Gun control is coming

Me too! But I have my limits and reached it early on with his idiocy. I broke my ignore “cherry” on Rob lol.
If packages could talk

So you have a problem with that why? You don't seem to be concerned about crime, unless it directly effects you. You're much too concerned about how evil the police are to ever call them to assist you, aren't you?

Police take an oath to enforce all laws. Police use guns or the threat of using guns to enforce all laws.

Not all laws are just. Police use guns to enforce injustice.

That's why.

ugh im so tired of seeing these people they lived in my neighborhood for a bit before i moved, they had trucksplastered with his face and billboards during election time

He lost lol

the whole story was inaccurate no protesters bombarded them, that neighborhood has these little gates where you can open them to walk through but most of them are broken and not well maintained, the majority are opened yearround

trhe only reason they are "gated" is because that neighboorhood Central West End doesnt wantthe flow of the highway traffic and large roads by the hospital speeding through their residential areas, they also have these large round balls kinda like targets infront of the roads that dont have the gates

all that aside it makes going places in that area horrific because you cant use your local streets to go anywhere you gotta hop on the main roads and everything takes like 20x longer.
it was quicker for me to walk to the grocery store than drive because of all the gates and balls lol
ugh im so tired of seeing these people they lived in my neighborhood for a bit before i moved, they had trucksplastered with his face and billboards during election time

He lost lol

the whole story was inaccurate no protesters bombarded them, that neighborhood has these little gates where you can open them to walk through but most of them are broken and not well maintained, the majority are opened yearround

trhe only reason they are "gated" is because that neighboorhood Central West End doesnt wantthe flow of the highway traffic and large roads by the hospital speeding through their residential areas, they also have these large round balls kinda like targets infront of the roads that dont have the gates

all that aside it makes going places in that area horrific because you cant use your local streets to go anywhere you gotta hop on the main roads and everything takes like 20x longer.
it was quicker for me to walk to the grocery store than drive because of all the gates and balls lol
is that shit legal? city streets are city streets, not neighborhood property. they have to get that stuff passed through at least the city council, you would think? If they haven't, seems like a good opportunity to take it to court, get some kind of ruling?
i know if i just decided to install my own speed bump in front of my house, the city would be knocking on my door with a shovel shortly afterwards.
is that shit legal? city streets are city streets, not neighborhood property. they have to get that stuff passed through at least the city council, you would think? If they haven't, seems like a good opportunity to take it to court, get some kind of ruling?
i know if i just decided to install my own speed bump in front of my house, the city would be knocking on my door with a shovel shortly afterwards.
STL has neighborhoods in it that are unique to each neighborhood, but each one has something specific about it the neighborhood alderamans and politics have put these up i think the gates were specific to the early 1900's which is why they are so broken and not well kept

Central West End is notoriously known for the road blocking and the gates, i think because the majority of the homes in CWE are historical homes that are apart of some weird registry


As an example this is hortnese place, on either side of those colums is a walkway , they usually have a gate you open its not locked or anything just the front one is locked

because outside that front where you cant see is a major road that is like 4-6 lanes depending where youre located on that strip and its fast traffic
through all the major hospitals for STL and univities and our forest park

Heres a pic of the balls they have

its super weird.
STL has neighborhoods in it that are unique to each neighborhood, but each one has something specific about it the neighborhood alderamans and politics have put these up i think the gates were specific to the early 1900's which is why they are so broken and not well kept

Central West End is notoriously known for the road blocking and the gates, i think because the majority of the homes in CWE are historical homes that are apart of some weird registry

View attachment 5244481

As an example this is hortnese place, on either side of those colums is a walkway , they usually have a gate you open its not locked or anything just the front one is locked

because outside that front where you cant see is a major road that is like 4-6 lanes depending where youre located on that strip and its fast traffic
through all the major hospitals for STL and univities and our forest park

Heres a pic of the balls they have
View attachment 5244482

its super weird.
that looks like a one way street. it seems like a lot of effort to block a one way street when a large speed bump and a sign would do just as good a job, but rich people like to piss money down the reassures them that they are rich.
someone should suggest to the local "locally hated" club that those cement balls would make AWESOME balls for diesel far do you think you could get one to roll down the street before it crushed a prius?
that looks like a one way street. it seems like a lot of effort to block a one way street when a large speed bump and a sign would do just as good a job, but rich people like to piss money down the reassures them that they are rich.
someone should suggest to the local "locally hated" club that those cement balls would make AWESOME balls for diesel far do you think you could get one to roll down the street before it crushed a prius?
its a two way street i lived near it they just dont want people going up one way except residents so they block them off near ther main hub roads, its really weird the other ones look like planters and while some residents plant flowers mostly people throw trash in them its great
STL has neighborhoods in it that are unique to each neighborhood, but each one has something specific about it the neighborhood alderamans and politics have put these up i think the gates were specific to the early 1900's which is why they are so broken and not well kept

Central West End is notoriously known for the road blocking and the gates, i think because the majority of the homes in CWE are historical homes that are apart of some weird registry

View attachment 5244481

As an example this is hortnese place, on either side of those colums is a walkway , they usually have a gate you open its not locked or anything just the front one is locked

because outside that front where you cant see is a major road that is like 4-6 lanes depending where youre located on that strip and its fast traffic
through all the major hospitals for STL and univities and our forest park

Heres a pic of the balls they have
View attachment 5244482

its super weird.
That would drive me crazy. Can you roll those balls, :lol:?
I’m moving this here because of Honey BoeBoe suggesting that legislators adapt to the removal of Capitol metal detectors by carrying guns themselves.

what is this idiot doing??? There is a reason for metal detectors you dummy

has it not been proven that concealed carry reduces safety?

for a romp thru cherry-picked premises, anecdote and other logic fails, the Net has things like this. I’m surprised “NRA approved” isn’t prominent. (They claim to refuse donayfrom NRA. Wanna bet they take donations from a laundry layer?)

What really sticks out is that whether ADW has increased or decreased is not touched.

The facts are known. The facts aren't in question, by anyone with one thin shred of credibility. The only thing in question is how long the sane members of this society will permit the corrupt gun industry and their bought and paid for political hacks to continue to kill our children?
That's it. That's the one question left to answer. we KNOW what works. we don't do what WORKS because it would cost some rich people a lot of money...i know i'm about motherfucking sick to death of doing that. i know i'm far from alone....tick tick tick gun industry...
The facts are known. The facts aren't in question, by anyone with one thin shred of credibility. The only thing in question is how long the sane members of this society will permit the corrupt gun industry and their bought and paid for political hacks to continue to kill our children?
That's it. That's the one question left to answer. we KNOW what works. we don't do what WORKS because it would cost some rich people a lot of money...i know i'm about motherfucking sick to death of doing that. i know i'm far from alone....tick tick tick gun industry...
The gun industry isn't the one shooting people.