GreenPower000's (1st ever Grow) 12/12 CFL From Seed journal

Man that sucks ass. Sorry to hear about that, honostly I fucking hate cats with a passion. Hope you have Dan on lockdown....
Man that sucks ass. Sorry to hear about that, honostly I fucking hate cats with a passion. Hope you have Dan on lockdown....

Yea, I hate my wifes cats... they have been conditioned to be snooty ass little fuckers ..... I digress..

Yea, Dan is on total lock down. I cleaned everything up, put everything back in place.. replaced the plastic, looks just like it did before : ) minus one plant : (

Hopes are high.... can't wait for Dan to start the "swelling cycle" I keep reading about... it seems like the last week or two of the plants life the buds swell to huge proportions.
its great you see a change almost everyday lol

No Joke, I'm gonna try to post some close up pics of my plant... I see so many Trics pop up every day, I keep feeding her a little bit of bloom ferts with each watering , the tips of the leaves are just a hair curled .. but those buds are looking sweet !! My wife got me a magnifying glass and a little plastic microscope.. so I might be able to take some pics up close on some beautiful crystals.
yea man just take the magnifying glass and put it up to the camera lense u can take some BADASS shots and zoom the pics with ur comp and see more its awsome bongsmilie
Ok, tonight I got a sheet of dryer vent ... my dad got me a dremel for christmas . Gonna put it to good use making another hood. All I need are the lights now. Little by little bit... a piece at a time. I really want to get those 100 watt cfls from home depot I posted about previously in my journal. If I can get 4 of those in my box I will be set.... you think I could run 400 watts off of one wall plug and a 6 way strip. It would prob. Only be 200 watts for a while if I can get funds ... but with the way things are now a days.. we all know how tight it can get. Keep on growin guys !
Ok, tonight I got a sheet of dryer vent ... my dad got me a dremel for christmas . Gonna put it to good use making another hood. All I need are the lights now. Little by little bit... a piece at a time. I really want to get those 100 watt cfls from home depot I posted about previously in my journal. If I can get 4 of those in my box I will be set.... you think I could run 400 watts off of one wall plug and a 6 way strip. It would prob. Only be 200 watts for a while if I can get funds ... but with the way things are now a days.. we all know how tight it can get. Keep on growin guys !

souldnt be a problem at 400+ watts. usually on a 15 amp breaker (typical house breaker size) the limit is around 1500 watts.
Here are a few good shots:
100_3674 edit.JPG100_3667 edit.jpg100_3673 edit.jpg100_3666 edit.jpg


A few more pics from a few different views.


And an amaryllis I clipped and stuck in the Cab to try and flower... they have such big pretty flowers.


Hopefully this will be some Dank Bud !:joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed:
O it will be better then most of the green u get off the street, she will make u proud no matter how good it is =D

I broke out the Dremel and cut a hole in the shelf of the cab, so i can re route all of my electrical down to under the cab.


Started some new seeds......


Already have a sprout... Looking forward to watching these beauties grow !:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:
Yea i hate haveing wires sticking out everwhere gets on my nerves =D thats why i put my plugins inside my box so 1 cord pluged in outside powers everything for me =D
Way to go greenpower000! This little operation of yours is really starting to look sharp :). Next step: Panda Film! You'll really notice the difference, especially in cahoots with your new lights to be.
Way to go greenpower000! This little operation of yours is really starting to look sharp :). Next step: Panda Film! You'll really notice the difference, especially in cahoots with your new lights to be.

Thanks man !!!! Yea, I have to save up some money and invest in some Panda Film! I was talking to the wife and was wondering how mirrors (just a stony would work out. It wouls be expensive ... but I can only imagine the massive glow coming from a mirror lined box. I want those new lights soo bad i can taste it.... Hope everything is going good in your neck of the woods !!
i have mirrors underneath my plants so i can look underneath my leaves by just peakin in my boxi wasn't sure if it would burn the plants like foil does or not
im pretty sure that mirrors absorb the light or some shit. im no expect by any means but i dont think mirror are good. dont quote me though i could be wrong
Been sick as shit guys...... damn flu going around real bad in my area.... I took Wed off to take the wife to the doctor, left work early Thursday cause i was feeling soooo bad. Then woke up Friday morning and couldn't move i was soooo damn stiff and dizzy...... I lade in bed all day Friday.... I didn't sleep the whole time, But i really couldn't move....... Today was the first day I actually could move my muscles and joints....

Don't be disappointed guys ... but i chopped Dan..... well... not all the way, I trimmed all the budz off and left a little foliage. I dried for a day or two. But i was out of smoke .. money .. and wasn't feeling the best. To tell ya the truth it was better than any bud i have bought on the street... and now im kicking myself in the ass wondering how it would have been if I would have let it finish.. Oh well........ there is some really small new growth on the bottom of the plant. I'm hopping that it will bush out and have alot more bud sites.. ... or maybe it will die... who knows? Does anyone have experience with trimming all the budz and trying to re-grow?

Take it easy fellow brothers in bud !
Sooooo.... Dan could have been a really nice smoke if I would have let it finish out:wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall:


Dan has some growth coming back, it's small... but it's starting to sprout little leaves at the bottom.

I clipped all the dry,nut burned and neglected tips of the leaves off, just to make it look better and not so sorry and tired.


My sprouts are doing well tho..... only one out of the 6 didn't make it.




I have everything to make the next hood (have had it for a week or so now) Just need the fundage for the light bulbs.... I'm thinking.... when Tax time comes around.... screw the little dinky 100 Watters

I think I will go fo rthe 200 watt CFL's with 2 hoods housing 4 lights ... thats 800 Watts... think it's over kill?


Happy growing and smoking !!!:leaf::leaf::weed::weed::leaf::leaf::weed::weed::leaf::leaf: