From Veg to Flower


hey guys,

this is my first grow and my plant has undergone alot of stress during veg as i fucked up a few times from heat stress to wind burn (BELIEVE IT windburn)... now im just about all ready to switch over from Veg to flowering and was just wondering whats the best way to go about this, got a few questions;

- Plant still showing some signs of stress, do i wait till the stress is completely gone and everythings perky?
- Do i turn the lights off for 24hrs before switching to 12/12?
- Do i continue veg nutes for next 1 feeding after switch to 12/12 then switch over to flower nutes, or when i 12/12 mix in both veg n flower nutes?
- Does it really matter if my exhaust and intake fans turn off when the light turns off? or does it absolutely have to be 1hr after light?
- With lights off temps should go MAX 10* lower or can it go 15-20?
- What is the ideal humidity level for flowering? i read 20 some places, 30 on others... mine throughout veg has been 30-45%...

i know i can read this online but every source i find says something different so id rather here it from people on here with experience...

thanks a bunch!!!


Active Member

  • - Plant still showing some signs of stress, do i wait till the stress is completely gone and everythings perky?
    I give it a week or two of solid good growth after i stress my plants by topping , so i'd say the same in your case give it a week without being stressed and make sure it's growing nicely.

    - Do i turn the lights off for 24hrs before switching to 12/12?
    Your plant is going to use up it's natural energies during the delayed darkness so when lights come on after 24 hours it intakes a lot more flowering nutrients, so it'll probably speed up flowering by a day at max. I wouldn't recommend you do it, considering your plants been stressed as it is.

    - Do i continue veg nutes for next 1 feeding after switch to 12/12 then switch over to flower nutes, or when i 12/12 mix in both veg n flower nutes?
    Some say turn your lights a week before, some say start on flowering nutrients a week before. Either way the change over will probably shock your plant a little, so i recommend just changing them the same time. (When it's time to feed/change res put in flowering nutes and start on 12/12).

    - Does it really matter if my exhaust and intake fans turn off when the light turns off? or does it absolutely have to be 1hr after light?
    Probably, it would most likely get extremely humid in your room minus the light and both fans. I'd leave exhaust on always. Otherwise just leave them both on all the time..

    - With lights off temps should go MAX 10* lower or can it go 15-20?
    Abit cold, but they're resistant it'll make do not the greatest of conditions though.

    - What is the ideal humidity level for flowering? i read 20 some places, 30 on others... mine throughout veg has been 30-45%...
    Anything under 30 you should be pretty safe, anything above i'd be doing occasional check ups for old smelling/looking patches (Mould).
