Fresh newbie, 400W/1 Plant, indoor soil.


Well-Known Member
I would keep em in the solo's till you see roots coming out the bottoms.. then go straight to 3 or 5 gallons.. once I transplant I like to keep em in veg for atleast a week to make sure they didnt get stressed form the transplant.. then you can go to flower anytime your ready:).. this is all in my opinion of course ... Steez one of these days we are gonna have to have a smoke session.. since your always teasing with your pickups :)


Well-Known Member
lol so true though, if i had a dollar for everytime she like almost fell into the tent, i'd have probably four dollars right now.

gotta get her a garden with trees that can't break and she can climb and do whatever she pleases lol.


Well-Known Member

Here's my hindu.. this is a clone of the ones in flower .... They grow really bushy naturally .. im about to chop this one and make some clones out of her.. shes gonna become a momma :)

And this is the plant she came from 5 weeks into flower... this is how she grew ALL NATURALLL lol .. no topping ect.. this next go around I wanna try to lst and top em see what they become.. Once nice thing about this strain too.. it only stretched like 8 inches and stay so bushy and compact they take up no room compared to my other plants..


Well-Known Member
ps ..Steez I also know a place that sells clones with guaranteed genetics.. Pest and mold free.. plus if you have any problems within 30 days regardless if its your fault or theirs.. they will replace the clone. most of their strains are 8 - 10 bucks a clone.. and some of the OG's are 12. But they have about 20 genetically gaurenteed strains.. another cool thing they do .. every 3 months they have a contest where you submit pictures of their clones.. finished flowering .. and they pick one to put on their website.. whoever wins gets all their money back for their order.. my buddy won one last year and they gave him all 112 bucks back lol. Of course he just used it to order more clones from them :)


Well-Known Member
put up a pic of your hindu when ya got a chance .. i wanna see hows she looking.. I bet she will pull through just fine.. what do they say.. whatever doesnt kill ya make ya stronger lol..


Well-Known Member
Heres a few glamour shots of the girls, I took more of the hindu so you can get an in-depth feel of how she is. Watered the Bubba / Northern lights, they had a pretty good top soil going on and were a lot less moist than the hindu, i normally planned to water all 3 today, but hindu is still kindof damp. So, now 2 of my plants are on one water schedule, the HK is on a schedule a day later than that, and the Desert Dream is every 3 days. O.O
I plan to have them all on the same cycle by the time i put them in bigger pots, i think 3 more feedings and they will all be on the same day then I can just switch from there.



Well-Known Member
ya I dont think our hindu kushes are from the same breeder.. or atleast not the same pheno type... look how wide the fingers are on my leafs.. its a pure indica so the leaf fingers are normally really wide.. urs still looks ok though .. I think she will be fine... I prefer sativa's myself but the hindu is gonna be my bedtime sleep aid lol. If you want my opinion.. and I know you have heard tons of em right now.. and might be tired of em lol... I wouldnt have a water schedule with such a small grow.. I think you should just water based on what that individual plant needs.. If you were running the same strain in the same exact containers ... a schedule would make sense.. but I would just get a piece of paper when you start feeding.. so you can keep track of how often you feed .. and how often you just watered. In my tent the Chemdogs need to be fed or watered everyother day.. they dry out 5 gallons of soil in 48 hours and start to droop if i dont water again..most of the others need water every 3 days.. and the blue dreams can go up to 4 days depending on the humidity. So imo just give what that INDIVIDUAL plant needs.. OF course .. this is your grow.. and you can tell me to fuck off and im not organized if ya like.. and ill understand :) Catch ya later bro


Well-Known Member
when your hindu recovers and is mite free you should take a clone from it and ill take a clone from mine.. they we can trade ... Im an addict to variety .. can never have to many flavors :)


Well-Known Member
Yea thats pretty much what I'm doing, I think I made it out to be more lol. Right now I just write down when I feed and what I fed so I can just look at the paper and determine if they are ready or not. I get what you mean though gotta make sure I don't treat this like a science project you know? lol nah to be honest man, you could tell me to mix bleach with my water and iIll do it haha.

and ps.
your hindu looks a lot better than mine, I kind of just want to throw mine away now so I can just be happy, but I can't give up.


Well-Known Member
And yea I am totally down to do that, but thats just one more thing you gotta walk me through :P


Well-Known Member
ya dont give up .. even if it dies .. or comes out as the best smoke you every tasted.. your gonna learn from it.. plus it already spread to the others so no point in destroying it. In the future.. once you have all your pest gone.. you want to make sure it stays that way.. what I do when I get a new clone .. I put it in a separate room for a week under CFL's .. and inspect it .. normally treat it with some rasta bobs.. and organic fungacide.. and just make sure its clean. That way you dont re introduce anything to the garden that you worked so hard to get pest free.... I got a heavily infested Laughing buddah clone.. and it was the only way I could get the genetics because they no longer sell the seeds.. only feminized. So i took it in .. and quarentined it .. till I knew it was safe.. now its my momma that I get all my buddha clones from. I will have to take photos and show u .. still has all the damage from the original leaves that were on her when I brought her home.. but all the new growth is SOOO beautiful.. its amazing what those little fuckers will do to your plant.. they just kill the vigor of the plant. Matter a fact I havent had a mite in my garden for 2 months .. not one.. but I still treat every 2 weeks.. just because.. you never know..


Well-Known Member
Fuck me the things to come with growing, people would never understand. Such a small thing yet it's the biggest problem. I have to admit though, you have to be probably one of the coolest people i've met haha. thanks for everything man.


Well-Known Member
no problem bro.. i truly enjoy this.. and dont mind telling sharing what I have learned.. plus your local.. so I figure if your grow goes well.. ill get a free sample lol jk. To be honest too.. im on disability for my back right now.. and its horrible.. I cant be so stationary .. its driving me nuts... so between the internet and my garden.. its all I really got to do till im healthy enough to go back to work.. the only plus side is .. I got plenty of time to read and garden!


Well-Known Member
true that, as soon as I get a freeway worthy car i'll have to hit you up so you can show me how real pros grow the bomb bombs. lol.

plus i'm sure my harvest will be done by then if things go as planned, and you can be humble and say its good when in reality you feel like you just smoked out of a can.

lol :lol:


Well-Known Member
I am VERY far from a pro.. but I am a research addict lol.. BTW .. my car is freeway worthy .. and the driver runs on good meds.. so if you wanna ride.. fill her up :) Heres a quick story from last night.. We had the baby shower at my house last night .. and after dinner the only people left at my house was my uncle... SMOKER .. my Grandparents SMOKERS .. and one of my good buddies also a SMOKER.. So i pulled out 4 mason jars.... Northern lights x maui wowie .. White widow... Blue dream... and I sat out the jar of the plant I had to take at 5 1/2 weeks because it started to go hermie.. it was the only jar that I grew personally.. I didnt mention it was mine since it only got to go 5 1/2 weeks and it was only cured for about a week so far. Long story short.. joints were rolled of all of em .. and EVERYBODY loved mine the most.. they kept asking what it was.. commenting on taste.. smell .. and it was all 4 or their fav. I was super flattered.. then when they all left I ripped some in my bong.. and wow it was really good.. Moral of the story is.. even your little problems doesnt mean your smoke wont come out great.. I cant wait to try the rest of my crop when they are complete... Growing your own is SOO much better..


Well-Known Member
hahaha wow! I know I know, I bet you can pretty much taste when it's your own shit too huh? god, I can't fucking wait, and finally I met a driver who runs on good meds haha! when i desperately need a ride I wont hesitate to ask and will kick you down with some yummies.

Have you looked into bubble hash bags? I saw some at the local hydro store for like 72$!

maybe worth lookin in to :O


Well-Known Member
I want to get some because I make edibles... BUT would love to put all these sugar leaves to a different use when harvest comes :) And u cant beat good hash


After the long and utmost enjoying and informative read, im going to subscribe to this, if its ok with you guys that i ask a few questions here and there.. well, maybe, but i just wanted to give the heads up to see if its ok. I dont think theres much use of making threads and chasing them when theres 1 cool hangout spot here that almost answeres all my questions already!

I might be in Cali before the end of the year as well, all though a bit more central.

Yea you 2 are quite the funnybones, good luck with both of your grows. I have grew only twice before and needless to say, well i just wont say.. but i have a little experiment seedling that im fucking clueless about.. It sprouted fine was born then i rotated the coco block as if to mimic the sun moving and it fell slap over in front of me lol.. so i knocked the light off to go into a 12/12 or whatever and took off the top of the incubator, i figuered it was starved for air.. the next morning i kicked the light on and she was standing again. I have a 5500k 32w cfl on her now and she just hasnt grown any in the last 4-5 days.. i only have the plain set of leaves and a set of 2 looking more like a weed leaf going in the oppsoite direction. so 1 layer with 2 of the starting leaves and 2 norml, and the 2 plain leaves have lost the tips and 1 is pointing straight up. ;)

Just letting the experiment run to see what happens.. hopefully its a fem and hopefully its not hermied but i really dont care as im practicing for the real times.

should i have already transplanted it into a dixie with soil maybe? ok ok I really have been rambling on, but i want to make sure i can get some adults formed before i buy seed and waste it. Good luck to you both (three with the nursery man)! :sleep:

E/ oh and the light went from 1 night dark back to full light, i actually just got a bigger cfl of atleast 5500k today and was brought back to my memory of how the old mh would vibrate the plants cause of the bursting light. So she might step back in line after tonight.