Guerrilla Guide

I was gonna say to the most I would do by myself is 10 plants. The more you do the less attention you pay to each of them and the more they will suffer.
Well my shit failed, first day out i didnt wanna lug cages into the grow area. Which i will never do again, 6 blue widows destroyed by animals. Bummer but there is still enough time for another grow.
Man I had to pull all my babies and they were about 17'6" and someone found them and said they were going to the cops so up they came they all had about 6 inch thick stocks just starting to flower and I had 1 my first indica the others were sativa which i prefer Indica i like sinking in my couch,, maybe next year ............
im doing my first outdoor guirrilla grow soon with some auto ak47. they stay very short from what i was told.
i had a Q. since i wont be able to go water them every day is their a way or a product that will hold water till the plant needs it and then release it by its self.

I use water absorbing polymers,
mg moisture controll soil(it just has extra coco coir in it.)
Plastic on the top soil to stop evaporation.
Lots of mulch on top to keep the heat off the soil.
Bottom watering planters, (earth boxes).
Look up xeriscaping........

I water 2 gal a week per plant in summer when it's 110' for a few months....
ive never heard of anything like that, cannabis can show pre flowers when its mature but it has short day flowering cycle, which means it will flower once the days lengths are shorter than 12 hrs. On May 15th the amount of day light hours is 14. 3 or 14.4. You probably did something else that stunted their growth.
The days don't go to 12/12 until around Sept 20th, here in NY. My plants start flowering about mid Aug.
I have no idea I been going over that myself the last year and I just think there was a slew of mistakes.
I don't mind carrying water to my soon to be grow spot, so watering my future plants is not an issue.. So I was wondering, how often should I water my plants? I don't care how hard it would be, what's the best reccomended amount? Sorry for the noob question :). better here than starting my own thread though lol.
I don't mind carrying water to my soon to be grow spot, so watering my future plants is not an issue.. So I was wondering, how often should I water my plants? I don't care how hard it would be, what's the best reccomended amount? Sorry for the noob question :). better here than starting my own thread though lol.

Atleast once a week if the soil is dry. If you choose a place with soil thats always moist you can do it even less. The more the better.
Atleast once a week if the soil is dry. If you choose a place with soil thats always moist you can do it even less. The more the better.

WHAT??? just once a week? I was thinking like every other day lol. Alright, so how many gallons to each plant? And I'm in a situation where I won't be avle to get fem seeds until two weeks from now.. Is that too late into the year?
WHAT??? just once a week? I was thinking like every other day lol. Alright, so how many gallons to each plant? And I'm in a situation where I won't be avle to get fem seeds until two weeks from now.. Is that too late into the year?

It depends on frequency of rain and what not. But we had a severe drought last year and I got away with watering once or twice a week. MY plants did suffer, but they didnt die.

I usually do a 5 gallon bucket per plant.

The latest I ever started was poping seeds on June 1st. It should be fine just don't expect pounds lol
haha no way am I expecting pounds.. Hell I'm not even trying to guess my yield. It may just lead me to dissapointment.. or possibly a surprise IDK :). Man I'm so excited, I'm gonna order my seeds today. BTW I live in texas so our warm months last longer during the year, so I should be in the clear. I heard auto-flowering is the way to go when you're short on time.. But I also heard to not use auto-flowering. Why is that?

Oh andI LOVE your thread, haven't looked through all the posts yet so I'm sure I'll find even more useful info. +rep
I've done autoflowers outdoors and they just aren't meant for the lack of care. They really need special attention to yield nice, I would just stick with Reg or fem.
So I was thinking about getting 5 fem bubblelicious seeds for my outdoor grow.. what do you think about using that strain for outdoors?
First off,Thanks Balzac for taking the time and sharing all the info.I've only made it threw a dozen pages but so far so great.Mr.Heph,almost five thousand posts?What are you doing??But here's what I know livin in the South.Come late July into August you will be watering every other day if not everyday growing in 5gl buckets or in ground.Watch your girl,she'll let you know but from experience the more the better.I'm sure even earlier this year because everything is already crispy outside.Autos?I do a few every year to keep me from pickin off my Photos.Red Dwarf is a good one for outdoors.You might want to double up on photos though,you'll loose some from not germ,pests,mistakes.Good Luck to Ya
First off,Thanks Balzac for taking the time and sharing all the info.I've only made it threw a dozen pages but so far so great.Mr.Heph,almost five thousand posts?What are you doing??But here's what I know livin in the South.Come late July into August you will be watering every other day if not everyday growing in 5gl buckets or in ground.Watch your girl,she'll let you know but from experience the more the better.I'm sure even earlier this year because everything is already crispy outside.Autos?I do a few every year to keep me from pickin off my Photos.Red Dwarf is a good one for outdoors.You might want to double up on photos though,you'll loose some from not germ,pests,mistakes.Good Luck to Ya

It rains more up here in the North, So unless we have a dought I rarely have to water. I've had nothing but bad experiences with autos outdoors.

Thanks for checking it out! Keep Rollin