Grow: The next generation. Early Misty and Master Kush!


Well-Known Member
Khola, I am really not qualified to give you an opinion as I've never done self-watering. I manually water my plants. I did see a self-watering system in a recent in-flight magazine that looked really good, though and it was fairly inexpensive. Whatever you decide, I would urge you to still inspect your plants daily, as something can go wrong in a hurry and ruin a good crop.

Quick update: Plants are coming along. I was away on a trip for 5 days and when I got back, my ladies were infested with spider mites. How I hate those fuckers. I'm still battling them but I think I have them at bay for now. I'm looking to harvest within the next week or 2. Checking trichs a couple times a week now and they are starting to change from clear to cloudy.


Well-Known Member
Chopped down MK1 on Saturday. Wasn't quite ready, trichs were cloudy, but the spider mites were just out of control. I've managed to keep them at bay on the other 2 former moms (MK2 and EM) and 3 clones. I'm hoping to harvest MK2 and EM within the next week or so and the clones a couple of weeks after that.

I checked the drying buds on MK1 and they are almost ready to go into the jars, after only 3 days drying. I'm shooting for Halloween for some smokable bud. I haven't weighed the harvest yet but from the size of the buds, I'm guessing somewhere around 1/2 - 3/4 oz.


Active Member
HearMe, I just wanted to say I read both of your journals and I am impressed with how far you have come. I can't wait to see how much you yeild and I will be following up with it. Im curious to know how often you water your plants and what determines when? When you mix your nutes do you use a 5gal and only use so much of it? I really don't understand your watering schedule. Also I just recently started my own grow from a few reg. seeds I had. They look good and im growing under flourecent lighting. I can't take pictures but Im going to use alot of your info in my grow. This is my "trial" run before investing into any kind of real equip.



Active Member
hey hearmenow, I too have read both journals and I'm also am on my first grow. I'm closet growing, and my babies are almost 3 weeks old. Hopefully my grow will be as productive as yours.
GL and good growin'


Well-Known Member
Thanks Mad and goodluck to you too. I've enjoyed my grows, even with the frustrations.

Blaze, I typically water my plants every 2 or 3 days. From experience, I pretty much know that 1g will water about 4 1g pots. Usually I will prepare about 1.5 g, just in case.

Ok update time and much to report.

MK1, which I chopped down 2 weeks ago was covered in spidermites (hence the reason I cut it down). After drying for a couple days, I just figured there was no way I'd smoke that with all those bugs. So, I decided to water cure. I did that for about 3 days. I chaned the water twice a day and each time it got clearer and clearer. The key is, each time I changed the water, there were hundreds if not thousands of SMs in the water. There was actually about a 1mm layer of SMs at the bottom! Nasty. Anyway, I was able to get most of the bugs off the buds and after I dried in a darkened room, on a baking rack with an overhead fan going, they are back in a jar. I smoked a couple of buds and I'm sad to say the high so far is weak. Fucking bugs.

I decided to try a similar approach with the living plants. First I sprayed them with insecticidal spray and after about an hour I dunked their colas in water. Again, I was impressed to see hundreds of dead mites floating! I left the plants to dry outdoors. I accidentally snapped 2 colas on one plant and had to harvest those. Those are in jars since last Saturday and I have higher expectations of potency.

RIght now I still have 3 clones and 1 mom remaining. Those are very dank and are close. Checked trichs last night and they are either cloudy or amber. Won't be too long now.

Also started grow 3, with 2 MKs and 2 EMs again. I germinated over the weekend and the seedlings are already about 4". Have them outside the growbox in a tupperware with the sides misted.

I'll try taking some pics this weekend and post Monday.


Well-Known Member
Well, much to report. My 2 EM seedlings met with an untimely demise due to my stupid little pug. He trampled all over them and killed them. I have the 2 MKs going and I decided to plant some of my excellent bag seeds I've been accumulating all year. I chopped down the last mom over weeks ago and after a couple days water-curing (to remove the spider mites) it is in a jar curing.

I also chooped one of my 3 remaining clones 2 days ago and it's in a jar as of this morning. I have high (no pun intended) hopes for the potency of the clones, as I've managed to minimize the spider mites on them. I have 1 remaining clone (see pics) in the growbox with the seedlings and it looks and smells very wicked. You can see from the pics how it's covered in trichs. I'm soooo excited to harvest this little one. Pity it's only about 6" tall! The 3rd clone hasn't developed those nice tight buds and is still very infested with the mites, so I stuck the little bitch back outdoors, to protect the others.



Well-Known Member
Final update: I chopped the budding clone earlier this week after most trichs were amber. Dried it for 2 days and it's now in a jar. The new generation is already up and going. That will be the new journal.


Well-Known Member
lookin great man, i just ordered my seeds yesterday frm nirvana (snow white) and i'd like to compare journals as we go, only problem is i have no idea how to start a thread or a journal, if u could help me out? thanks
Definetly going to whatch this journal to see how it goes as i'm growing ealry misty myself . one question though i'm a first grower so excuse this possibly stupid question : when did you descide that your seedlings where ready for the outdoors? I've got 6 seedlings which are 6 days old and i've started taking them out just during the day but i feel that the english temperature and wind will fuck them up during the night what you thinking ? Is the daily change of climate causing Unnecessary stress. Any and all info apreciated