didnt try bahahaha.

anyways, heres some pictures and close ups of the hindu, i check up on them every hour to make sure theres nothing crawling on ANY of their leaves.



Well-Known Member
i'd rather my crop die from too many baths and too much neem then to a fucking pest like spidermites, i'd rather kill with love, than kill from neglect :P can't say I didnt try bahahaha.


Well-Known Member
Damn dude browsing through this forums I see theres a lot of fucking douchebags on here obviously, you're the only one who has really stuck around to help me and check in on me to make sure im alright.

I see idiots asking questions who don't even take the time to research or read, and people who don't even take the time to get a picture up here with a shit load of people helping them with the dumbest shit, people who have posted like 3k + times.

I'm not complaining, i'm actually really happy it was you who became my sensei specially with you living in SoCal and all, but it wouldn't hurt to see other people chirpin in every once in a while so you don't have all this weight on your back ya know?

ehh, maybe i'm just pms'ing. lol.


Well-Known Member
And the ladies are lookin fine, the hindu kush's soil hasn't really dried up much, and i think thats the reason why shes lookin like shit lately cause I kindof overwatered her the last time I watered, but i'm not going to water till this soil dries up.

I'm actually thinking about watering tomorrow, and transfering them into 5gals? whatcha think bro?


Well-Known Member
I would wait till the soil dries and see if she recovers well.. because 5 gallons of soil is exspensive.. I know what you mean about some people on this site.. they dont even bother using the information already available .. but o well .. cant fix the world .. or riu lol. I wish more people would help ya out too because im sure lots of growers on here know shit tons more then me .. but I dont mind sharing what I have learned.. the only reason my grow is going sucessful is because of all the stuff other people shared and contributed.. so I like to give back too... and contribute the the online resources to help other people starting out. If you end up having the persistent problems.. we will think of a way to get a grow done before you move!! Shit I wish I would of been talking to you a month ago.. I had a bunch of 3 ft teens I had to get rid of because space reasons.. I sent most of em with my grandpa for outdoor.. they could of been flowered immediately indoors. Well brother till next time:) keep me posted I wanna see if your hindu recovers.. did they tell you what seed company the hindu came from? Mine seemed resistent to any problems I had during my grow.. if yours are the same breed they should be pretty hardy too


Well-Known Member
WHATS UP RAGGED.. im sure steez would like the company .. feel free to stop by my journal too.. im about 1 -3 weeks from harvest.. (5 diff strains).


Well-Known Member
Ragged Trousered Roller, you are MORE THAN WELCOME to become me and alotaballs partner in crime! bahaha.

And yes, you are more than welcome to chip in, you're on your third grow, so you have two more than me haha.
Therefor, you're smarter and have more experience than me, so everything you say I must take into consideration:lol:

And yea I know man, I wish I could of came up on those 3fters, it would of actually probably been better to learn that way.. don't be giving away your 3ft plants man, I mean if its family its one thing but if you're giving them away, dont. My girlfriends clinic, well her boss, is selling like 4 teens for 800$! you could easily sell those each for 50$ to a clinic lol, I can probably even get you more cause your shit is the bomb bomb.

New Update, spent MORE MONEY lol. [i thought this was suppose to be saving me money on weed?] hahaha, in the long run i guess.
Got a basic 14$ Soil PH Meter, Light Meter, Fertility Meter, and Moisture Meter all in one, seems like it works pretty decent except for the PH part, but maybe I havent figured it out yet.
Also got Coco-Wet to replace my soap in my Neem Oil/ Water mixture, heard it works better and I don't want my plants to smell like fresh dishes lol.

AND, stopped by the old ladies clinic and got me 4 grams of Dutch Treat and 1.3 of some wax, all for under the price of what most people pay for an eighth of top shelf, love discounts.
I'll get some pics up in a few minutes so you can take a look at that hindu, pretty much the soil just wont dry, it's a lot more moist than the other 2 clones, but I did actually over water it when I fed them all, so that might play a part in it.


Well-Known Member
And I already bought all the soil to transfer them into 5GAls, I bought it when I bought the pots lol.
Also, when I do end up transfering them, will it restart the time i'm going to need nutrients... like.....
When I re-pot, do I now have another 2-3 weeks of nutrients in the soil therefor I shouldn't have to go buy some nutes?
or should I buy some anyways to get them started on like 1/4 the dose?
also. the smallest GH nutes they got are like 22-24oz bottles for 15$ a piece or something, which isn't bad. figured i'm going to spend atleast 100$ when it comes time for PH up/down, nutes, and the meter.
So we're almost breaking 1000$ guys!!!


Well-Known Member
at the hydro shop I go to you can get a big bag of perlite.. bout the size of the ffof soil bag (1.5 cu ft i think) for 6 bucks.. I would mix 20 percent or so perlite with your fox farms soil when you repot.. this will make the soil drain better and dry faster.. I do about 1/3 perlite 1/3 happy frog and 1/3 ffof and its working well.. plus its a little cheaper then running 100 percent ffof. Only thing is I water every other day now instead of every 3-4 days.... and I prefer that. Seems the plants deal with UNDERWATTERING better then OVERWATTERING .. plus if you under water .. its real easy to fix.. just water again .. but if you Over water.. all you can do is wait for evaporation lol.


Well-Known Member
PS.. STEEZ dont add up what you spent.. its gonna piss you off lol plus it gives your girlfriend ammo to throw in your face lol


Well-Known Member
I think thats the best advice you've given me yet. haha wisdom about LIFE AND PLANTS?! winning.


Well-Known Member
you could start trying to feed.. just watch em and look for signs of nute burn.. the more you can give without burning em is good :). Start real low though and you will be good. As for the repot.. if you stay in veg i thnk the fresh soil will keep em green for a few weeks.. but if your going to transplant and start to flower... I would feed once you flip em .. atleast mildly because they will need the additional bloom nutes .


Well-Known Member
Steez ill take a pic of my baby hindu in veg too so we can compare.. maybe tell if they are similiar genetics.. mine is from sensi seed co.
Thanks to both of you for welcoming me to the thread. I'm a little tired tonight and shan't contribute very much, i'm a nurseryman for a living so know lots about shrubs, trees and perennials but am just at the beginning with the lady. I have made many mistakes and learnt from them, just as we do in life, and take great interest in the views and opinions of others who are learning on the job like me. I bid you both goodnight and i will be on tomorrow evening. As far as i can tell if you carry on the way you have started you will have some lovely results come the end. Dedication is knowledge and knowledge brings excellence.


Well-Known Member
Ragged if you have any exp. with fruits in veggies.. i might ask you for some help lol.. I planted a veggie garden to detour my 3 year old son's interest in my plants.. and have no IDEA what im doing.. but i dont wanna hijack this thread.. Nice to meet ya Ragged.. catch ya on the flip side :)


Well-Known Member
alotaball, use this thread for whatever the hell you want man, this is as much yours as it is mine. and i wouldnt mind having that knowledge free in this thread aswell just for the simple fact my girlfriends planning on doing the same, just like your 3 year old son i have to detour her interest in my plants. hahaha kidding.


Well-Known Member
Also, I was planning on changing their pot size and keeping them in veg, i'm guessing thats a bad idea haha.. how long can I keep these in solo cups without them having harmful effects?
Should I just put the solo clones into 1gal pots for now, then switch them all into 5gal before I flower? :O