Guerrilla Guide

I'm in the process of germinating seeds right now to start my outdoor grow. Am I to late to start? I'll only be growing 3 plants. I want to give them as much care as possible. The land I'm on is my own and nobody has ever stepped foot where I have chosen to grow my babies. I have never even been interested in an outdoor grow until I saw this today. What is a normal yield on plants properly taken care of for an outdoor grow?
I'm in the process of germinating seeds right now to start my outdoor grow. Am I to late to start? I'll only be growing 3 plants. I want to give them as much care as possible. The land I'm on is my own and nobody has ever stepped foot where I have chosen to grow my babies. I have never even been interested in an outdoor grow until I saw this today. What is a normal yield on plants properly taken care of for an outdoor grow?

any help on this guy? My seedlings are now just barely above the soil.
where do you live? plenty of time left....i will be putting plants outdoors for the next month.. I put some clones outdoors last year late mid july and still got 3-4 zips per plant
I'm in Mississippi. Man was I way off thinking I'd have closer to 10-12 zips per plant? I was gonna stick em in the ground at the end of this week.
I'm in Mississippi. Man was I way off thinking I'd have closer to 10-12 zips per plant? I was gonna stick em in the ground at the end of this week.

There are so many factors its nearly inmpossible to give you an accruate assessment of exactly what you will get out of it. IT depends on strain expereience weather and how much care they recieve.

With the minimum amount of care starting june 1st you might get 1 to 1 and a half ozs per plant.

The earlier you start the more you will get.

Hope I helped! Peace post more if you like

Things are coming along nicely. I might hold of on pictures for awhile just to show how they blow up.

LEeave some comments.

I know they look stretched its cause it been raining for almost two weeks straight.
So i just discovered a plant that looks alot like cannabis. Its the japanese maple. Has 7 bladed leaves and some color etc. Imo if u had a patch of these it could very well mask a cannabis plant on your land(permitting that you have land).

But anyway i live in the city. There is plllllleeeenty of countryside around me tho where i have friends with land. But id rather keep this to myself ya know.
I recently moved here from the countryside and have been here for about 3 mons. In my time i have actually seen 0 helicopters around here(other than med flight once or twice) but in the country police copters EVERYWHERE; and on the daily at that. I have a partial privacy fence at my current residence(purchased this way idk why..) but its only half way down the yard on either side. One side of house has fence completely connected to house. Other side has a chain link gate to get in back yard. One of my neighbors is never in his back yard and therefore the forest in his yard seperates us(you cannot see into his yard whatsoever due to overgrown vegetation). THe other neighbors keep to themselves for the most part but occassionally we interact, bbq whatever. They usually stay on their patio or somewhere close to the back wall of their house; basically to see in our yard they have to be at the very end of their yard. Our houses are backed up to a "buffer zone" which is about a 30 yrd thick tree line seperating us from a farmland. The whole purpose of this long ass post is for one simple question.

How safe do you think itd be to grow 2 outdoor plants in my backyard garden? I should mention i do regular gardening and vegetable as well due to my wife being allergic to pesticideds we are very effecient and productive people. So there is a regular garden back there so i was thinking grow about 15 japanese maples and mix a couple cannabis seeds in the garden?

What is your oppinion on it balzac? your the experienced outdoors man here so i trust your judgement more than mine lol
IF you look under my threads I have a second one in the Outdoor section and I have some news pics over there.I just dont have a computer ight now.
Good stuff so far only thing I'd add is cover your trail in and out have a emergency exit. Plan on seeing a tree thats what you will have iows don't hide a 3 footer where a 12 footer will be. I camo with flowers plastic ones.
every damn time i go out to look for a spot to plant i run into somone elses lol found like 6 crops this year, all the good spots are taken round here i guess lol somone did plant one like 30 feet from mine tho.......:(
Quick Q. A gas water pump or... take a small pond pump and fix it to a car battery? Either way im going to fix a rock to the end of the tube and throw it to the water so i dont make a direct path. Clever eh?
Ya know. I really wanted to read this thread. But dam there is just to much BS with that 80mg dude. I couldn't get past the second page. Just got sick of reading the BS. So sorry man I'm gone.

Good luck and good growing man
Did you guys consider deer in the woods? Deer can smell stinky bud for hundreds of feet away. They will follow the scent and find your plants. An adult buck male deer will eat practically the whole thing. Does and fawns have an uncanny talent for wrapping thier tounge around a bud and pulling it right off the plant. I'll bet they take a nice nap after eating that. Beware.