Gavita Sold To Hawthorne Group

Did you read it?

"The Runyons say they signed no agreements, and if they were contaminated with the genetically modified seed, it blew over from a neighboring farm."

They had no agreement and denied it.

I will further say that if you crops pollinate mine then I don't have to pay you for them.
Yeah but they weren't sued at all. They were told unless they cooperated with Monsanto that they couldn't buy more Monsanto. That's all.
I said Monsanto doesn't sue farmers for drift. That is the rumor on the net. You posted this link, which shows they did not sue a farmer for drift :) they had a disagreement with a farmer and decided to not sell to him.

As for the cleaner, his own customers went into court and under oath testified that the seed cleaner asked them to save goo seed. It was his word against other farmers, he lost.

The cbs article you posted is only their word for it, not the outcome of the case in court where the truth came out.
Monsanto is one of the biggest evil company we have, just google what they do and have allready done. They are so many examples for their devil behaviour which is not really a secret. Saccharin, Aspartam, Polystyrol, DDT, Dioxin, Agent Orange,
Alone the idea of patent a plant or their terminator seeds, the devil personally must have that idea.
I dont understand why someone would try to defend them? Only beacuse you got more yield?
Because they are being lied about by people with an agenda. Do I approve of all their actions? No of course not. But in all my farming experience have I found that farmers get screwed my Monsanto? No. Monsanto sells to farmers, we are their customers.
If you search online you will find "evidence" that vaccines are evil, that fluoride is added to the water to make us into weak girls. You'll find "evidence" barrack Obama is a Muslim!
Conspiracy websites and vegan bloggers aren't my trusted news sources.
The seed cleaner didn't know either and Monsanto called his customers and threatened them.
74-year-old Mo Parr is a seed cleaner; he is hired by farmers to separate debris from the seed to be replanted. Monsanto sued him claiming he was "aiding and abetting" farmers, helping them to violate the patent.

"There's no way that I could be held responsible," Parr said. "There's no way that I could look at a soy bean and tell you if it's Round-up Ready."

The company subpoenaed Parr's bank records, without his knowledge, and found his customers. After receiving calls from Monsanto, some of them stopped talking to him.

"It really broke my heart," Parr said. "You know, I could hardly hold a cup of coffee that morning,"

Monsanto won its case against Parr, but the company, which won't comment on specific cases, has stopped its legal action against the Runyons.

And now four states, including Indiana, prohibit seed suppliers from entering a farmer's property without a state agent, tactics which have threatened a way of life.

" they subpoenad my records without my knowledge".
He means the judge granted a subpoena? Companies can't just take records. Courts do that.

Again the only reason
Monsanto is one of the biggest evil company we have, just google what they do and have allready done. They are so many examples for their devil behaviour which is not really a secret. Saccharin, Aspartam, Polystyrol, DDT, Dioxin, Agent Orange,
Alone the idea of patent a plant or their terminator seeds, the devil personally must have that idea.
I dont understand why someone would try to defend them? Only beacuse you got more yield?

Sorry to say, Monsanto didn't invent or manufacture saccharin aspartame, they aren't the major source for dioxins, and some of those chemicals are DOW products not Monsanto.
Its Uncle Sam who sprayed agent orange on people, Dow invented it to deforest so it could become farm land. Gross stuff but I don't blame seed breeders for what Lyndon Johnson and the CIA did.
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" they subpoenad my records without my knowledge".
He means the judge granted a subpoena? Companies can't just take records. Courts do that.

Again the only reason

Sorry to say, Monsanto didn't invent or manufacture saccharin aspartame, they aren't the major source for dioxins, and some of those chemicals are DOW products not Monsanto.
In fact I don't know if any of those products are Monsanto lol.

what is with Glyphosat, they invented it.
Monsanto always claimed its not dangerous for animals and humans, it would only affect plants.
look that video on youtube, the farmers claim its pretty bad for their animals. As more Glyphosat the farmer have in their animal food, the animals got a lot of mutant babys which die. The farmer did some test over longer time. He noticed more Glyphosat more mutants
Im sorry its only in german. This video was shown on "arte HD", one of the better tv programms.

what is with Glyphosat, they invented it.
Monsanto always claimed its not dangerous for animals and humans, it would only affect plants.
look that video on youtube, the farmers claim its pretty bad for their animals. As more Glyphosat the farmer have in their animal food, the animals got a lot of mutant babys which die. The farmer did some test over longer time. He noticed more Glyphosat more mutants
Im sorry its only in german. This video was shown on "arte HD", one of the better tv programms.

