Like the 1st meeting I went to was a shared group meeting, meaning that the next town sent over they're drunks to meet our drunks (I like the term drunks, because that's what we are

So, they had the table & low & behold sitting in the middle was a 20 something kid that I used to sell blow too.
He never drank, he was simply a blow head & here he was sharing his methods to gain sobriety
I asked to share & asked him how hard it was for him to quit drinking.(knowing the cunt never drank)
Of course it was hard he said. "you can do it too, just pull up your bootstraps"
I've been drinking since I was 12 (my Dr. thinks I'm a medical marvel

) on & off, 1st hitting my parents liquor cabinet (I wanted to know why my parents sucked on bottles) & then moving onto wine alter when I was an alter boy.
Anyway, I said fuck this shit when some 20 year old coke head is going to give me advice on how to stop drinking.
Then, at the same meeting I have to listen to a woman tell her story about how she knew she was an alcoholic when she had her 4th glass of wine at a party.
That was my last meeting for around 6 years, then I went back because I hit what I thought was bottom (little did I know)
Ended up in a rehab run by AA called High Watch Farm that really made me want to drink
High Watch Recovery: Specializing in addiction treatment in Connecticut, offering detox, residential care, and a 12-Step program in a peaceful setting.
You had to go literally to the Church/Shrine they set up for Bill W, and pray to the Higher Power.
As you could imagine, I lasted 3 day's and because of my "attitude" was thrown out (very compassionate)
So, to end my soliloquy, AA works for some people but never did for me.