Green O Matic "The Maiden Voyage"


Well-Known Member
Looking good so far, she recovered nice but she's thirsty.
Try misting her frequently while she's in veg.
+ Water when she's dry like a half inch down or something, and let just a little water run out of the bottom of the pot.


Well-Known Member
Pshh I flood the fuck out of mine in veg. I water the dirt like normal, but I soak them with the mister whenever I see them.

I'm using CFL's though so you'd have to experiment on placement when they're wet so they don't burn.

But they should be able to handle the water and foliar feed.


Well-Known Member
Do not foliar feed, I wouldn't feed until they are atleast a month old. They will stay plenty green trust me. Here are my big devil autos at day 17 in the yellow buckets and my easy ryders in the white buckets


Well-Known Member
Listen to above...DO NOT FEED, foliar or otherwise, your ladies for a couple more weeks....and you can go to hps anytime....but I'd suggest that 600w on seedlings is pretty intense...hope ya have good ventilation....misting is great....and yes, I've grown GOM several times....good weed....


Active Member
ive got great ventilation now ive got a 440cfm intake fa sucking the hot air from the top and the bottom flaps of the tent open to allow fresh air in. And as for feeding your sure that no nutes should be used in the first month? Ive bought veg specific nutes lol. I mean it would save alot of money in the future if I didnt have to buy the veg specific nutes.


Well-Known Member
For autos it's not necessary, If it's not broke why fix it? They are healthy and green and show no signs of deficiecies so I would wait till about one month and give it light feeding with a little bit of a veg forumula but mostly bloom.


Active Member
lovin the info and input guys keep it commin. So since I have an experienced auto grower givin advice please tell me if my temps and humidity are ok. im sitting on average at about 28 degrees and a humidity now of 50-60% should I change either of these?


Active Member
Sorry to those of you if any that are following this thread I know these pics are a couple days late but unfortunitly I have to work as well. Here are the updates at 23 or 24 days old to which im not 100% sure of the exact age. I know im 23 or 24 days old today. anyways here they are.


Well-Known Member
I meant Foliar feeding with pure water earlier, sorry for the miscommunication. I don't fertilize for AT LEAST 2 weeks, where I use half dose, and only on my most vigorous gals.


Active Member
I got what you were meaning. Ive only been foliar feeding with pure water. Seems to be helping a lot.


Active Member
I think I may stop posting here since C.Indica your the only one following lol. Dunno if im wrong or not. If yur ollowing let me know.


Well-Known Member
I be taggin along ;) Plants look pretty good. I think the deal with RIU is that most peepz wait until Flowering and such to post. My thread didnt really get alot of posts per say, but now I'm in Week 5 of Flower and there seems to be more feedback. Peepz have lives and jobs as well so be gentle lulz


Well-Known Member
Some of us auto lovers are still tagging're looking good...keeep much patience on hand at all times; the ladies love when ya show them just enough love and make them want more....