Growing Question


Active Member
Im not sure if this is a problem or not, but its been about 1 1/2 weeks now, and my plants are growing pretty fast, but they're getting too tall to the point where they're falling over to the side, so i used a twig to support the step. Isn't there a way to control the height of the plant, cuz i want it to spread out more than growing tall. Any suggestions?>


Well-Known Member
if your using floro's get the light CLOSE to your plants. the plants stretch when the light is far from them


New Member
Also, you need some air movement. When growing indoors, we are trying to duplicate Mother Nature as much as possible. If you take a look at the plants and trees outdoors, you'll notice that they are in constant movement. That's because of the air moving across them. With your little babies, the GENTLE air from a small fan will strengthen the stems by stressing them a little ... kind of like weight lifting.

For the moment, go to the store and buy some of those cheap, plastic picnic forks. Put them in your medium with the handle down into the soil. Now, place the stem of the plant between the tines of the fork, being very careful not to break the stem. These plastic forks make great little props for the babies.
