Guano Substitution Question


Well-Known Member
OK I guess I wasn't paying attention too close to the super soil recipe because I have several types of guano and i thought I had 0-5-0 like in the recipe, but I don't. Here are the guanos I have. Can I use these in a different combination/ratio to replace the 0-5-0 in the original, or do I need to go get a different kind. I believe I saw happy frog at the local hydro store when I was there before just didn't think I needed it. I was already thinking of going tomorrow anyway.

So I have:
  • Peruvian Seabird guano pellets - 12-11-2 (this is my favorite for in soil since it breaks down very slowly and will last through an entire grow. good enough for ~shabang~ good enough for me
  • Mexican bat guano powder 10-1-1
  • Jamaican bat guano powder 1-10-1
  • Indonesian bat guano powder 0.5-13-0.2 -- was thinking half of this would be basically the same ratio as what's in supersoil, but the fact that it's powdered makes me worried it'll will wash out of the soil with drainage water
Suggestions? Got everything else the recipe calls for pretty much precisely I believe.


Well-Known Member
i also had the indo guano, but got the happy frog to use instead, but i think if you used half, you would be real close....they are both powders...i wouldn't worry about it washing away...when you cook your ss, it will absorb, and be perfect. just finished mixing up a new batch today....back is sore....this is what is in mine, good luck, and don't worry about it too much...nugs



Well-Known Member
Looks like the happy frog is just an updated version of the foxfarm peace of mind 0-4-0 guano :) Thanks for the advice :) i'm already going to the hydro store in the morning to get a ph pen so i'll probably decide when i get there... probably end up leaving with a bunch of shit i didn't plan on buying anyway :)


Active Member
Im in here lock and loaded my fellow skunkers i just started my first lil grow and needed a lil info on Bat Guano hopefully i could find it in here. By the i love TGA/Subcool hes my favorite Breeder hands down i got a few of his genes heres what i got so far. Also has Anyone ever used Bud Candy :-P



the chicken shit what ratio you use?
I just tried to use a little "common sense", though now that I think about it maybe its not so common. When I was a kid I lived some with my grandparents and they were very old school. They had about a literal half acre garden they would grow each year and it was my job to help clean out the area in the barn where both cows fed and chickens roosted. We used that to bump up the garden. I learned you dont want the fresh stuff as it will burn the garden out and you dont want too much-- or the same thing. I also have access to lots of free cow manure and I really believe in it more than chicken, so I have used it more. I have seen what some cow shit will do and its a beautiful thing. Though Im not really sure which is doing better right now side by side on my indoor grow.


Well-Known Member
"I just tried to use a little "common sense", though now that I think about it maybe its not so common."
brother; you said a mouthful