Goin' Hydro. need some guidence!


Well-Known Member
man looks exactly like mine. you seem to use alot of the same techniques. i love those home made res's. i love rockwool to. next grow i'm trying pellets though because it will save on waste when i pull the males. all i'll throw out is a tiny rockwool plug. looking nice man. the best part is when you know you have a bunch of females rooted. until then you dont feel guaranteed to get bud. lol


Well-Known Member
Yea im using the pellets actually right now, theyre a pain in the ass ill admit to get clean. Youve gotta rinse them a ton of times to get alll the dirty "muddyness" outa the water. I got the res from menards works perfect and can hold up to eight small plants. Im obviously only growing 5 for now. I was going to fill it with the hydroton pellets tonight but i ended up not getting the water timer because it started snowing AGAIN and i didnt want to go out.

Im surprised these clones even survived. It was only a week or two ago that they looked almost dead. They sure did make a comback. the only thing im worried about is if they end up not growing too much because they already have flower pistols. idk if you seen the picture of wanabees plants but theres one the has only a top and like barly any leave, i dont want mine to turn out like that.

Hopefully keeping the light on 24 hours will let them grow some more vertically.


Well-Known Member
actually if you were talking about the clear trey, thats what i got at menards.

for the res im using a circle rubbermaid thing. its a lot stronger than the rubbermaid things though so it wont warp out when waters in it.
there is a pic or it a page back with the pellets chillin in there for now.
i think im filling it with like 5 gallons+ of water and i need to start adding nutes

how much do you suggest putting in for their size as of now?
and i also only have Fox Farm Big Bloom, and Fox Farm Tiger Bloom right now
can i get by with those for now, i havnt gotton around to buying anything lately


Well-Known Member
id keep it on 24 for sure. but the auto flowering is kinda weird. id try and get another strain but id def grow those out. i thought the pellets would be like that. but i'll try them anyways. its hard for me to be throwing out all this hydro equipment all the time. if the racoons got into my trash all the neigbors would see. not lol. so i want the pellets. and because of the males with lowryder 2. id be throwing out half the rockwool cubes every grow. but the lr2 strain is pretty crazy. the resin is starting to form and they look potent. and they are really fast. looking good man.


Well-Known Member
ive never used those nutes before but 50% should be fine for 3 days. then up it until you get to the max. they will handle it. but ive never used those.


Well-Known Member
yeah idk ill probably get different nutes after these are gone, they work and everything but i wanna try some new stuff,
what nutes you using
are you using any supplements or whatever or just the basic nutes like grow bloom and shit


Well-Known Member
i just use the 2 part veg and 2 part flower by Dutch Nutrient Formula. i like it. always worked for me but ive never tried others. and it has all kinds of other products to mix and match. but i just use the veg and flower nutes. honestly they work great and my plants look pretty good compared to the other lowryder2s ive been seeing so even if i did use some of the extra fortifiers for the bloom nutes and veg nutes id have to get at least 10 grams more to be worth it in order to pay for it and the extra little work. i would just stick to the regular veg and bloom. alot of people say that the companies are coming out with these products just to sell more and that makes sense. seeya


Well-Known Member
Full Closet Shot

Front Far Right

Back RIght

Back Left

Front Far left

Front Center

400w HPS

Look at this last pic. Its the water in my res. after it went through the trey filled with the hydroton pellets. As you can see theres still a light browness in the water. Ive rinsed these pebbles out 3 times so far and theres still some buildup. ill preobably flush the res. of this and add new water before the next feeding. After that i give up. if the water still is a lil dirty im going to leave it to see if it hurts the plants at all. Its too much of a hassle.

Timed how long it took the water pump to fill the trey and it came out to 5:00.
So i will leave the pump on for 5 minutes 3 times a day. It also takes 5 minutes to drain so the rockwool will be soaked for ten minutes 3 times a day.

Like i said ill veg for about another two week with a 24 hour schedule because these plants seem to flower under any schedule i put them under.

Ill be adding half strength nutes. soon to the res. I added a fox farm feeding schedule last post. I unfortunatly only have big bloom and tiger bloom. I dont have the grow big YET but im going to see how they handle just the two that i have for now.

