From 3rd week flower! 6 1/2 foot sativa


Well-Known Member
thanks bro, I ll keep check this thread out sometimes alrighty, have a good day and stay greener !!


Well-Known Member
Thanks Aiko10..........

on a side note...just pluged up my indoor setup an hour ago...600w mh/hps 36x36x78"..... 2 short ryders(auto) 1 Royal Queen Dwarf(auto, freebe seed) & 1 Purple Widow!...Fox farm ocean 4 plants in a 3ft x 3ft tent with 600w of pure kick ass growing power!!!!!!...i relize most people on this forum dont care, seeing how this is the outdoor forum...but a true smoker will admire it....That and I am a mod in this forum so if someone tries to spam up my grow journal i can delete that crap!!! HATTER FOR PEACE!!!!!

Oh and this is my first indoor grow....but i figure....if i can deal with the problems faced from growing outdoor's.....indoor should be a cake walk!!.........................right???????????????

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The Ducting is to big to fit threw the holes made into the tent so i have to filter the hot air out threw the front. so i cant slide the zipper all the way down because that's where my ducting is coming out of.but i am venting the hot air to my heater/AC vents on the floor of the room...its getting colder out and venting hot air into my home's vent, blows warm air all threw my house....kinda thinking green!!!! haha, get it........but it seems to work great so far

and yes, they are in McDonalds large cup's......atleast for the next 2 weeks........these cups are perfect size to get them started in!!! Then on to the 5gallon buckets for the rest of the grow


Well-Known Member
yo you re truly mad hatter !!! 600w all pure on the 3x3 grow tent FtW ! it will yeild pretty good sizable of nugs , no question :) I was thinking about get 250w grow light kits for 4x4 for start...I wanna do the indoor grow sometime...its time for me to grow some kick ass strains this year...but yours is way better and more power to you , bro...nice job with vents...good to think ECO friendly :p Hopefully you will have very successful crop with indoor grow soon. Peace
Nice looking setup, I have almost a mirror grow going alongside you except that I have three Satori about 6 weeks into flowering now. The hairs are starting to turn red and retract back inside the buds, other than that my sativa's look identical to yours. I'm hoping for a 9 week flower since it's an outdoor grow in Ontario and the frost will be here within 6 weeks for sure.

I also just started my first indoor grow, not enough cash for a hps, so I'm just using 4 t5's right now for 4 blue dwarf Himalayan
diesels. First time growing autoflower so can anyone tell me when I should start using my flowering bulbs? I was told 20/4 lighting is best for BHD all the way through, just not sure when to switch to the flowering bulbs


Well-Known Member
yo you re truly mad hatter !!! 600w all pure on the 3x3 grow tent FtW ! it will yeild pretty good sizable of nugs , no question :) I was thinking about get 250w grow light kits for 4x4 for start...I wanna do the indoor grow sometime...its time for me to grow some kick ass strains this year...but yours is way better and more power to you , bro...nice job with vents...good to think ECO friendly :p Hopefully you will have very successful crop with indoor grow soon. Peace

Thanks Izoc666!!!!!! and if your wanting to have a MH/HPS indoor setup...look to spend about 500$..thats what i spent...............but befor i started my grow. i tried to get rid of my 600watt system for a smaller one so i could use less electricity..but could find noone who wanted it so i went ahead and keep my 600 and said fuck it........


Well-Known Member
Nice looking setup, I have almost a mirror grow going alongside you except that I have three Satori about 6 weeks into flowering now. The hairs are starting to turn red and retract back inside the buds, other than that my sativa's look identical to yours. I'm hoping for a 9 week flower since it's an outdoor grow in Ontario and the frost will be here within 6 weeks for sure.

I also just started my first indoor grow, not enough cash for a hps, so I'm just using 4 t5's right now for 4 blue dwarf Himalayan
diesels. First time growing autoflower so can anyone tell me when I should start using my flowering bulbs? I was told 20/4 lighting is best for BHD all the way through, just not sure when to switch to the flowering bulbs

you sould add your flowering lights with auto's as soon as you see it start to go into budding.........but i have a regular strand of MJ in the grow tent also, so im useing my light's, and my light hours for that plant..(purple widow)..18/6 for about 4 5 weeks..then 12/12 to finish it my auto's will just have to use the same light's and hours as im useing fo rmy purple widow....i will switch the light bulb and go to 12/12 when im ready to start flowering that PW.....this is because you can use any light cycle on autos of sould work out for me..hopefully..........
Thanks for the tip. Came home from work today to see my first BHD starting it's flowers, talk about timely advice :)
Il toss up some pictures of my satori for you to check once I upload them to my pc


Well-Known Member
yo Mad Hatter, good morning, how s autos doing? I thought i saw the one seedling already sprouted but not three yet ?


Well-Known Member
yeah in that pic i could only see 1 coming up, but at closer look, the other 3 were JUST breaking the soil......but they are all 4 looking great!!!!!! all 4 sprouted about same time!! now... the 2 short ryders came up first, followed by the purple widow, then R.Q were off and running now!!!!! wish i could time travel 2 months from now!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
good to hear bro...hows about your sativa ? you said its cold in your what are ya gonna with that sativa lady ?



Well-Known Member
getting ready to go check on her in like 5 mins...gotta wait on my lazy wife to get her ass out of bed to watch our 2yo while i walk out their......but im guessing i got 4 more weeks then shes coming down!!!!!! hoping to get at least couple zips off her....fingers crossed...


Well-Known Member
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new shots of her this morning...shes getting frostier everyday!!!!

Today i believe is week 5.......what do you guys think????? im guessing i got 4 more weeks...2 more weeks of feeding then last 2 will be flush......any thoughts?????.......anybody think more or less then 4 weeks?


Active Member
Looking nice man...real nice. I'm am currently indoor with a 600 too =) I would say 4 weeks at the max probably...they are going to put on some good weight the next couple of weeks. If you go the whole 4 weeks...she should be done for sure.


Well-Known Member
Looking nice man...real nice. I'm am currently indoor with a 600 too =) I would say 4 weeks at the max probably...they are going to put on some good weight the next couple of weeks. If you go the whole 4 weeks...she should be done for sure.
Thanks man.....and i like to think of myself as a patience guy...i think i can go the whole 4 weeks
IMG_0107[1].jpgIMG_0072[2].jpg IMG_0080[2].jpg
IMG_0083[1].jpgHere is a few pics of my two satori from a few weeks ago above with some more pics from last week below


Bonus seed pic, Dinafem Grapefruit Cone.jpgBud.jpg

Let me know what you think, this is my first grow so I have only this website to rely on for informtion on maintenaince and directions.


Well-Known Member
hey Mad Hatter your outdoor lady plant is really good looking with her new frosty !! :) Im pretty sure it runs throught your head about smoke that one ! lolz...good job with pictures, sir.
