Growing up in the 60s and 70s

Always thot ding dong ditch was a universal pastime, among all neighborhoods. Breakin windows and street lamps more of a regional thing. Kick the Can, more of a rural game.
We had dirt clod fights. Kids wood get bloody.
I went through a short phase of breaking bottles in the road. A teen down the street broke me of that habit real quick.
and the early cable boxes that you could jimmy with a paper clip and get the signal
we had the rotating ones, and if you balanced the channels "in between" you could totally get HBO and such, then it was just wait until the night came so you could get a glimpse of boob
the shit we did to see even side-boobage...
now kids can have any kind of porn they want for FREE, and it's all available on your phone, laptop, etc.
lil spoiled bastards
hell I remember typewriters, going to the library for BOOKS to do your reports on, having to document which books you got your material from..
writing actual words that are spelled correctly, and doing so with your actual HANDS..

these damn whippersnappers don't know..
they just don't know.
Kiss was my life in 78, 79. Me and my bros would dress up and get crazy, while their sisters worried about feathering their hair and putting up posters of Peter Frampton from 17 magazine and the like.
I had a big Kiss Army ring a bit like thisView attachment 3859398

that I would wear. I would put my tennis shoes on run my feet back and forth on the shag carpet and shock people, claiming it was a magic ring.
I even smoked pot when I was 8, older brothers were very convincing.

Love it! Kiss was my first concert, 1974 or thereabouts. I was all of 100lbs. Thought I was going to die in a rowdy crowd waiting for the doors to open. It was general admission and I remember fireworks lit in the crowd mid-concert. Strutter!
just remembered this, SLOT CARS, just about every town had a track in a strip mall somewhere's

We would run out of alleys and kick the doors in on cop cars and run off. The cops were normally in them.
You were bad!!
I'll admit to throwing rocks off the overpass onto the freeway, but no one ever got hurt.
We would also play by the train tracks and put all manner of scrap that was lying around on the tracks.
Didn't read all of the replies but I assume this all leads to,

The pussification of America?
there is a shop here in Portland Oregon that has the old BIG slot car tracks set up inside, at least 5 of them, the rental cars kinda suck, but there are usually guys there with a whole box full of cars that will loan you one if you buy the track time

We used to have those too. There was a place with 3 awesome tracks. That's how I learned to solder.
I had a group 7 car that they had to turn the track voltage up whenever I took it out. I think its somewhere in my basement now. I should dig that out for yucks.
That was a good place for kids to go to keep from getting into trouble and the owner did alright with it.
You were bad!!
I'll admit to throwing rocks off the overpass onto the freeway, but no one ever got hurt.
We would also play by the train tracks and put all manner of scrap that was lying around on the tracks.
When I was in prison about 5 years ago there was a kid like 18 or 19 in there because he was throwing rocks off a by pass and one went threw a ladies windshield killed her and her 2 kids. He's doing 20 Years hell bout out before he's 40.

Crazy man, the kid wasn't intentionally dropping big ass rocks to hit cars or people so he honestly wasn't try8ng to hurt anyone. Talk about some bad luck