Man that sucks ass. Sorry to hear about that, honostly I fucking hate cats with a passion. Hope you have Dan on lockdown....
its great you see a change almost everyday lol
Ok, tonight I got a sheet of dryer vent ... my dad got me a dremel for christmas . Gonna put it to good use making another hood. All I need are the lights now. Little by little bit... a piece at a time. I really want to get those 100 watt cfls from home depot I posted about previously in my journal. If I can get 4 of those in my box I will be set.... you think I could run 400 watts off of one wall plug and a 6 way strip. It would prob. Only be 200 watts for a while if I can get funds ... but with the way things are now a days.. we all know how tight it can get. Keep on growin guys !
Way to go greenpower000! This little operation of yours is really starting to look sharp. Next step: Panda Film! You'll really notice the difference, especially in cahoots with your new lights to be.