Grow room for $800??? please let me know if you think this is a scam or what!

i have seen deals like this and have picked up a deal like this ,,,, have a buddy go with u agree or disagree on price give him half the cash when its loaded up give him the rest of cash is how we handled it test everything and make a day of it and laugh on the way home how he just ripped himself off
pic of truck also lol

i picked up my 350w hps ballast dome and wiring to 110 for 10 bucks a pop. craigslist has the kinda deals when people think there op is gettin hot and they gotta sell so they dont care what they get, cuz look at what theyve made!
As someone else said, if you can put all that shit to use, go for it. I have a 60 site ez cloner I bought brand new for whatever rediculas price I paid, I used it twice and now that fucker is buried in my pile of un used junk because 60 clones is a lot and the units are a little big to put a couple clones in. Bring someone if you can as a precaution but for the most part its probably legit, people have no money right now and if he cant grow to earn some coin for whatever reason, its basically a pile of cash sitting there costing a pile of cash just to have.
so do yall think this is over doing it? im a newbie at this and have one 4x8 tent. two 600s nothing for veg. so what i was planning on is using one of the small tents for a mother plant. the other for clones and putting a t5 in it. im not to sure on how to clone yet but i would learn lol. i wouldn't be using the cloner for about 9 months.
well if i do decide to drive all the way up there i really hope i dont get f'ed over. i dont think i will but you never know!
Dude are you talking about the AD on craigslist?
I am mins away from that. I saw the same deal and passed. It could be a good investment and you could do a few grows and save up for replacement stuff like the ballasts but overall it sounds ok. Oh and be wary, Virginia Beach has a special division for stopping people like us. Those Bastards!!!
ya that is why i was kinda skeptical about doing it.... i found alot of grow stuff for sale in Virginia Beach. I might just pass. its along way up there just to go to jail for some stupid shit. hes not responding to me now either. i asked for more detailed pictures to make sure nothing was damaged. no response. he also has a number from down where i am (phone) and said he owns a seafood business.
Well I would say if you don't hear from the guy you should just order some stuff online and get it new, because sometimes you are just buying someones problems when you buy this stuff used. If you get on ebay you can find a secret jardin DR90II for less than 200 shipped in a discreet box. Also I say look on ebay as some of those tents are pretty good and come with free shipping, but be aware if it doesn't say anything about discreet shipping the tent may come shipped in it's original packaging. Also you can get T5's for pretty cheap and if your handy you can build your own. I would say build your own cloner because as stated above those EZ cloners are not really that "easy" to work with IME. A homemade bubble cloner with a heat mat works just as well, is significantly cheaper, and can be tailored to fit in the corner of the mother tent. Ballasts of good quality (digital) can be had from discount-hydro as they have quantums which you can upgrade the reflector for cheap as well. Also htg has pretty good prices on ventilation, so with your 800 I think I would and could buy a setup that was new and save myself the trouble of bargaining or buying faulty equipment.

Plus then you have the satisfaction of knowing that no one else knows about your grow and have no worries about rippers, because this is my biggest fear. You buy someone's "used" stuff then they wait a few months, let you get settled in and then they come steal all the shit back along with all your stuff and your harvest. For me having to include someone else to get this stuff is the deal breaker and I wouldn't go alone... Keep us posted and of course if you need some help looking for stuff new or building something drop another thread. Good luck and happy growing.
Wait, is it illegal to buy used hydro stuff ?? Can you get in trouble for it??

i think it would be illegal if it had THC that they could pull out of it. but other then that i don think they could get you for anything unless you admitted it was to grow weed.
It's not illegal to buy goods so they'd be up a creek if they were cops and tried to do something over it. But at the same time if they are cops they just gave you a noose and some rope and will just wait till you hang yourself. But I highly doubt they'd waste their time like that. Just as a precaution don't bring any bud for the ride.
HAHA dont have any thats why im growin lol... and also why im so skeptical cuz i just got ripped off 340 bucks for some bud! so i dont wanna go up there just to have it happen again you know.