GreenPower000's (1st ever Grow) 12/12 CFL From Seed journal

im a bit confused y wuld u want to super crop this plant? the point of doing it is if you dont have a even canopy or the plant is getting to tall these plants look great

someone else mentioned it and i figured why not? not like im growing for yield anyways....
someone else mentioned it and i figured why not? not like im growing for yield anyways....

well nonetheless the plants are doing fine and as late as you are doing it will only slow down the process and make the bud not as potent as it culd have been imo
yea i know what ur sayin and i don't smoke anymore so.... i just grow for fun im going to be working underground in the coal mines soon so i gotta piss clean
that sucks i wont quit for nothin job or probation jus throw down in my town we can go to a pharmacy nd get setrile piss over the counter with a warmer and thermomter shit works every time or get a sample bottle of contoce soloution nd dump it out clean the bottle and drill out the top so it flows better and turn ur defroster on to get it warm then keep it next to ur leg has to be within body temeperature
well underground mineing... its not that easy they prety much watch you if you can't have someone watch you while u piss then you don't belong underground lol but after a little time is passed yea im gonna smoke and take stuff to clean me out but lets not steal his post =D
I soooo did a bad thing tonight.... I snipped off the bottom small flowers... and me and the wife smoked em. Got us very baked........ but for only 20 min or so. We are hardup for some cash and bud after the holiday season.
i hear ya there man ive done the same thing pleanty of times hell ive almost smoked over half of my harvest nd i still have about 3 weeks left of curing lol
Girls are doing alright... Watered them last night with Nute water... bloom ferts..... Just waiting on them to ripen up so I can harvest ! I guess the pistols will pickup the pace in turning brown soon, I've only noticed a few brown ones...
Here are some pics:

It's been a rough couple of days..... sorry for the delay in update ! Wacha think guys?
It still looks like you have a ways to go, but those buds are going to be nice :). Just keep her going until she ripens up as you say. I wouldn't be surprised if it takes another month. Pay more attention to trichome color than pistil color, though both should be evaluated before you harvest. You're probably going to want somewhere between 20 and 50% amber trichomes when you harvest. Trichomes go through three fairly distinct "color" phases characterized by clear, milky, and amber colorations of the resinous bulbs on the buds and inner leaves. More clear and milky trichomes usually result in a more cerebral high from the smoke, while more amber trichomes indicates the presence of more CBD which gives you the couch-lock/indica effect. Of course different strains have a tendency to higher or lower levels, usually of CBD, you can still regulate your high somewhat depending on when you harvest. Cool, eh! Pistil color is an indicator of whether or not the buds are still actively fattening up and growing. More brown pistils means that the growth is stopping and you're going to want to harvest sooner rather than later, so pay close attention to those trichomes.

You'll probably need at least a magnifying glass to see the trichomes well. If you hold the magnifying glass up in front of your camera lens, you can even get nice pictures of them for us to drool over!

Keep it up, and keep us posted! The plants look swell.
Sad Sad Day in my world right now.....
There has been crazy ass shit going on in my life since Monday.... and why should today be any different.. I arose to the sound of what i thought was someone trying to break into my back door @ 3:45 this morning, Ran to back door with my bedside weapon ( a halfway sawed off pool stick with the center bored about 6 inches in and an iron rod inserted into it, capped off and with a nice custom leather hand grip and lanyard to wrap around my wrist in case my intruder tries to grab it from me)... nothing was there... in my half asleep paranoia I check all doors windows and what not.. coast is clear. Lay back down in bed .... get into that twilight right before ya completely fall asleep..... and well you guys can probably guess... I hear that FUC*ing noise again.... To my dismay it is comming from the closet.. not the back door....

Well, it seems one of my wife's cats (the pot loving, bong breaking, stash snatching FUCKER) had clawed her way threw the plastic sheeting and into the box...

We might have kungPaow Cat tonight.... I couldn't get a hold of her this morning.. she is to fast.. which pisses me off even more.

The smaller of the two plants....
Nothing can be salvaged...... She Knocked it down out of the box (there is dirt everywhere)...she some how ate the whole fucking plant.. chewed all the flowers off, damaged the main stem (chewed) all the way down to the dirt and the leaves.. are gone.... no leaves in sight... not even a shred...
Thank GOD I got to her before she had a chance to tear my one good plant up. I never really like the concept of keeping animals in the house.. especialy since they SHIT and PISS IN your house... I don't care if your animals (anyones animals) are good about the bathroom... their is some corner in your house... or behind or under something that they have shit or pissed all over... Not to sound like a pussy... but i just want to go home and cry and go to sleep..... I hate being at work... I just hate the world right now... apparently it hates

Dan (the one good female and only plant i have left)
is doing OK.... maybe got some extra light she didn't need this morning (2 - 3 plus hours of extra light maybe)
I don't even know how the cat got in my room and into my closet... all the doors were closed...

But i digress...

I'm not trying to bring ya guys down... just venting... lol...

I hope everyone's new year is starting out better !!!
I just wanted to take a sec to thank every one who has stoped by to look and especialy the people who have added me as a friend and post in my journal. All the advice and guidence is greatly appriciated. I feel like I have some really good friends here on the boards.... better than my real life friends. Thanks for everything guys !
WOW! Sorry to hear that man... I know where your coming from with the animals, our dog has pissed on our bed.. Not Cool! Sorry for your loss!