germination question


Well-Known Member
i tried one of these seed bank companys and ordered some seeds to get away from the bagseed i have been using ...well they came in ..took about a week but i have been tring to germinate them with the wet paper towel way ..which i have beren doing for all my bagseeds, this way has worked very well for me . But with these seeds... they have been in the paper towels for almost 3 days and nothing has happened this normal for better seeds or does it depend on the seed? and what is a safe amount of time to know if nothing is going to happen...ohh by the way it is arjans ultra haze from dr chronic website


Active Member
Place them somewhere nice and warm, Also make sure your paper towel is soaked well and sealed in something like a baggie, I use cotton eye pads instead of paper towel. Works for me :)


Well-Known Member
i found beans from good companies germ faster,G-13 labs half dont crack, White lable i get 80% within 48 hrs and Green house i am 100% within 24 hours, i use the same method, but if they dont crack open i put them ontop of something warm, someone suggested a TV


Well-Known Member
Funkysmells right. You need to make sure that the towels are moist to wet for the whole time. You can't let them dry at all. As long as the water isn't drippin off the towel, it wont drown them or nothing. Also, if you want u can put them in the paper towel and then fold it closed, then very gently press the towel around the seed to the towel is actually touching it alllll over. Then put it in a dark warm place, under an upside down bowl or something with a good amount of heat. Heat is important for all chemical reactions to take place. I once had 2 white widow seeds and used the paper towel method, but one under a heat lamp in the dark and one in a normal temp. When the seeds popped, the root was about half a centimeter long, and the one with the heat was a little more than an inch. Put them in a ziploc. VERY IMPORTANT. even if theyre dry for 10 minutes they will die. Btw, it does take a little bit of time for them to sprout. As long as theyre swelling up, it means youre gettin progress. But be patient and you will receive