getting off opiates


there is always one in the crowd....... Well Im sorry that that scares you as you obviously are a very condascendining person,,, but there are a lot of people in this world that have to take pills every day to survive (not talkin about opiates) so If I have to take one very small little pill for the rest of my life to keep me as normal as normal can b then thats fine with me.... And noone told me that I wont get addicted to these, I fully understand what will happen in the long term,, and its not dangerous to me, as a matter of fact it saved my life, so the only dumb thing as you put it is people like u who have no idea what the fuck ur talkin about,,, u r just here to put people down,,,,, I like sharing stories and hearing other peoples stories that made it out alive,, u wouldnt know what thats like asshole,,,Im sorry if I took what you said the wrong way but I came a long way and it freaks me out when people think its sooooo much easier,,, not for everyone...
I definitly did not want to sound that way. In my experience with recovering addicts this is not the goal for them. (even though some alcoholics will stop drinking and start smoking weed) I am glad that you have come such a long way in your recovery and I understand that yes a pill does work for some people. Earlier when I posted I just wanted to clarify how the pill does have potential for addiction. I stated such because I wanted to make it clear to everyone especially since this is a thread asking for advice. Peace.
Phil Anselmo and Mike IX were the examples in which I based the decision not to fuck with opiates. All I need is my whiskey and weed.


Well-Known Member
Im really sorry then,,, I am just really touchy when it comes to helping people deal with the nightmare I lived for well over 25 years,,, again,,, sorry..... :peace:
I definitly did not want to sound that way. In my experience with recovering addicts this is not the goal for them. (even though some alcoholics will stop drinking and start smoking weed) I am glad that you have come such a long way in your recovery and I understand that yes a pill does work for some people. Earlier when I posted I just wanted to clarify how the pill does have potential for addiction. I stated such because I wanted to make it clear to everyone especially since this is a thread asking for advice. Peace.

gezzy da snowman

Well-Known Member
smoke some dmt it changed my outlook on drugs for ever and i loved blowing oc 80 and bags all weekend long till i smoked the yellow crystals no i can see the naturalistic drugs are where its at


Well-Known Member
Revolutionary in its act: IBOGAINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I heard it cost a couple of thousand of dollars... but is one true psychedelic occurence that impedes on natural tendency.