Grow room for $800??? please let me know if you think this is a scam or what!

Thats shitty...About the not having bud and getting ripped. Jacked or just not worth the 340?

I'd figure out a way somehow to write him a check or money order or something you can cancel in case he jacks you. Theres not a huge market for used growing gear because people are sketched out to do deals like that so it could be legit like another poster said and he needs the money and no ones offering so he keeps going lower. There is that tiny risk that he could jack you though. But with a truck like that run him over. Or a public transaction in like a parking lot. Anything that can alleviate risk on your part.

I think the balls in your court on this one also. He obviously is having a hard time selling.
just got jacked thats plain out it... i knew it was going to happen and dont know why i went though with it... i guess desperate times call for desperate measures lol... but not shear stupidity like i pulled off... i guess you could say i deserved it for being so stupid
while reading this i was kinda thinking, This guy is gonna get jacked, i was hoping i was wrong...But.. Man how that happen?
while reading this i was kinda thinking, This guy is gonna get jacked, i was hoping i was wrong...But.. Man how that happen?

i didnt get jacked from this guy, i dont go up to get the stuff till saturday so i dont know if im going yet. but i asked some dude on the street if he could get some stuff and he said ya, so the next day gave me a call and i met him. he had to take the money to his guy to get the stuff and come back.. so i took his phone and his wallet and he left.. lookin in his wallet and fuckin nothing was in there... then looked at his phone and tried to make a call *disconnected*! so i knew it was a gonner and gave him the benifet of the doubt for him to come back... he never came back. i wasnt too pissed cuz i knew what risk i was taking doin it that way but had nobody else. i should have only gave him like 50 instead but wasnt thinkin and he looked like he was trustworthy... but you cant trust looks lol. This was also a very pot friendly city, lots of hippies and lots of college students.
That sucks...This is a direct result of prohibition. Had weed been legal you could have walked down the street and got hooked up.

I know what its like to be in between dealers. I'm just glad I won't have to deal with that shit anymore.
hey man i lived in norfolk for a while, right next to V.B. i would be really cautious if I were you, lotta sketchy people, but its also where some of our good nugs came from too.
just got jacked thats plain out it... i knew it was going to happen and dont know why i went though with it... i guess desperate times call for desperate measures lol... but not shear stupidity like i pulled off... i guess you could say i deserved it for being so stupid

man ive had times like that!! my dad even told me not to go out cause something bad could happen. i went out to go buy bud and these dudes tried to jack my 100 dollars. they got the hundred but i got there ipod from there car so i didnt completely lose my money but then a couple weeks later someone came in my apt when i was gone somehow and took two ipods. 1 that i took from that guy and one i bought. it was fucking gay

It could be for anything growing.

Same thing bongs and pipes are sold as tobacco pipes for legality. You know no ones using a roor or an illadelph for tobaccy.
I could touch my cheek to my 600w lumatek ballast and it just feel a little warm. I might agree with you though on the gameshow host bit. It is a great deal btw if its real

I stopped reading when he said his digital ballasts put off no heat.

Might be a good deal but the guy sounds like a game show host, and I wouldn't drive 200 miles for a guy like that.
No. Its not illegal to buy used equipment used to grow vegetables and other plants. If it was those vendors wouldn't even be able to sell their products new, nevermind used.

Wait, is it illegal to buy used hydro stuff ?? Can you get in trouble for it??
Ya sounds good.. but wish I would have just jumped to your list at the end instead wasting my time on your drivel attempt at making the listing interesting for 6 paragraphs.