growing in the same hole?

It took me 61 yrs to learn to dig all my craters the previous fall just throw a couple kivie heads in and anyone who finds it thinks its pet cemetery and never go back. 13 ft yellow beauties every summer
When I was in my twenties, and gung ho about developing an organic system to use in my guerilla grows, I had an old man trick the shizz out of me.
This was back when Subcool was creating his Supersoil mix. We were all contributing on the forums with our own experience.
This old dude convinced me to bury a rockfish in the ground where I was going to plant.
Sounded good to me, because fish emulsion was something familiar to me.
Turns out, it takes more than one season for a 40 inch rockfish to break down in the soil.
I ruined over half my planting spots for three years.
Rotted fish in the ground is not helpful to growing plants.
Only after it's decomposed is it useful.
Learned a rough lesson = Maybe don't trust a dude who has his hair AND beard tied in a knot.
I know it was sarcasm. Fish wont stay in a hole around here unless its crypt depth. Im not sure how guys find these premade holes 6 months to a yr later any how. Gps? Leaving craters( laughable if illegal imo)?
I know it was sarcasm. Fish wont stay in a hole around here unless its crypt depth. Im not sure how guys find these premade holes 6 months to a yr later any how. Gps? Leaving craters( laughable if illegal imo)?
We just started getting coyotes in my area. Previously there was nothing but a racoon to dig it up. And the racoons are few and far in between these days.
People don't realize that in large portions of our country, the animals are GONE.
Holy $&@“they must if all come here lol. Skunks are the main culprits here in my findings but agree coons k9s everything will especially in fall when it’s getting to be slim pickings
Holy $&@“they must if all come here lol. Skunks are the main culprits here in my findings but agree coons k9s everything will especially in fall when it’s getting to be slim pickings
I can remember, in the 80s, seeing all sorts of wildlife. Opossum were ubiquitous, you'd step on them if not paying attention. Racoons would eyeball you from a distance. Deer were everywhere and the most heinous villain to cannabis growers, they simply cannot pass the chance up to eat all your buds. Muskrat were always hassling my plants on the water. I had foxes digging my amendments, but not seriously - they'd realize it was a goose chase.
But now - silence. Some days no birdsong.
What do you think is cause? Development/ land loss? That’s frightening and to be honest as an outdoorsman ,silent woods makes me feel like im not alone
Well yeah, the cause is development. Everyone keeps building new stuff where there was nature. Houses, shopping centers, warehouses...
Not long now though. We will have nature subdued and it won't be pushing us around anymore.
It's hard to imagine, but less than 100 years ago, the deer population was so low that some states instituted deer management programs to help increase the deer population. In the 1930's, there were approximately 300,000 deer nationwide. Today, estimates put that number around 30 million. Why the staggering increase?Jun 12, 2018
It's hard to imagine, but less than 100 years ago, the deer population was so low that some states instituted deer management programs to help increase the deer population. In the 1930's, there were approximately 300,000 deer nationwide. Today, estimates put that number around 30 million. Why the staggering increase?Jun 12, 2018
Back then everyone hunted to feed the family now we go the work for money to buy food at the store pretty sad if you ask me.
I was mentioning to the wife last week about how there seems to be less deer and moose around the last few years then the next day on the way into town we see a herd of whitetail just a half mile up the highway from our place.

I don't hunt but if the shit hits the fan and protein gets hard to buy I have the old .303 I can use to put some meat on the table and we currently have over 30 chickens and a rooster so with his help the wife can make more chickens.

When a deer or moose wander onto the property my dog goes apeshit and they don't seem to run away even if I fire the shotgun to scare them off. Should be easy enough to bag one and my neighbour knows how to butcher it up and would help out.

The only other wildlife we get around here are coyotes and once in a blue moon a black bear will be spotted wandering around the fields. Had a cougar spotted and killed just a mile from here 2 years ago. Field mice by the bushel but no gophers for target practise dammit. No raccoons, skunks or any other critters to speak of. More than enough mosquitoes tho. :(

The yotes are your friends if you have a rodent boom. Considered a major predator but mice and voles make up the vast majority of their diet. Usually don’t get many deer till the snow piles up. The crusty stuff in particular. Deers break through and yotes don’t. Thats when the herd feels it
Back then everyone hunted to feed the family now we go the work for money to buy food at the store pretty sad if you ask me.
Modern suburbia creating a perfect "no hunting" preserve. And yes people eat factory meat. As they fear processing food if even of a clue. And if they saw the processing they are paying for.

I always used my same spots when stealth growing. Carried in a ziplock of dry water soluble and foldable 2 gallon bucket. And always planted some place miserable if not almost impassable. People and critters take the easy route everytime.
The yotes are your friends if you have a rodent boom. Considered a major predator but mice and voles make up the vast majority of their diet. Usually don’t get many deer till the snow piles up. The crusty stuff in particular. Deers break through and yotes don’t. Thats when the herd feels it
They kill many deer up this way its legal to hunt them over bait with lights here 6-8 normal night.
Modern suburbia creating a perfect "no hunting" preserve. And yes people eat factory meat. As they fear processing food if even of a clue. And if they saw the processing they are paying for.

I always used my same spots when stealth growing. Carried in a ziplock of dry water soluble and foldable 2 gallon bucket. And always planted some place miserable if not almost impassable. People and critters take the easy route everytime.
We used to 'mark' the holes with a big part of the stalk. Shove it in and leave it till next year. Like a flag in the spring. Plus all the holes are softer than the surrounding area.