So for the record, I'm all for safety. If it is ever proven Monsanto covered up knowledge of the danger of their products, then throw the lot in jail. If I thought they were stealing from farmers, once again I'd be furious.
Are there dangerous Chems out there? Hell yeah. I'm glad we have people active out there to keep an eye and keep farming honest and make it better. Your attitude makes farmers better not worse.
The standards for what we serve people to eat must be above reproach. But I still will defend an onpopular company when I think the criticism of them isn't based on truth, so I mainly bristle at the drift allegation.
Companies should have to prove their products are safe, and should be immediately honest if they ever find out it isn't. But I don't want companies to be blamed for someone else's intentional misuse or for something they didn't even do.
Not only that but batteries are quite toxic. Heavy metal laden. And the energy used to mine things like lithium is intense.

Did you know every ton of coal contains a couple grams of uranium? Where does that go when we burn it? That's right, up the stack! There's also lead in there too! We've spread more uranium into the atmosphere by burning coal than through all the nuclear accidents and weapon tests done so far.
Millions of tons per year, even at a tiny rate of grams per ton you end up with tons of uranium coming down in our rain. Coal needs to go first imho.

Hemp makes better batteries anyway.
And now four states, including Indiana, prohibit seed suppliers from entering a farmer's property without a state agent, tactics which have threatened a way of life.

Blatantly anticompetitive behavior. This must be stopped at the statehouse and in Congress, which is where it started in the first place.
All this devil company like bayer AG, monsanto or dupont always claim their products are safe when they release them, they only want to make much profit.
but many years later we see its untrue, that their products destroy the enviroment, animals and even us humans. Agent orange or Glyphosat are good examples for that, and what is even with the whole bees. All the bees die, there are so less bees left which i can see in my environment. I remeber good 10-15 year ago in germany was so many bees, but nowadays i have to search them good to find one
All this devil company like bayer AG, monsanto or dupont always claim their products are safe when they release them, they only want to make much profit.
but many years later we see its untrue, that their products destroy the enviroment, animals and even us humans. Agent orange or Glyphosat are good examples for that, and what is even with the whole bees. All the bees die, there are so less bees left which i can see in my environment. I remeber good 10-15 year ago in germany was so many bees, but nowadays i have to search them good to find one
You were right earlier about the sweeteners, my bad.
You make excellent points, I too am concerned with the pollution of insecticides leading to bee die off. Some of the problems we see here though are how to address such large companies with some products that benefit mankind and some that don't.
It's the big ag that sells some of the best producing seeds. that's actually how farmers pay for them, you give them a percentage of your increase in yield. No increase can mean no pay. Better production means less land converted from forest to field, more land for animals.
On the other hand these exact same companies make the pesticides and herbicides that threaten nature.
As a farmer it's harder to hate the company that helped you increase your production, year after year. to be honest, when iopening a bag of seed I never thought of their history with agent orange. these are tough issues but most farmers I know don't think of these choices as black and white. We don't like pollution either.
Better production means less land converted from forest to field, more land for animals.

This sounds nice but almost all the land currently available for agriculture is already in use as such. The rest is being turned into roads, Walmarts and subdivisions.

There is both spin and truth on both sides of this debate and I believe progress can be made best when both sides work together.
This sounds nice but almost all the land currently available for agriculture is already in use as such. The rest is being turned into roads, Walmarts and subdivisions.

There is both spin and truth on both sides of this debate and I believe progress can be made best when both sides work together.
South America has a bunch of giant field waiting for farming once they get rid of that pesky rain forest. Same with Madagascar and some other places. America is pretty developed out but some of the wilds of South America can still be saved.
8thgenfarmer you have been a breath of fresh air in this hippy filled room :-)

Thanks, I do love hippies even if I am contrary to some hippy dogma.
I still have my old dead shirts from tour. Ironkcally all my family calls ME the hippy!
South America has a bunch of giant field waiting for farming once they get rid of that pesky rain forest. Same with Madagascar and some other places. America is pretty developed out but some of the wilds of South America can still be saved.

Did you know that equatorial rain forest is some of the nutrient POOREST soil available anywhere? That's why slash n burn ag is a mainstay in the tropics, because there isn't enough in the soil to sustain it.
11mile down here (Colorado Springs) used to be a rainforest some years 65mil.

How it was a rainforest at 10,000ft is beyond my comprehension but where the petrified trees are is just sand now. I wonder where epic soil is around here.
11mile down here (Colorado Springs) used to be a rainforest some years 65mil.

How it was a rainforest at 10,000ft is beyond my comprehension but where the petrified trees are is just sand now. I wonder where epic soil is around here.

Things were a little different then; like climate, altitude, even latitude, lol
we were a lake just 35 miles west. hence the fossil beds.
11mile down here (Colorado Springs) used to be a rainforest some years 65mil.

How it was a rainforest at 10,000ft is beyond my comprehension but where the petrified trees are is just sand now. I wonder where epic soil is around here.