FuZZyBuDz takes a D.W.C. dip, first hydro grow! {of course theres piks}


Well-Known Member
geez man u really got lucky on the bagseed,.. they really look alot like my White Berry.. Wots the smell like? the WB is a kind of metallic-vomit sweet rott.. nice trics too man, noyce.


Well-Known Member
Well for lack of anything better to do and the fact I have the same exact set-up as you, minus nutes, I read the thread in its entirety! First off that is one sexy bitch! Nice work +rep if I can! I use a ph meter on mine because I'm anal but as long as you change the water every week I've noticed, for me atleast, it's all good. My solution starts at 6.4ish and by the time I change at the end of the week it has gradually dropped down to 5.8ish. Very impressed with your results thus far! Any estimate when you're going to harvest? I am gonna chop the tops off of 1 of mine tomorrow!! Stay up FB


Well-Known Member
I KNOW! these next weeks r gunna plump!!:bigjoint:

i d
o change it every week, and do blame most of the great health to genetics. havest will be around a month from now.:-P

smells like skunky candy.;-)
peroxide only is active for 30 minutes max in the water, and it kills off some of the special nutrients. if you use it run it with just water and peroxide for 30 - min to an hour then add nutrients.


Well-Known Member
holy shit that is some rapid growth...and massive leaves, great work man. i dont know how this journal slipped passed me...im in for the rest of the ride.


Well-Known Member
thatnx every one. and yea shes a big one CMT, i cant wait to see her in a few weeks. im sitting here typing an a Wii right now, its really weid but fast tho! got a Wii and PS3 with a LCD flatscreen. well my bro moved in with me he brought it all with him.