G-13 x buddha and Lowryder #2 grow

the lowryders like any hybrid can always do things its not ment to and not always cause of bad genetics or wrong seed.I noticed though that they seem to react to stress easy .i imagine the reason is that they are hybrids -some alot more than others, but just the fact its a small plant mixed with a bigger plant with diferent growing habits and they also grow quicker makin stress more possible would be my geuss .had a lowryder work perfect and one next to looked like sisters cept one flowered perfect the other took another month and got pretty huge for a lowryder(thick 1ft diameter canopy with lots of single thick maturing colas(bout 9 ft long just got covered recently with pistils)and it just has an odd but really cool looking when i get a pic will def post it looks like a lowryder but with just like a twisted Menora almost like bud tentacles(i also trained it only for max light coverage the cool look was just luck lol)

i respect all strains but i think these auto-flowers are a great thing to add to the growing world.they have their downsides(most are smaller,some less potent,and autoflowering doesnt quite work as advertised(like they say you can just burry and forget em but i think the first few weeks are most important cause if they dont get huge before flowering they can stay real small)but also lots of upsides(good for new growers to get a better chance of gettin at least something,easier to grow a bunch in small area,good for areas where height would be a problem,a lot have less odor,and just growin em is fun cause its a new style with lots of possibilities,shorter harvest.and they just are diferent making new tricks to be found,also i think training them is easier.no need for seperate room for veg since they flower w/o 12/12 also makin less obvious electric bills.

they def need to make more strains,also itd be cool to see someone make a SOG or SCROG thats decent size just to see if their could be a good setup based on autos alone for someone thats really got their stuff together and has already had success with non-autos

just my 2 pennies


Active Member
funny u should mention an SOG, i was thinking of doing one for my next grow with a mix of indicas and autos, but this is only my second grow so iv got a bit more to learn. I could do a small SOG with my current set up iv got three seedlings im vegging at the moment probably gonna let them go for another 2 weeks and put them on 12/12


Well-Known Member
Waitin for more pics. Agree with DayGlo on his post. Especially the part about early conditions effecting final results. I have recently found that too much light in the early stages stunts the growth of these dwarf strains. I moved my lights up about 5 inches and my females are huge compared to previous grows where I listened to the advice that you can never have too much light. Those guys never grew dwarf strains! Lights right above the canopy = short plants that turn into one 12 inch bud! Still a good smoke though.


Active Member
Heres some more pics its now week 2 of 12/12

I awoke to a horrible sight this morning though my lowryder the leaves were drooping a bit

is this a result of overwatering maybe?


Active Member
Wouldn't worry to much. Leaf color good so not nute problem therefore likely over or under watering. Finger test dryness will tell you which of the two


Active Member
Its in fairly big sized container iv been feeding it 150ml of water a day in the morning im a little worried this is to much water but the soil always seems to be dry by the next morning so i suppose i cant be over watering it


Active Member
I'd say once a day is too much. You should be feeding about twice a week, about 0.5 - 0.75 l, alternate between nuted water and normal. You need to get some air around the roots. Better to under water than over water. That's what I did with mine (6 litre pot). They do get a lot more thirsty after their growth spurt


Active Member
I haven't been giving it nutes because i had a bit of bad luck with nutes on my other plant, but I didn't water it today and i guess ill leave it for two days and if the leaves aren't drooping ill know i was over watering but if the drooping becomes worse i suppose maybe i haven't been over watering.


Active Member
i dont think im over watering because i didnt water my plant yesterday, and when i went to look at her this morning the leaves were drooping even worse so i gave her 200ml of water and within 2 hours she was back to normal, but i do agree once a day is too much so i will be water three times a week instead of 7. I want to feed my lowryder nutes but im a little hesitant i dont want to risk stunting her growth if i fuck up


Well-Known Member
I step up the nutes when the fan leaves start to yellow. It will usually reverse the yellowing to affirm you are on the right track. Have had good success with Flora Nova Bloom with 1/2 tsp/gallon in each watering after about 3 weeks. toward the end they start to yellow with that strength so I step it up to 1tsp/gallon. Have not burned one yet knock on wood.


Active Member
I think i will try ur method the nutes im using said to use a 1 tsp per litre for hydro or 1/2 a tsp per litre for soil i tried it before with a 1/4 tsp per litre but i think that might of still been to much which is why my g13 buddha got burned so badly. Im a little skeptical of the nutes im using the NPK ratio for bloom is 4-0.5-6 decent amount of N and K but not very much P anyways im no expert with nutes

The Evil M

Active Member
Cool breeze i'm doing a LR2 ATM its about 36 days from seed and still not clearly visible sex, does anyone reckon there could have been a dodgy batch of seeds?


Active Member
Its quite possible iv read a bunch of threads about LR2 that are taking longer than 3 - 4 weeks to flower, mine didnt till week 7 and thats because i started it on a 12/12 schedule and now its budding like crazy, ill post some pics later
but yeah i had several theories to why mine didn't autoflower #1 shitty batch of seeds, #2 seed mix up, #3 im not growing under an hps or mh so it might take a little longer but this is only my second grow and first auto flower grow so im no expert iv just done alot of reading


Active Member
Its is week 4 of flowering and my plant is looking pretty good considering many of the fuck ups/set backs iv had so far



Well-Known Member
Top nugget is looking good. Keep an eye on those yellowing leaves on the bottom. Many people say it is normal, but I have found that it is an early sign of nitrogen deficiency and can be reversed with bloom nutes. I use Flora Nova Bloom at one teaspoon per gallon with every watering. I was so scared of nute burn that I had been under utilizing the nutes in prior grows which stunted growth. I have one that is about ready to harvest and all the leaves are still green as hell and The yeild looks much better than previous grows. Young plants are much more susceptible to nute burn than older ones like yours.


Active Member
thanks edcocks, i started feeding her some bloom nutes last week but i was so cautious i gave it an 1/8th strength solution, which didnt really do anything so this week ill up it to a 1/4 strength and see what happens


Well-Known Member
Sounds like me. I was too scared to go to half strength nutes because of all those posts warning of nute burn. Finally realized that all those posts were about young plants less than a few weeks with nubes and often hydro setups. Try to find a post about burning a mature lowryder.


Active Member
I used a 1/4 strength dnf bloom today so im hoping it won't get nute burn, ill post pics later its week 5 now so im hoping only three weeks more till i can harvest, but im not to certain of that


Well-Known Member
8 weeks is too soon for my grows. My plants usually take closer to 10 weeks before all the growth has stopped and the trichs get to 30% amber. I did chop a side nugget at 8 weeks to see what it is like, but I'm pretty sure it will give me a headache. It should be dry enough for a smoke report in a few days. It is also pretty fluffy looking which is what I would expect from harvesting a plant that is not mature. The buds really tighten up during the last few weeks.


Well-Known Member
finaly a few pics 2 lowriders at 4th week and 1 at 7th week...i 1 i like to call "easyrider bonzi " lol
Man that one wen't into flower fast! it's so cute lol

I just got some auto flowering strains myself Sweet dwarf, Top 69 , Low Girl waiting for my current grow to be over sorry if i missed anything came in late