Growing in cotton!?

Somehow I have a sneeky feeling it might work, the only problem I forsee is that the cotton may not retain enough moisture, he may have to feed twice as much, hell with hydro you can grow in any medium, when I first started I grew in 5 gal buckets filled with pea gravel with good success, at least that's my belief.
Thanks! Everyone on this thread has been more than helpful. I only wanted to try it out on cotton and see how it goes, regardless of the outcome.
My main goal was not to efficiently grow as this is my first time, but to somewhat experiment with this cotton method. Once again, thanks to everyone. If my plant was to actually grow and produce effectively, I'd be more than happy to spark some with everyone on this thread as a way of thanking all for your tips and help.
I have a feeling it will work as well its going to be tuff but as long as there is food water and light something will happen. I already copied your idea bruno and started my own cotton ball germ/ grow lol. I have to say if it works i will try and keep it alive. Its a good experiment cheap to do. Worth a shot man + rep for the simple complexity that you started :) Since no one has asked what sparked the idea for cotton balls? My current grow is in late stages of flowering right now and i have a small plant that was germed, sprouted and its short i mean short life of vegging all under 12/12 lights its already budding lol at 7 or so inches tall. 2 experiments now while im waiting for my trics to turn cloudy/ slightly amber on my main jane.
Is there any reason you want to start in cotton? Its hard enough to learn how to grow in soil. I failed many times and I know a lot of other people did as well. Its just adding another degree of difficulty for no reason. Surgeons dont start doing brain surgery for a reason. If you really dont care about getting any bud, then go for it I guess. You will learn a lot more by doing your first few grows in soil IMO. All the best
I'd be afraid of it rooting into the cotton and having complications as a result. Maybe getting pinched off as it outgrows..
Using Cotton Balls as a Growing Medium
« on: March 09, 2010, 07:38:06 AM »

I used cotton balls instead of grow sponges in a Classic 7 unit to grow mesclun greens. It works.

However, I learned the hard way that you must either use your finger to make a hole for your seeds or lay them on top of the cotton balls. If you try to cover your seeds, they cannot make their way out through the cotton strands.


- Cheap
- Easy to find
- Completely biodegradable


- No nutrients in growing medium
- Nothing acidic to bring down PH

I have been using General Hydroponics nutrients, and the greens are growing like crazy.
Kathy ... Falling in love with gardening again.

Unsure why you quoted me. You just showed that i was right. lol
Cotton will rot once in a humid environment. Nice idea but I'm pretty sure it's a fail.

I was thinking the same thing, ive had cotton rags i use on my car that have gotten wet and grown mold or something funky on them, but then again a cold dark non ventilated garage is a different environment then a pot with a plant growing in it. Sure sounds interesting regaurdless.

I quoted you to show you the problems with growing in rotton cotton but hey if you have every waking moment to make sure they don't dry out and make sure it has nutrients right on brother grow on mad props to your crops

Really, because i said those things in my first comment as potential problems. You just said something ignorant and discouraging right of the rip so i corrected it. I mentioned that cotton might not hold water and it may rot. You were just confused thinking you have to add nutes before your plant even sprouts.
Im sorry bruno but other then using the cotton for the first 3 weeks after the seeds pop i do not know how to go further. If you can keep the cotton moist and have enough to keep adding im assuming you might be able to go further maybe into veg. If you added nutrients i would go as little as possible once the 2 round looking leaves turn yellow and look like they are about to fall off, which they will its what the plants do. Id say give them 1/4 strength and see what happens. I am new myself and just going off of. My thinking which sometimes is logical lol. I havnt medicated in a few days so maybe google and research it. I dont want to lead you down the wrong path. Check out the links adjorr and imsocute posted. I dont have enough under my belt to be 100 % sure. Im going to germ a seed tonight in a cotton ball and see just how far i can grow a plant like it was in soil but with cotton balls just to document it. If it seems to work ill make a journal about it. If not ill make a post saying i failed for others to know not to try it.

Im sorry bruno but other then using the cotton for the first 3 weeks after the seeds pop i do not know how to go further. If you can keep the cotton moist and have enough to keep adding im assuming you might be able to go further maybe into veg. If you added nutrients i would go as little as possible once the 2 round looking leaves turn yellow and look like they are about to fall off, which they will its what the plants do. Id say give them 1/4 strength and see what happens. I am new myself and just going off of. My thinking which sometimes is logical lol. I havnt medicated in a few days so maybe google and research it. I dont want to lead you down the wrong path. Check out the links adjorr and imsocute posted. I dont have enough under my belt to be 100 % sure. Im going to germ a seed tonight in a cotton ball and see just how far i can grow a plant like it was in soil but with cotton balls just to document it. If it seems to work ill make a journal about it. If not ill make a post saying i failed for others to know not to try it.

UPDATE: It's been a week.
Watering lightly but often.
This morning I woke up to a small stem sprouting out (:
Cotton is in great condition, never too dry or too wet.
Definitely nowhere near rotting, cotton holding up just fine.
Placed by window for sunlight.
I can't post a pic on here?
I think it could work but would need to be put in a hempy style and also when u start adding nutes the salt build up mite do damage and the cotton might bunch up to much and drown the roots with the water retention all i use is 100percent perlite and treat it like hydro for ph and stuff and u cant really overwater them unless they are still young and in rockwool plus pest are alot less than with soil