Getting some pH up and down and some pH strips for now.
gonna get my pH to around 5.8-6.0HH

Update whenever anything comes to mind. Picture update tomorrow around 5 pm chicago time
Cubs beat Astros last night 4-1, play tonight at 7:00pm.Go Cubs ;]


Well-Known Member
nice man. like the light. i get those all the time for free. i work at a huge warehouse and when the bulb burns out they replace the whole thing. you had to mod the bulb to fit horizontal right? and turn it on 120 volt? looks the same.
Its really weird but i was actually going to try growing with no lid derectly in the pellets. i'll throw about 40 lowryder seeds in there in little rockwool plugs and then just pull out the males and even out the females. prob going to do this now. maybe get some pellets tomorrow. looking sweet man. i might have a similar setup soon. lol wasnt sure if it would work. ill just stick the airstone right in the pellets. i like it.


Well-Known Member
Nah, the bulbs went right into the fixture perfectly. and i just plug it in. i dont see anywhere to switch anything. the fixture i just bought from ace hardware. it was 10 bucks and the bulbs were $4 for 2.
i have two more fixture at my other grow. im only going to use one for this veg since im only going for 2 weeks.
the other grow im guessinng will just be flowered under the cfls unfortunatly. im going to move the bigger two back here the once these go into flower so they can be under the hps.

only prob is theyre in soil and got gnats :[ but by then ill probably buy some neem oil and insecticide.

im sick of these pellets they never get clean. i dont even know how many times ive rinsed them, a couple times i threw them in the bathtub with hot water and used a spaghetti strainer and bowl by bowl strained them and dumped them back in the res. each time takes about an hour and its a straight pain in the ass. maybe next time ill add peroxide and soap or something.

the plants havnt actually grown vertically too much. the tops are pretty damn bushyy but thats it. 24 hour light and theyre still producing flowers. and the new leaves being produced are covered in resin glands and if you put your nose close to em they stink for being so small. I worry about these though, they are growing nothing like the first batch of clones or ANYTHING ive grown in the past...AT ALL!


Well-Known Member
yah id switch strains next. get the northern lights. its common where i live and is potent yeilds well and is easy to clone. its the perfect strain. i still want to try the pellets. maybe i'll leave the shower on the contasiner over night or something. but i like the idea of no lid so i can pull the males out whenever. gonna try it for sure.


Well-Known Member
hey just do this, depending on which size bag you order cut some slits in the bottom and lets water run through it until you see clean water. i got the big 50L bag so im just going to fill it back up and run the hose through it for awhile. im starting to see gnats in my closet again idk where the fuck these things keep coming from but omg its so annoying


Well-Known Member
roughly how much does that sized bag cost? i know exactly what bag you mean. they sell it here but i never checked the price. i still want to use these. it would be kinda sick to grow in a jacuzzi. right in the washroom. they have built in air pumps, you could drain and refill in 2 seconds. and they are perfect size. a 1000 would look nice over it also. lol. you got kgats i got pollen. lol. im scared to grow in here again because of how easy the plants got pollinated. i'll have to clean every inch with bleach water. without pots like that you can just pull the plants right out? thats what i want. and can you move them around in there? i know your in 4 inch rockwool but can you still move them around abit? i want to plant twice as many as the container will hold and then pull out the males and recentre the femles in the tub. will i be able to do that youn think? it would be perfect. let me know. thanks man. gonna try it i think. but let me know. thanks


Well-Known Member
yea in fact right now they have hardly any roots coming from the bottoms of the rockwool. I took them out of the rocks today because im going to rinse the pellets another time. You can definatly rip out males just do it slowly and try not to tear any roots while removing. As long as you are careful not to harm the roots, gentle and work at a good pace of replanting them it should be ok. Ya im using 4inch rockwool and just placing them in the pellets and covering the tops of the rockwool a bit. after i have the pump going i dont think the gnats will survive much. im hoping it drownds them. im going to try and get some neem oil too. haha a jacuzzi would be nuts man. with all them jets.and hey if ya ever wana give em a lil sprey take down the light and turn on the shower:]


Well-Known Member
wearing some gloves while doing this wouldnt hurt either. not gardening gloves but the dentist shit if ya kno what i mean