From 3rd week flower! 6 1/2 foot sativa


Well-Known Member
is theyre a way to keep this post attached to my profile so i can come back . looks kill so far. let me know how to keep comin back without losing the thread.


Well-Known Member
is theyre a way to keep this post attached to my profile so i can come back . looks kill so far. let me know how to keep comin back without losing the thread.
yeah, just go into a thread such as this one...and at the top is a pail blue bar going across the screen...their are 7 tabs on the bar that say "LinkBack, Thread Tools, Administrative, Search Thread, Rate This Thread, Display, Inline Mod" on Thread tools and click on the bottom link...wah lah!!!
Hey hatter, thanks for the props I'm proud of the way that free seed turned out, I'm hoping to harvest it this coming weekend. Does it look ready to you?


Well-Known Member
no problem...and i would say you need to wait a lil longer...still alot of white hairs on thos buds....i say you have another 3 weeks

you defently want to wait till all them white hairs have retracted back into the buds


Well-Known Member
Looking good man. Hmm, I pictured you to be a little older for some reason...

I see you got the tent up and running. What are the temps like? Any trouble with keeping it down with a 600w in a smaller tent? I want to do a very similar setup, but I'm still on the fence.


Well-Known Member
tepms are not a problem at all...i can actually put my hand on the glass sourrounding my 600w MH bulb, and its just warm to the touch...with out the fan, if you grab that sucker it will be the last time you i got a 6"inline fan pushing 440fpm.....i actually have to keep a small space heater in the room cuz its getting cold at night and my fan works so well that the temp in the tent will be what ever temp it is out side the if its 70 in the room, it will be 70 in the i keep my temps around 75 day and night


Well-Known Member
Tomarrow is week 6!!!!!!!! and she is looking fantastic, cant wait to put up pics tomarrow to see what you guys think!!!


Well-Known Member
yo Mad Hatter, post picture tomorrow !! :)

Im only 31 years old , I feel already old fart !! lol....


Well-Known Member
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Here ya go RIU! Tell me what you think!!!!!! How long do you guys say she has left....

she's 6 weeks today.or tomarrow....cant remember now....actually i think its tomarrow, o well, heres pic's guess is 4 weeks left.......anythoughts???


Well-Known Member
hey Mad Hatter, my input about your sativa should be harvest in a few weeks like you said :) good job that one because your lady sativa sure grow bud real fast...hybrid ?


Well-Known Member
thanks...2 weeks would be great!!!but my tric's are only about 60% cloudy.....i usually start flush when i get around 90 to 95% cloudy tric' about harvest time i have about 1/4 amber...most the time atleast


Well-Known Member
insideOct8 010.jpginsideOct8 009.jpg

just a couple pic's of my indoor....just a day or 2 over a week old
at 4 weeks they are going into 5gal to finish...