Guess i'm sleepin in the tent till harvest...

I always wondered, when people plant thorny things under windows to deter burglars, what is they're escape plan in case of fire.

Now that would suck jump out the window and land on thorns... :o
You need a pair of geese. No joke. They used to guard the temple of Apollo for a reason.

They are some of the meanest watch animals out there, yet will be friendly to your family if you raise them well. Stop laughing till you get bit by one :) plus free nitrogen for your yard.
My aunt had geese and they were some mean fuckers. They'd chase your ass right off her property. There were only 3 of them but they were great at guarding. I'd much rather face dogs than geese for sure.
another friend of mine who grows hangs bear traps around his garden on the fence...hes never had to chase someone out at night...
im poppin the tent today! got some shooting practice from opening day of dove season! got the 12 gauge and 40 cal all loaded and ready! NOTHING BEATS A PISSED OFF PUERTO RICAN PORTUGUESE WITH GUNS!!!!!!

I mean look at my grow guard dog. they will hop that fence one time,one time only with a feirce animal like this. LOL...On the real though, if one out sider knows then more will be enevitable, cops hear about shit like that. Just saying, if you can catch however it is in action and put the fear of god in em, that would be better than nothing:peace:

too bad they dont have paint balls with semi premanent ink
you might get to see who it was
Keep in mind that one dude has probably told everyone he knows by now and they have told everyone they know. Get lot's of paint balls and the tent, it's gonna be a long harvest. Oh and Geese are fucking crazy HONK, HONK, PINCH, PINCH, unrelenting.
I went through this same BS last year. One this you can do if you dont want to sleep in the tent everynight is just set the tent up in your yard in the wide open, then run a extention cord out and have a small radio on and perhaps a dim light.. thats what i have setup right now and it seems to be working so far...I know if i hoped someones fence and saw a tent and heard a radio i would fuck off
A 2x4 w/ a 3/4 inch hole drilled threw it, a mouse trap and a blank shotgun shell. I had some friends from maine do this. Set up really thin fishing line around the perimiter with a few of these so when they trip BANG. It would scare the fuck out of anyone. The mouse trap is the the firing pin, you do have to atach something to the trap so it hits the firing pin.:bigjoint:
punji sticks , 1 or more 1/6 planks with pole nails drove thru ( RIBBED FOR THEIR DISCOMFORT ) not only will ya get their attention, but ya can but their ass with your frozen paint balls as they limp away. quick and eazy
try buying some fake video cameras for ten dollars online with a red blinking light, or maybe put up a few motion sensor spotlights, one pointing at the entry and one pointing into a window to wake you up?
Originally Posted by voltaire64
Try leaving a couple of stiff metal rakes lying around in the dark, he's bound to step on one during his nightly visits and get a rake in the face.

lol it would be like sidewhoe bob

but if i were u i'd go with the shotgun shell idea, or a big hole at the entrance
thats great your naighbors yelled and the guy stopped I know with friends that crop hunt they just say fuck you im takin them if you dont like it call the cops.

what I use if there in pots is mouse traps with a razor blade attached to the end just a quicky tap weld done I dont knwo where you are and how good your "crochunter skills" are but catcha rattler and put a nail threw its tail and tie that near your plants scares the fuck out of people I nice thing to do is putt some nasty shit that they can fall onto on the other side so if dude comes back at night old bed springs with sharp edges work nice.
Well, alot of what I have read on here would be considered torts. Electric fences are very expensive (I've installed them), and pitbulls are actually nice breeds with a very bad wrap. If you want a protective dog, get a Queensland Heeler or Austrailian Shepard. Paintballs are an okay idea, but I wouldn't put this much time and effort into a pot plant. What you can do is invest in motion activated lights, and "hunters cameras." Hunters cameras are camo cameras that you nail to trees (or other objects) and when game walks by it takes a picture, they work in day and night.

If torts were not a factor here... I would install barbed wire around the top of the fence, electric wire 4' off the ground, a moat with sharp sticks, .55cal sentry guns(j/k), and a small army of robot badgers with lazers taped to their ears. Have fun sleeping in a tent for pot!