Got woken up for this...

I remember hearing this shit this one lady got tired of those JW's bothering her constantly, so she went to one of their meetings and started handing out other religion's propaganda to everybody. They called the cops and had her arrested. Threw some harassment charges on her.
i invite the teens and 20 yearolds inside, especially the jehova's witnesses, ask them to define their god and wait for them to admit their definition of god changes with what they want it to be. some believers are have a completely ambiguous, these i can tolerate alot longer, its the ones that will start telling you your life is meaningless unless you believe like them that i ask to leave immediately. i feel like i've made many of them better proselytizers. one girl said to me, image a world perfect without any crime or sin, that's what heaven is like, no evil. i responded telling her that without evil then good would take its place, you cannot know what good actually is without evil. this made her quiet and she would come back a few times to discuss theology(like a year since the last time i saw her) i think she left the church because the conversations got more and more about factual basis than faith.

some of them can be reasoned with, especially when you treat them like adults, but some of them have no reason at all, so theres no point in reasoning with them. why use logic on someone who doesn't believe in logic, or accept it?
We had some evangelists come to the door a few years ago. My wife answered and and pointed to our No Soliciting sign on the door and told them we were not interested. They immediately responded with, "The word of our lord and savior is not soliciting". All they got was the door slammed in their face. We still get some door to door salesman every once in a while who can't seem to read or figure out what soliciting is.
something you NEVER hear


"did you hear the good news? there is no god!"

You bring up something that reminded me of a picture I'd seen on the web:

I to had a run in with jw I don't like to be rude to them or anyone who knocks my door but my daughter is a nurse and had witnessed a young jw girl who had just given birth to twins bleed to death because her family and husband would not allow them to give her blood. She was very upset and I couldn't stop thinking about it,then they knock on my door it was near Christmas time and it was an elderly lady standing their she began to preach to me when I pointed out I wasn't interested, she asked me why I told her that I didn't agree with some of their beliefs, she asked me to explain why and was it because they didn't celebrate Christmas. I told her that I didn't agree with a young mother being left to die because of their belief not to except blood. She then said that blood was precious and given to us by god, I told her life was also precious and that mine had been saved by someone else's precious blood. She looked quite shocked and walked away wishing me a good day. She certainly wasn't going to disagree with me.
Next time answer the door naked, with your dick in your hands, and say you're beating the devil out of yourself and for them to come in and help. I imagine they'll find someone else to save pretty quick.

hahahahaha, priceless!
i wanna buy one of those S&M leather suits with the ball and gag and put them on whenever i see someone with a pamphlet come to my door. i'm getting tired of conversing with them.

ghghaaagh? ghghghahaahhuu? *walks away*
QUOTE=neosapien;8826254]Next time answer the door naked, with your dick in your hands, and say you're beating the devil out of yourself and for them to come in and help. I imagine they'll find someone else to save pretty quick.[/QUOTE]
I haven't got a dick! :roll:
It is the month of the passover JW's are admonished to go from door to door. They keep records! Dont be ignorant of this!! Cuss them out and call the police, get your gun go and threaten them.

Thats what they want, better yet kill one EVEN better! Because they share these experiences locally, nationally and worldwide. They dont want to stand in front of your door and be treated that way. But in their eyes if you deny or hate them, Then they have acconplished what they set out to do. Really it isnt about you at all its about thier salvation. They view opposition as a guide. The more you oppose the more "truth" it tends to be.

Jehovahs Witnesses are splintered from the Roman Catholic Church. They have one holiday and that is the memorial or "passover" this month every year on a full moon they celebrate and so they will pound doors. If.they.come back and no one.has.slammed a door.or tried to kill them then they havent worked hard enough.

JW's wide and all they do is discuss all that door slamming and threats on thier lives and they are prepared to die that moment for God. Because if they are not.ready then they dont have faith.

Usually its the newbies that are sent door to door out with the veterns and thats how they test thier faith.

Saying your "Disfellowshipped" scares the newbies but not the veterans.

Real JWs have studied all religions and come.from all backgrounds so they can truthfully speak to everyone.about.anything.

Just dont answer the d oor. They will be back and despite what you do. Your home, name and what took place is accounted for. JW support and donate money to law enforcement, the cops may come.but really nothing is happen unless they did something to.break.the law.

Everyone is related or associated with a JW somewhere some how you just dont know it yet.

Some Jehovahs witnesses helped me write this because i showed them this thread and they said "might as well have correct post". And i got a pamphlet.

Now i.need to.smoke....

My father was going through a spiritual phase and was questioning everything a few years ago.

Early on a Saturday morning a couple JWs stopped over and started preaching. So he invited them in.

Around 12 hours later they finally left questioning their own religion. Haven't seen too many since.
Next time answer the door naked, with your dick in your hands, and say you're beating the devil out of yourself and for them to come in and help. I imagine they'll find someone else to save pretty quick.

My bro did something very, very close to that. Never came back.